Lawfare at it's best

You think anyone believes him if she comes forward. Right after the grab her in the blank comment.
so, we're back to: yeah, he did it, but he shouldn't have gotten in trouble for it.

wait until sentencing.

I am on record suggesting he will never spend a day in jail, but he didn't exactly comport himself during this trial in a way that recommends leniency.
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so, we're back to: yeah, he did it, but he shouldn't have gotten in trouble for it.

wait until sentencing.

I am on record suggesting he will never spend a day in jail, but he didn't exactly comport himself during this trial in a way that recommends leniency.

Bob Menendez, a powerful Democratic senator (who was the chair of the Foreign Relations Committee) is currently on trial for corruption after being indicted by Biden's DOJ.

Biden's DOJ recently indicted Dem Congressman Henry Cuellar for taking nearly $600,000 in bribes.

Dem Congresswoman Cori Bush is currently under investigation by Biden’s DOJ for mishandling campaign funds.

There’s no “witch hunt,” “political persecution”, or “two-tiered system of justice.” The orange guy is just a crook, and you know it. No one is above the law!

so, we're back to: yeah, he did it, but he shouldn't have gotten in trouble for it.

wait until sentencing.

I am on record suggesting he will never spend a day in jail, but he didn't exactly comport himself during this trial in a way that recommends leniency.
You could go back to several presidents and say the same going thru their history. All of them did drugs. Should we go back and try them for breaking the law prior to being president. It doesn’t happen. It has never happened. That narrative does work nice. Is he somewhat above the law. Yes. The president is once he is president. At least he should be on some level. Unless there is out of there is a victim. Yes. You think those gold star families want to get a hold of Biden. One of those dad’s would kill him if he could. Literally.
I'm most sad today because politically motivated lawfare has fully entrenched itself in the last free nation on earth. This is the type of stuff that happens in Russia or Nigeria. Even if Trump's appeal results in an overturn it or he gets even more popular as a result, I'm the most sad this even happened. 2 tiered justice system

Just so happened the DOJ & biased prosecutors throw every charge & the kitchen sink at Trump this spring to see what would stick. Ignore the fact it's an election year & ignore the fact the weakest presidential candidate possible is his opponent.
Bob Menendez, a powerful Democratic senator (who was the chair of the Foreign Relations Committee) is currently on trial for corruption after being indicted by Biden's DOJ.

Biden's DOJ recently indicted Dem Congressman Henry Cuellar for taking nearly $600,000 in bribes.

Dem Congresswoman Cori Bush is currently under investigation by Biden’s DOJ for mishandling campaign funds.

There’s no “witch hunt,” “political persecution”, or “two-tiered system of justice.” The orange guy is just a crook, and you know it. No one is above the law!

That's not fair!!!.
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Is he somewhat above the law. Yes. The president is once he is president.
He is no longer president, a, and, b, he got there in part by covering up this payment to Daniels AS YOU SAID ABOVE > "You think anyone believes him if she comes forward. Right after the grab her in the blank comment."

How did y'all put it? FAFO? Play stupid games?


I hope it all works out the way you want it to, Zinger, for the good of the country. What do you think Bragg should request at sentencing? What would you do if you were in Merchan's place?
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He is no longer president, a, and, b, he got there in part by covering up this payment to Daniels AS YOU SAID ABOVE > "You think anyone believes him if she comes forward. Right after the grab her in the blank comment."

How did y'all put it? FAFO? Play stupid games?


I hope it all works out the way you want it to, Zinger, for the good of the country. What do you think Bragg should request at sentencing? What would you do if you were in Merchan's place?
Remember when we were told he'd never get the nomination again and we all had TDS?
Bob Menendez, a powerful Democratic senator (who was the chair of the Foreign Relations Committee) is currently on trial for corruption after being indicted by Biden's DOJ.

Biden's DOJ recently indicted Dem Congressman Henry Cuellar for taking nearly $600,000 in bribes.

Dem Congresswoman Cori Bush is currently under investigation by Biden’s DOJ for mishandling campaign funds.

There’s no “witch hunt,” “political persecution”, or “two-tiered system of justice.” The orange guy is just a crook, and you know it. No one is above the law!

Let's see. Trump impeachment trial for storing classify material at his residence when he actually was president & had authority to declassify documents. Meanwhile Biden who didn't have such authority as VP & Senator when he took the files is not prosecuted because he's too old & mentally unfit to stand trial.

DOJ authorizes use of deadly force in Mar a Lago raid.

Biden brags about getting prosecutor fired for investigating his son's & Barsima's business dealings. Trump finds out about this inquiry and asks Ukraine to investigate. Trump hit with impeachment. Biden hit with nothing.

Rioters breached exterior security at the White House forcing Trump into a bunker and set fire to the historic church across the street. Many security & police injured. Politicians & talking heads laughed at Trump for retreating to a bunker like a coward

There are still J6ers locked up in solitary who have not been tried. Meanwhile summer of Love rioters have their bail paid for & are egged on by Dem politicians. Many committed violent crimes like arson, vandalism, attacking police, and even murder.

Summer of Love riots result in police stations being burned down & capital zones being taken over forceably. CHAZ/CHOP autonomous zones where people are attacked, some people are murders, major vandalism, and people are prevented from their own homes. Any major arrests result from these events?

Rioters break into private residence property & the two homeowners are arrested for brandishing weapons to stand their ground
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He is no longer president, a, and, b, he got there in part by covering up this payment to Daniels AS YOU SAID ABOVE > "You think anyone believes him if she comes forward. Right after the grab her in the blank comment."

How did y'all put it? FAFO? Play stupid games?


I hope it all works out the way you want it to, Zinger, for the good of the country. What do you think Bragg should request at sentencing? What would you do if you were in Merchan's place?
Once he is president things change is all I am saying. Trump was president. Same with any of the past presidents. Just the way I believe. If the pubs do the same thing, I will say the same. Again, unless there is a victim to the crime.

Your other question worries me nice. Seriously worries me. Can you imagine the reaction if they sentence him to time going beyond the election? I don’t know how fast the appeals process can work here. Or give him any prison time at all. All I can say is good luck with that. The country will get more than it bargained for.
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Can you imagine the reaction if they sentence him to time going beyond the election? I don’t know how fast the appeals process can work here. Or give him any prison time at all. All I can say is good luck with that. The country will get more than it bargained for.
yeah, I assumed he would get no time / suspended sentence, but people who are better placed and more knowledgeable than me seem to think it's not out of the question that he will see actual jail time.

to be clear: I took the bet.
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Any lawyer who participates in political prosecution sucks as a lawyer, as an American and as a human. Any person who thinks political prosecutions are okay sucks too.

It's not a tragedy.

Not even close.

So, clear me up here: you don't believe he had sex with her. So what was he covering up?
What in the hell does this even have to do with the trial.
Once he is president things change is all I am saying. Trump was president. Same with any of the past presidents. Just the way I believe. If the pubs do the same thing, I will say the same. Again, unless there is a victim to the crime.

Your other question worries me nice. Seriously worries me. Can you imagine the reaction if they sentence him to time going beyond the election? I don’t know how fast the appeals process can work here. Or give him any prison time at all. All I can say is good luck with that. The country will get more than it bargained for.
If they give him prison time this country will be in shambles.
Summer of love ring a bell. Only one side is awful. Right brother.
I don't think you understand the difference between the Boston Tea Party and the March to Birmingham. And I'm not talking about whether they were right or wrong in what happened, but the reasons for them and their aims.
I don't think you understand the difference between the Boston Tea Party and the March to Birmingham. And I'm not talking about whether they were right or wrong in what happened, but the reasons for them and their aims.
What on earth are you comparing the march to Birmingham to?
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so, we're back to: yeah, he did it, but he shouldn't have gotten in trouble for it.

wait until sentencing.

I am on record suggesting he will never spend a day in jail, but he didn't exactly comport himself during this trial in a way that recommends leniency.

did you take notes or comprehend?
you are one who aims to detonate our world.
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What on earth are you comparing the march to Birmingham to?
You comparing Jan. 6th to Summer of Love or whatever you wanna call it, is like comparing the Boston Tea Party to the March to Birmingham. Those are two different events. The reasons they came about are different. Their motives and what they were hoping to accomplish were very different things. This happens with you guys all the time. See an apple and pull out an orange.
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He is no longer president, a, and, b, he got there in part by covering up this payment to Daniels AS YOU SAID ABOVE > "You think anyone believes him if she comes forward. Right after the grab her in the blank comment."

How did y'all put it? FAFO? Play stupid games?


I hope it all works out the way you want it to, Zinger, for the good of the country. What do you think Bragg should request at sentencing? What would you do if you were in Merchan's place?
Just a question

You honestly believe that him covering up this payment helped him become president?
I'm most sad today because politically motivated lawfare has fully entrenched itself in the last free nation on earth. This is the type of stuff that happens in Russia or Nigeria. Even if Trump's appeal results in an overturn it or he gets even more popular as a result, I'm the most sad this even happened. 2 tiered justice system

Just so happened the DOJ & biased prosecutors throw every charge & the kitchen sink at Trump this spring to see what would stick. Ignore the fact it's an election year & ignore the fact the weakest presidential candidate possible is his opponent.
Trump still going to be president in 2025. Libs can hate.

He’ll get rid of these damned illegals and teach kids to be proud of the USA. That’s enough to get my vote.
Just a question

You honestly believe that him covering up this payment helped him become president?
Missing the point. It wouldn't matter if it did, if his reasoning for doing it was to keep Melania from knowing. But it's pretty obvious in his conversations that it was to keep the voting public from knowing. So it's not a matter if it would have changed the election, it's did he do this to try to do that and hide the fact he had paid her?
Missing the point. It wouldn't matter if it did, if his reasoning for doing it was to keep Melania from knowing. But it's pretty obvious in his conversations that it was to keep the voting public from knowing. So it's not a matter if it would have changed the election, it's did he do this to try to do that and hide the fact he had paid her?
The man said he got there in part for covering up this payment

That is why I asked
Trump still going to be president in 2025. Libs can hate.

He’ll get rid of these damned illegals and teach kids to be proud of the USA. That’s enough to get my vote.
Cool down foreign wars, bring pride back to America instead of being f-ing ashamed to be an American, revamp the economy, & secure out borders
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You sound like a typical liberal. As long as everything is going according to plan you Dems are great. But I think you’re going to see you people have gotten Trump elected as your next president.
You sound like a Proud Boy. When is the next meeting? What's the plan if Trump goes to jail?

If Trump is not elected, Jan 6th Part two? Where's the dark website? I won't tell anyone. Will just read for fun.
You comparing Jan. 6th to Summer of Love or whatever you wanna call it, is like comparing the Boston Tea Party to the March to Birmingham. Those are two different events. The reasons they came about are different. Their motives and what they were hoping to accomplish were very different things. This happens with you guys all the time. See an apple and pull out an orange.
When you have an elected President who is locked up in prison what in the hell do you think will happen. He will be nothing but a political prisoner locked up by Biden and his cronies!
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When you have an elected President who is locked up in prison what in the hell do you think will happen. He will be nothing but a political prisoner locked up by Biden and his cronies!
He's not an elected president anymore. He also hasn't been sent to prison. Biden didn't have anything to do with it. The dude that prosecuted him promised to do so if elected and was elected. We need to start dealing in facts and not what our poltical heroes or some fella on Twitter tell us to believe.
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Well let’s back off and take a look at our selves for a while. I think I am going to take a vacation from the chat for a while. I think it will be good for me.
it'a summertime - take a deep breath and unplug.

don't let the mainstream media continue to feed your dopamine response