(This is another "long" one (sorry) I tried to keep it short, but couldn't. I encourage anybody to read it, in
full before responding. How this story has continued to develop has disturbed, but unfortunately, not surprised me)
So, we get to ignore federal law if (iyo) they're being "respectful" &
non-partisan...in a
political ad. That's your argument. That fails basic logic.
But, what is the effective difference between "official capacity" and "invited by multiple Gold Star families"? At the end of the day, the photo rules about specific areas and whatever else are effectually irrelevant, even if there are "legal" issues. So, let's forget the legal questions. There is room for debate there, as I've addressed more than once (i.e. what exactly is "political activity"?)
1. You renewed this discussion earlier this week saying that this is another example and clear confirmation that Trump doesn't "respect" the "war dead".
2. You then made a clear point that use of footage from the ceremony (specifically Section 60) in a 'campaign video' was evidence of that.
3. I provided evidence of Biden literally doing the same thing & you made distinctions with no difference.
4. Either using photos of the Section 60 is "wrong" or it's not. It's either "disrespectful" or it's not. Is this about "respecting the dead" or is it about scoring "political points"? (Repeating myself: I have an issue w/ ANY use of photos from there...Section 60 or not)
Had you agreed that Biden's campaign video was conceptually just as disrespectful, I think our discussion here would be done. I've been very clear that I don't like ANY of it used politically. But, since it's common...I don't get worked up about it. I'm used to my service & my friends that have died being used as political props. It comes with the territory.
My issue is the obvious hypocrisy of the coverage & the logic used to attack/defend both. It was "political" for Biden and Harris not to be there. We all know why they didn’t show up: Because if they were there, they would be getting an earful from Gold Star families and that might result in some bad political optics.
Evidence: They reached out to other Gold Star families both before & after Abbey Gate. It's clear why this is radioactive for them...Politics (duh).
Eight different Gold Star families have now released a response to Harris politicizing their children's deaths with her statement. Eight families (people Kamala Harris had ignored until she could use their grief to dunk on Trump) are taking Kamala to task for being shamelessly partisan.
Is that "disrespecting the dead"? She's literally never reached out to them. Ever. Now she wields their loss and their grief for political points against Trump. The audacity is unbelievable, if not unsurprising.
According to the
NY Times: "Donald Trump isn’t the first candidate to have politicized Arlington National Cemetery." Even though the story does not acknowledge the videos put out by the Gold Star families, it's clear this is "clean up" from Harris's (or an intern's) tweet...because they're losing the narrative on this "controversy": Trump was supporting the families of those ignored by Biden/Harris.
So, again: The dead are being wielded for political purposes. The NY Times story can't say why what Trump did is "bad" without admitting that "normal" political behavior is bad:
1. The families requested the pictures and videos
2. This entire "controversy" highlights the bankrupt absurdity of our politics
The NY Times story cannot admit that Trump did a normal thing (support grieving families after being invited) because they don't want to legitimize his behavior, which is in stark contrast to his opponent(s)...who just happen to have direct 'Command Responsibility' of the entire mission that lead to the deaths (Biden was CINC, Harris was the "last in the room" when the decision was made).
Running from the consequences of the decision is cowardice, imo. Comforting or minimally reaching out the family of the dead is the
least they could do (
and any similar situation where Trump or literally any other politician has acted similarly is just as cowardly and just as big a failure of leadership).
You said that Trump broke the law because he used a photo from Section 60 in a political ad. The picture of Biden is from the WH archive, that noted the person being buried...which you can search and clearly see he is in section 60. I'm not finding that again...but, you can believe me or not.
Again, the "law" is clear, if interpreted that a political ad is "political behavior". I'd argue that the law is meant to keep political rallies or other disrespectful activities from happening on the grounds. I also think it's a really poorly-written "law", fwiw.
The law you referenced made no note of exceptions. Are there? Did Trump's team think (inaccurately?) he had an exception, since he was allowed both a photographer & videographer? The official direction added his people to "the pool". Weird.
Please correct me: But, haven't most of those comments been directed towards the "interaction" between the woman & campaign staffers? That's a different issue, imo. Everything else I've read (officially) has been references to the general rules. I'm open to clarification.
I think your memory is faulty
I have faulted Trump many times, calling many actions "stupid". Even when 'defending' him against many of the legal actions against him...I've said things like "That was a dumb thing to do". I've said (here & in DMs to people like
@celticdawg) that I wish he'd go away...that he's a chaotic force that is not healthy for the republic.
Specifically, in
this very thread I've referred to his comments as "asinine & flippant". Additionally, I've also
defended Biden in this thread re: the watch "controversy". I have defended the Biden admin re: several military issues that I thought were not being argued here fairly. I try & take each issue independently. If the weight of illogical/inaccurate attacks weighs more heavily on one "side" vs. the "other"...I cannot be held responsible
To be clear: Trump is his own worst enemy. He wastes clear "wins" w/ his inability to simply not say the wrong thing. I wish he'd ignore his ego.
Beyond the "politics": I try & stay away from 'attacking' the politician & focus on the argument (one big caveat: the Biden $ w/ Hunter...but, I've tried to keep that within that specific discussion)
Regardless, I think you're clearly giving Biden the benefit of the doubt for the exact same 'crime' which you accuse Trump of.
This entire scenario could be one of confusion & miscommunication or misunderstanding. Stay with me:
1. Trump's team is told they can have a photographer & videographer (not a normal thing, I think)
2. Section 60 restrictions are briefed. Were they understood? Were they properly communicated? Did Trump have sufficient leadership at levels to be able to manage the restrictions?
If ANC did everything
right and Trump's team screwed up...that's bad on him. How many people were even aware of Section 60 and it's restrictions before this incident, other than those of us who have attended funerals there? Were the Gold Star families aware?
I have buried friends in that section and do not remember being told anything. But, that's on me...maybe I was too caught up in the emotion. Not an excuse. I took pictures...I guess I was wrong.
Was the 'woman' who tried to stop the sanctioned 'Trump Media' aware they had permission (at least in part) to film? If ANY POLITICAL ACTIVITY is not allowed, what did ANC expect to result from Trump's media that they themselves allowed? He's a literal POTUS candidate...what were they going to do with the footage?
This entire scenario reeks of competing stories.
But (to get back to your original point in this thread) is that "EVIDENCE OF TRUMP DISRESPECTING THE MILITARY"? I don't think so.
@Zonadog 's post above, Trump has the backing of the very Gold Star families he was there to support....and isn't that what the entire ceremony was about? The thing that pisses me off is the media contacting the families of the heroes whose graves happened to be pictured.
None were aware until media contacted them. What the hell are they doing? THEY are being used for political purposes...just to potentially get a "get Trump!" quote. Sickening.
Beyond that, and to bring it back to the subject-at-hand...it takes a special level of sociopathy for Kamala Harris to get on her high horse and wag her finger about respecting Arlington National Cemetery when the people she’s lecturing were there because *she* got people killed. Moral vapidity perfectly illustrated.
Absolutely...but, I'm not sure we're seeing the same one. It is exhausting.
I'm aware, but that's not how this has been treated, which has been my point I've been hammering home. See above.
So, a Gold Star family requests a 'smiling, thumbs up'-type photo w/ you (as indicated by their own universal smiles) and it's "lack of decency". Noted.
At least he returns their calls & accepts their invitations (as opposed to ignoring & not even responding, while on vacation and/or having literally nothing on the schedule). Decency? Ok.
Yep. Everything about this is "predictable".