John Kelly had bone spurs in his feet and begged his doctor to lie so he could join the USMC....

James Stockdale. Ran as Ross Perot's VP. Many people laughed at him and made fun of him. Medal of Honor recipient. He was one of the three main officers who ran Hanoi Hilton. When he found out they were going to film him in a propaganda film, he picked up rocks and cut his face so they could not use him for propaganda.

James Stockdale. Ran as Ross Perot's VP. Many people laughed at him and made fun of him. Medal of Honor recipient. He was one of the three main officers who ran Hanoi Hilton. When he found out they were going to film him in a propaganda film, he picked up rocks and cut his face so they could not use him for propaganda.

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Not likely, Trump wins the popular & electoral vote. Either way, Libs will still be POS forever!
Not one of them (liberals). BTW, Never Trumpers aren't liberals. Liberals always vote Democrat. Never Trumpers are independents and Republicans.
So, you're saying Kelly is a liar and started his career based on a lie???
Yeah. I'm saying that I could see Christians adopting idolatry in politics and giving up their values. They've always found their idols.

I would've never believed the "pro military" party would've spit on military leaders and would have been okay with criticizing their military service. In many cases been okay with criticizing exemplary military service.

The ends justify the means. You don't GAS how you get there. But again, you won't get there.
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Yeah. I'm saying that I could see Christians adopting idolatry in politics and giving up their values. They've always found their idols.

I would've never believed the "pro military" party would've spat on military leaders and been okay with criticizing their military service. In many cases been okay with criticizing exemplary military service.

The ends justify the means. You don't GAS how you get there. But again, you won't get there.
I'm not criticizing his service at all. Just pointing out he was obviously untruthful when he wanted to join the military so he may not be the guy in the room to believe when he levels accusations that nobody else will verify.
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Not one of them (liberals). BTW, Never Trumpers aren't liberals. Liberals always vote Democrat. Never Trumpers are independents and Republicans.
You then must be a liberal independent. Independent=no conviction stand for nothing. Liberal = singing the praises and voting for a communist.

You have stated you don’t care about policies = independent. Willing to vote for and put a super liberal communist in the White House = communist
I'm not criticizing his service at all. Just pointing out he was obviously untruthful when he wanted to join the military so he may not be the guy in the room to believe when he levels accusations that nobody else will verify.
Yeah. Uh-huh.