Roe v. Wade gone and one person's take....

I don’t need to say much on this:
🤦‍♂️ Geezus Cussin Cryst lady.................
Typical response. The supposed pro-life crowd is really pro-birth and it ends there. If the pro-life camp truly cared about life then they would support programs to ensure that all fetuses, babies, and children have easy access to health care, affordable housing, food, and education. To claim they do is ignorant at best. I've taught in Title I schools and know first hand that education is not equitable. Wealthy areas have super nice schools with the best teachers, facilities, and computers. Poor areas are lucky to have functioning air conditioning.

Be real. You could care less about the life of many of the poor children that will be born. You pat yourself on the back about saving lives, but ignore the pain, suffering, neglect, and abuse many of these children will suffer. Starvation, homelessness, poverty just to name a few. I guarantee you do not support many of the social programs that attempt to address this problem. So, when you're done patting yourself on the back, open up that wallet of yours to pay for all the services needed for the life that you are supposedly so concerned about protecting because the problems are not going away.

At least the children that are born have some kind of chance. How much of a chance does an aborted baby have? I’ll wait…
Typical response. The supposed pro-life crowd is really pro-birth and it ends there. If the pro-life camp truly cared about life then they would support programs to ensure that all fetuses, babies, and children have easy access to health care, affordable housing, food, and education. To claim they do is ignorant at best. I've taught in Title I schools and know first hand that education is not equitable. Wealthy areas have super nice schools with the best teachers, facilities, and computers. Poor areas are lucky to have functioning air conditioning.

Be real. You could care less about the life of many of the poor children that will be born. You pat yourself on the back about saving lives, but ignore the pain, suffering, neglect, and abuse many of these children will suffer. Starvation, homelessness, poverty just to name a few. I guarantee you do not support many of the social programs that attempt to address this problem. So, when you're done patting yourself on the back, open up that wallet of yours to pay for all the services needed for the life that you are supposedly so concerned about protecting because the problems are not going away.
Typical lefty response- expect the government to provide cradle to grave. It is not unreasonable to expect that a person not get pregnant, and if they do, the parents provide all the things you listed.

and as far as education not being equitable, the right KNOWS it is not equitable. That is why they have pushed for school vouchers. Let those parents with kids in poor schools send their kids to the wealthy schools with good teachers. But for some reason the left blocks that every step of the way. Maybe if they didn’t and the kids got a good education the cycle could be broken?
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My guess is if men were the ones that could get pregnant, there would be abortion clinics on every corner........
There's a procedure called a vasectomy that is rumored to help stop men from reproducing. I've heard lots of men undergo this procedure willingly, but sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.
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Typical response. The supposed pro-life crowd is really pro-birth and it ends there. If the pro-life camp truly cared about life then they would support programs to ensure that all fetuses, babies, and children have easy access to health care, affordable housing, food, and education. To claim they do is ignorant at best. I've taught in Title I schools and know first hand that education is not equitable. Wealthy areas have super nice schools with the best teachers, facilities, and computers. Poor areas are lucky to have functioning air conditioning.

Be real. You could care less about the life of many of the poor children that will be born. You pat yourself on the back about saving lives, but ignore the pain, suffering, neglect, and abuse many of these children will suffer. Starvation, homelessness, poverty just to name a few. I guarantee you do not support many of the social programs that attempt to address this problem. So, when you're done patting yourself on the back, open up that wallet of yours to pay for all the services needed for the life that you are supposedly so concerned about protecting because the problems are not going away.


First, you have no idea who contributes what on here.

Second, everyone pays to prevent starvation, homelessness, and poverty. It's called taxes.

Third, its absurd to suggest that if I dont want babies killed, then it's my responsibility to pay for them.
Typical response. The supposed pro-life crowd is really pro-birth and it ends there. If the pro-life camp truly cared about life then they would support programs to ensure that all fetuses, babies, and children have easy access to health care, affordable housing, food, and education. To claim they do is ignorant at best. I've taught in Title I schools and know first hand that education is not equitable. Wealthy areas have super nice schools with the best teachers, facilities, and computers. Poor areas are lucky to have functioning air conditioning.

Be real. You could care less about the life of many of the poor children that will be born. You pat yourself on the back about saving lives, but ignore the pain, suffering, neglect, and abuse many of these children will suffer. Starvation, homelessness, poverty just to name a few. I guarantee you do not support many of the social programs that attempt to address this problem. So, when you're done patting yourself on the back, open up that wallet of yours to pay for all the services needed for the life that you are supposedly so concerned about protecting because the problems are not going away.

Always love how folks that won't argue a point try to tell me what I think and even assume they have a clue as to what I've actually done to try to help. Just so you know, I owned a business just off Moreland Ave in SE Atlanta for about a decade and made a lot of friends that lived and owned businesses in the area. I contributed time and money any time I was asked when these folks tried to take action to correct some of the issues, mostly education and crime, that affected their businesses and quality of life.

Also, my mom retired early from the state of GA education system and it had nothing to do with lack of funding. Hell, her issue with funding was how the admin tried to keep head counts up to increase funding even if a student or group of student were destroying the learning environment or being a literal threat to her or the students safety. Iows, when the parent of a student shows up and threatens violence because a teacher tried to discipline a child, the problem isn't funding.

So, let me say, I appreciate and understand what you see and do as a teacher. Yes, I realize the problems you see seem insurmountable and may actually be near impossible to correct in one or two generations. But I also know these kids aren't stupid and many are exceptionally bright but they are being conditioned and taught to fail. If you teach kid they can disrupt class with no consequences, they will disrupt class. If you teach kids sex is inconsequential, they will act as if sex is inconsequential. If you teach kids their offspring is the responsibility of people they do not know, they will expect strangers to pay their way and if you teach them that human life is not of great value, you will end up with kids that do not value their own life or anyone else's life.

While I understand the gravity of the situation and the monumental task correcting these issues would entail, I also believe we need to start somewhere and a great place to start would be for everyone these children come in contact with to enforce they and all other human life has value. These kids aren't born stupid and immoral but we have a system that proclaims to help that is merely teaching them to be immoral and stupid.

As far as funding, the latest numbers I can find shows the City of Atlanta spends roughly 15,000 per student per yr. My county spends about 9500 per yr per student. Care to guess which system produces the higher percentage of high school grads?
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Always love how folks that won't argue a point try to tell me what I think and even assume they have a clue as to what I've actually done to try to help. Just so you know, I owned a business just off Moreland Ave in SE Atlanta for about a decade and made a lot of friends that lived and owned businesses in the area. I contributed time and money any time I was asked when these folks tried to take action to correct some of the issues, mostly education and crime, that affected their businesses and quality of life.

Also, my mom retired early from the state of GA education system and it had nothing to do with lack of funding. Hell, her issue with funding was how the admin tried to keep head counts up to increase funding even if a student or group of student were destroying the learning environment or being a literal threat to her or the students safety. Iows, when the parent of a student shows up and threatens violence because a teacher tried to discipline a child, the problem isn't funding.

So, let me say, I appreciate and understand what you see and do as a teacher. Yes, I realize the problems you see seem insurmountable and may actually be near impossible to correct in one or two generations. But I also know these kids aren't stupid and many are exceptionally bright but they are being conditioned and taught to fail. If you teach kid they can disrupt class with no consequences, they will disrupt class. If you teach kids sex is inconsequential, they will act as if sex is inconsequential. If you teach kids their offspring is the responsibility of people they do not know, they will expect strangers to pay their way and if you teach them that human life is not of great value, you will end up with kids that do not value their own life or anyone else's life.

While I understand the gravity of the situation and the monumental task correcting these issues would entail, I also believe we need to start somewhere and a great place to start would be for everyone these children come in contact with to enforce they and all other human life has value. These kids aren't born stupid and immoral but we have a system that proclaims to help that is merely teaching them to be immoral and stupid.

As far as funding, the latest numbers I can find shows the City of Atlanta spends roughly 15,000 per student per yr. My county spends about 9500 per yr per student. Care to guess which system produces the higher percentage of high school grads?

On the idea of education in poor areas:

My wife has taught in some of the poorer counties in Georgia. Every one of them computers, excellent teachers, and functioning air conditioning.
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