the GOP, the family values party!

You know none of the actual truth of this story reflects poorly on him. Trump turned him in. Epstein and he became friends because he paid him 100000 a year to be a member of Maro largo. Why was this a big deal? Because trump was the only club owner who allowed Jews and African Americans to be members of his club in that area in Florida. He also sued other clubs for not doing so. Because that is what racists do.

You ever wonder why Oprah, Jesse, reverend al and Whoopi used to love him. Why Whoopi put him in one of her movies. Because of what I said above.

While the lefties who frequented the island ran. Most of his friends were lefties. Epstein donated to so many left politicians. Trump turned him in. Then agreed to testify without a subpoena. One of the only people who knew him that was willing to do so. Lazy bs people believe like sheep from the media.
You know none of the actual truth of this story reflects poorly on him. Trump turned him in. Epstein and he became friends because he paid him 100000 a year to be a member of Maro largo. Why was this a big deal? Because trump was the only club owner who allowed Jews and African Americans to be members of his club in that area in Florida. He also sued other clubs for not doing so. Because that is what racists do.

You ever wonder why Oprah, Jesse, reverend al and Whoopi used to love him. Why Whoopi put him in one of her movies. Because of what I said above.

While the lefties who frequented the island ran. Most of his friends were lefties. Epstein donated to so many left politicians. Trump turned him in. Then agreed to testify without a subpoena. One of the only people who knew him that was willing to do so. Lazy bs people believe like sheep from the media.
Settle down. Y'all can't honestly play your boy up as a sex trafficking crusader and not expect me to have at least a little fun, right?

Y'all need to log off from time to time.
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You mischaracterize the law in MN. The law protects a parent’s right to seek care based upon medical recommendations for their minor child. The law prevents the application of another state’s law that would seek to remove a child from the custody of parents seeking gender affirming care. So it actually the opposite of what you suggest.

I don’t think so. Here is an article explaining exactly what it does. Even saying he has some explaining to do to democrats. It does allow children to be taken from parents if they are not allowing gender affirming care. Nice try. This give you a detailed explanation so you don misinterpret. Also written by a lefty rag.

Settle down. Y'all can't honestly play your boy up as a sex trafficking crusader and not expect me have at least a little fun, right?

Y'all need to log off from time to time.
I didn’t play anything. That was another poster. Don’t put it out there if you know it is completely untrue. There are documentaries out there that claim Trump was one of the reasons they were able to take Epstein down. Someone finally stepped forward without fear. You know how many lefties believe that lie.
I didn’t play anything. That was another poster. Don’t put it out there if you know it is completely untrue. There are documentaries out there that claim Trump was one of the reasons they were able to take Epstein down. Someone finally stepped forward without fear. You know how many lefties believe that lie.
Come on man, don't do this to me. I had such high hopes for you and I. We were doing so well.
I don’t think so. Here is an article explaining exactly what it does. Even saying he has some explaining to do to democrats. It does allow children to be taken from parents if they are not allowing gender affirming care. Nice try. This give you a detailed explanation so you don misinterpret. Also written by a lefty rag.

You might want to do your research before sharing an opinion piece.

The author is Kara Dansky, the US president of the anti-trans organization Women's Declaration International. She is a radical, trans-exclusionary feminist with a major agenda.

Here is a summary of what is and is not included in the bill.

Parental Rights and Protections​

  1. No Removal of Custody for Non-Consent: Contrary to some claims circulating in media and social platforms, the law does not permit the state to remove children from their parents solely based on parental refusal to consent to gender-affirming medical treatments. The legislation does not grant Minnesota courts the authority to take custody of a child simply because a parent disagrees with gender-affirming care decisions.
  2. Custody Considerations: The law allows Minnesota courts to consider a child's pursuit of gender-affirming care when making initial custody determinations in cases of parental disputes. This means that if parents are in conflict regarding their child's gender-affirming treatment, the court may take into account the child's needs and wishes in the context of custody arrangements.
  3. Temporary Emergency Jurisdiction: The legislation grants temporary emergency jurisdiction to Minnesota courts for custody cases involving children who arrive from states where gender-affirming care is prohibited. This provision is intended to protect the child while legal proceedings unfold in Minnesota, ensuring that they can access care without the threat of legal repercussions from their home state.
  4. Protection from Out-of-State Laws: The law aims to shield families from the legal repercussions of seeking gender-affirming care in Minnesota. It prevents law enforcement from acting on orders from other states that seek to penalize families for accessing such care, thereby reinforcing the rights of parents and children who travel to Minnesota for medical treatment.
  5. Focus on Child Welfare: The overarching intent of the legislation is to ensure that children who need gender-affirming care can receive it without fear of losing custody or facing legal challenges from non-affirming states. The law emphasizes the importance of mental health and well-being for transgender youth, acknowledging that timely access to care can significantly improve their quality of life.
You might want to do your research before sharing an opinion piece.

The author is Kara Dansky, the US president of the anti-trans organization Women's Declaration International. She is a radical, trans-exclusionary feminist with a major agenda.

Here is a summary of what is and is not included in the bill.

Parental Rights and Protections​

  1. No Removal of Custody for Non-Consent: Contrary to some claims circulating in media and social platforms, the law does not permit the state to remove children from their parents solely based on parental refusal to consent to gender-affirming medical treatments. The legislation does not grant Minnesota courts the authority to take custody of a child simply because a parent disagrees with gender-affirming care decisions.
  2. Custody Considerations: The law allows Minnesota courts to consider a child's pursuit of gender-affirming care when making initial custody determinations in cases of parental disputes. This means that if parents are in conflict regarding their child's gender-affirming treatment, the court may take into account the child's needs and wishes in the context of custody arrangements.
  3. Temporary Emergency Jurisdiction: The legislation grants temporary emergency jurisdiction to Minnesota courts for custody cases involving children who arrive from states where gender-affirming care is prohibited. This provision is intended to protect the child while legal proceedings unfold in Minnesota, ensuring that they can access care without the threat of legal repercussions from their home state.
  4. Protection from Out-of-State Laws: The law aims to shield families from the legal repercussions of seeking gender-affirming care in Minnesota. It prevents law enforcement from acting on orders from other states that seek to penalize families for accessing such care, thereby reinforcing the rights of parents and children who travel to Minnesota for medical treatment.
  5. Focus on Child Welfare: The overarching intent of the legislation is to ensure that children who need gender-affirming care can receive it without fear of losing custody or facing legal challenges from non-affirming states. The law emphasizes the importance of mental health and well-being for transgender youth, acknowledging that timely access to care can significantly improve their quality of life.
Did you read what you just posted? I don’t think this law is a very good rebuttal for you. They are spinning this too. How else do you read number 2? Number 2 means you can choose the parent who will make it easier for your to transition. Yep. Brilliant. Number 5, don’t worry if you are forcing/enabling(use what word you want) your child into gender affirming care we won’t take custody from you. These are terrible laws. Kids change their minds like the wind. Parents with strong beliefs on both sides of the isle force their kids to do things every day. This permanent change will not result in any custody issues. That is worse than the other interpretation.

You need to get your head out of the sand. And think about what in the hell you are supporting here. This is an awful law. Dear god will. Really? Ok. It was interpreted wrong supposedly by the media. Who gives a shit. It is just as bad or worse than I thought. You support this? These are children. They want to make this decision as an adult great. It is your life.
Come on man, don't do this to me. I had such high hopes for you and I. We were doing so well.
If the second response came off harsh it wasn’t how it was meant. It wasn’t my original thought you responded to. If I straight lie, call me out. If I miss something call me out, none of us are perfect. It happens. Happened in this thread. Will called me out. He is still incredibly misguided, but he was right and I was wrong for thinking a lefty rag would be straight in an explanation. If you post a lie that is believed by lefties everywhere, I am likely going to call it out as well. It isn’t personal.
Did you read what you just posted? I don’t think this law is a very good rebuttal for you. They are spinning this too. How else do you read number 2? Number 2 means you can choose the parent who will make it easier for your to transition. Yep. Brilliant. Number 5, don’t worry if you are forcing/enabling(use what word you want) your child into gender affirming care we won’t take custody from you. These are terrible laws. Kids change their minds like the wind. Parents with strong beliefs on both sides of the isle force their kids to do things every day. This permanent change will not result in any custody issues. That is worse than the other interpretation.

You need to get your head out of the sand. And think about what in the hell you are supporting here. This is an awful law. Dear god will. Really? Ok. It was interpreted wrong supposedly by the media. Who gives a shit. It is just as bad or worse than I thought. You support this?
Again, you are mischaracterizing the bill.

Yes, I agree that a minor should have a voice in the process in the scenario where there is disagreement between parents. They have a voice in every other part of the process.

Where do you find a scenario regarding a minor being "forced" into gender affirming care? That's not a thing.

The protection is from a DA in another state attempting to prevent care that is agreed upon by the minor, the parents and the doctors based on the laws of another state other than MN. That is defending parental and family rights.

Have you ever talked to a trans person about their journey? How about the parents of a trans person? Doctors who support the trans community? Have you researched the increase in suicides amongst the untreated trans community?

It's an extremely complicated issue and, like every other complicated health issue, every decision is a calculated risk versus outcomes without intervention. I respect the rights of parents to work with their minor children and doctors to make those decisions.
Again, you are mischaracterizing the bill.

Yes, I agree that a minor should have a voice in the process in the scenario where there is disagreement between parents. They have a voice in every other part of the process.

Where do you find a scenario regarding a minor being "forced" into gender affirming care? That's not a thing.

The protection is from a DA in another state attempting to prevent care that is agreed upon by the minor, the parents and the doctors based on the laws of another state other than MN. That is defending parental and family rights.

Have you ever talked to a trans person about their journey? How about the parents of a trans person? Doctors who support the trans community? Have you researched the increase in suicides amongst the untreated trans community?

It's an extremely complicated issue and, like every other complicated health issue, every decision is a calculated risk versus outcomes without intervention. I respect the rights of parents to work with their minor children and doctors to make those decisions.
They are making laws and making statements like there is ample data to support this. There is data on both sides and nothing is clear. What I do know and I think most people know is kids have no idea or clue as to what the future holds. Why would you allow them to make permanent decisions based of feelings and desires that change. Do you have kids? There thoughts, feelings and desires change constantly though the adolescent and teen years. We are a society that has caved to people’s feelings and raised them above truth. We are only seeing the start of what will be constant chaos in the years to come.
Feelings and desires have trumped facts and truth on these boards. People use slivers of truth to disparage and bring down the other side.
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Again, you are mischaracterizing the bill.

Yes, I agree that a minor should have a voice in the process in the scenario where there is disagreement between parents. They have a voice in every other part of the process.

Where do you find a scenario regarding a minor being "forced" into gender affirming care? That's not a thing.

The protection is from a DA in another state attempting to prevent care that is agreed upon by the minor, the parents and the doctors based on the laws of another state other than MN. That is defending parental and family rights.

Have you ever talked to a trans person about their journey? How about the parents of a trans person? Doctors who support the trans community? Have you researched the increase in suicides amongst the untreated trans community?

It's an extremely complicated issue and, like every other complicated health issue, every decision is a calculated risk versus outcomes without intervention. I respect the rights of parents to work with their minor children and doctors to make those decisions.
I do agree it is an extremely complicated issue. Without a doubt. And contrary to what you may think I believe, I feel for anyone struggling with who they are. Mental health issues are real.

You say you never see any forced transitioning. I leave you with Megan Fox. Now, you may choose to believe that she went 0-3 with her children. All three are transitioning. I tend to think the environment at home led those children think this is what mom and dad want. Look how much attention oldest son Johnny is getting for choosing to transition. Kids are forced into activities on the right side of the isle as well. Could be sports, religion etc. but this change is permanent.

This is just a ridiculous law when it comes to children. 18 or older. Do what you want.
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Please do. Y'all are just angry. All. The. Time. Turning down the temperature from time to time is a good thing.
Not angry, just stating facts. Sorry if it comes off that way. Not sure how posting fake news about someone regarding sex with children is funny but that is fine. There are a lot of things I don't get. I take child sex trafficking very serious. Probably not a good topic to joke about if that is what you were doing. He is the only president to take any actions to fight it. We live in a sick world and I will stand with those willing to do something about it.
Not angry, just stating facts. Sorry if it comes off that way. Not sure how posting fake news about someone regarding sex with children is funny but that is fine. There are a lot of things I don't get. I take child sex trafficking very serious. Probably not a good topic to joke about if that is what you were doing. He is the only president to take any actions to fight it. We live in a sick world and I will stand with those willing to do something about it.
It wasn't a joke about sex trafficking, it was a joke about Trump.

Republicans all over this board call me evil, disgusting, idiotic, conniving, manipulative, etc., but now we're going to speak in somber tones about what's ok and what's not? Please. That's an awful lot of pearl clutching from the same people that call everyone that doesn't agree with them snowflakes.
They are making laws and making statements like there is ample data to support this. There is data on both sides and nothing is clear. What I do know and I think most people know is kids have no idea or clue as to what the future holds. Why would you allow them to make permanent decisions based of feelings and desires that change. Do you have kids? There thoughts, feelings and desires change constantly though the adolescent and teen years. We are a society that has caved to people’s feelings and raised them above truth. We are only seeing the start of what will be constant chaos in the years to come.
Feelings and desires have trumped facts and truth on these boards. People use slivers of truth to disparage and bring down the other side.
I understand that the science behind transgender issues continues to develop. That's true regarding much of medicine and science. As I said, the process of exploring any of the permanent physical change options (hormone blockers and of course surgery) is a risk/reward analysis with zero guarantees that the path you are choosing is certain to be the correct one. But my understanding of the vast majority of the cases is that they involve minors with severe dysmorphia and depression issues. As a parent, I would want the option of exploring every possible path the resulted in a happier child and future adult.

I do agree it is an extremely complicated issue. Without a doubt. And contrary to what you may think I believe, I feel for anyone struggling with who they are. Mental health issues are real.

You say you never see any forced transitioning. I leave you with Megan Fox. Now, you may choose to believe that she went 0-3 with her children. All three are transitioning. I tend to think the environment at home led those children think this is what mom and dad want. Look how much attention oldest son Johnny is getting for choosing to transition. Kids are forced into activities on the right side of the isle as well. Could be sports, religion etc. but this change is permanent.

This is just a ridiculous law when it comes to children. 18 or older. Do what you want.
Of course, there are some horrible parents out there. Always have been and always will be. We can't legislate parents out of making bad decisions for their children. There is enough standing within the medical community that gender-care should be considered a legitimate, if very, very cautiously explored option under the right circumstances.

I think I shared this story before, so if so, apologies. I had cousins who were Christian Scientists. This choice directly contributed to the premature death of two of the three children in the family. The in-law, who was the driver of their rejection of western medicine in favor of a faith-based approach, was and remained a deeply disliked person within the extended family as, from our perspective, her choices killed people who otherwise didn't need to die. But their family made those choices and there was no legal remedy at the time to address the situation.

Gender care is far from the only opportunity for parents to damage their children, and at least in this case, there is some science and some studies to inform decision making, factors that are totally absent from Christian Science.

If we are a free country, and the choices have some scientific backing, we need to give families the ability to make their choices and live with the consequences.
I understand that the science behind transgender issues continues to develop. That's true regarding much of medicine and science. As I said, the process of exploring any of the permanent physical change options (hormone blockers and of course surgery) is a risk/reward analysis with zero guarantees that the path you are choosing is certain to be the correct one. But my understanding of the vast majority of the cases is that they involve minors with severe dysmorphia and depression issues. As a parent, I would want the option of exploring every possible path the resulted in a happier child and future adult.

Of course, there are some horrible parents out there. Always have been and always will be. We can't legislate parents out of making bad decisions for their children. There is enough standing within the medical community that gender-care should be considered a legitimate, if very, very cautiously explored option under the right circumstances.

I think I shared this story before, so if so, apologies. I had cousins who were Christian Scientists. This choice directly contributed to the premature death of two of the three children in the family. The in-law, who was the driver of their rejection of western medicine in favor of a faith-based approach, was and remained a deeply disliked person within the extended family as, from our perspective, her choices killed people who otherwise didn't need to die. But their family made those choices and there was no legal remedy at the time to address the situation.

Gender care is far from the only opportunity for parents to damage their children, and at least in this case, there is some science and some studies to inform decision making, factors that are totally absent from Christian Science.

If we are a free country, and the choices have some scientific backing, we need to give families the ability to make their choices and live with the consequences.
I just don’t agree. At all. The first few paragraphs I understand what you are getting at. Without a doubt it isn’t the only way to damage your children. But the kind of damage we are talking about is not reversible. He is giving sanctuary for things that are totally preventable. It isn’t the just the parent living with the decision it is the innocent child. And you guys think Vance is weird because he wants to protect kids. As a former abused kid. This is what is mind blowing, and how it is hilarious when maga members are called a cult. Pubs disagree all the time. Hell, it is your favorite site to visit. Pubs against Trump. You guys circle the wagons and champion any freaking wackado idea out there. Example. We now have a Supreme Court justice who claims not to know the difference between a man and a woman. Ten years ago she could answer that question
I just don’t agree. At all. The first few paragraphs I understand what you are getting at. Without a doubt it isn’t the only way to damage your children. But the kind of damage we are talking about is not reversible. He is giving sanctuary for things that are totally preventable. It isn’t the just the parent living with the decision it is the innocent child. And you guys think Vance is weird because he wants to protect kids. As a former abused kid. This is what is mind blowing, and how it is hilarious when maga members are called a cult. Pubs disagree all the time. Hell, it is your favorite site to visit. Pubs against Trump. You guys circle the wagons and champion any freaking wackado idea out there. Example. We now have a Supreme Court justice who claims not to know the difference between a man and a woman. Ten years ago she could answer that question
Your POV seems to be much more driven by emotions than science or scientific studies. That's fine, and great news is no one is going to force you or anyone you know into doing something you disagree with.

Question for you. How do you feel about parents putting their kids through conversion therapy programs? Is that a legitimate option for parents who want to turn their kids straight?
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I understand that the science behind transgender issues continues to develop. That's true regarding much of medicine and science. As I said, the process of exploring any of the permanent physical change options (hormone blockers and of course surgery) is a risk/reward analysis with zero guarantees that the path you are choosing is certain to be the correct one. But my understanding of the vast majority of the cases is that they involve minors with severe dysmorphia and depression issues. As a parent, I would want the option of exploring every possible path the resulted in a happier child and future adult.

Of course, there are some horrible parents out there. Always have been and always will be. We can't legislate parents out of making bad decisions for their children. There is enough standing within the medical community that gender-care should be considered a legitimate, if very, very cautiously explored option under the right circumstances.

I think I shared this story before, so if so, apologies. I had cousins who were Christian Scientists. This choice directly contributed to the premature death of two of the three children in the family. The in-law, who was the driver of their rejection of western medicine in favor of a faith-based approach, was and remained a deeply disliked person within the extended family as, from our perspective, her choices killed people who otherwise didn't need to die. But their family made those choices and there was no legal remedy at the time to address the situation.

Gender care is far from the only opportunity for parents to damage their children, and at least in this case, there is some science and some studies to inform decision making, factors that are totally absent from Christian Science.

If we are a free country, and the choices have some scientific backing, we need to give families the ability to make their choices and live with the consequences.
Your POV seems to be much more driven by emotions than science or scientific studies. That's fine, and great news is no one is going to force you or anyone you know into doing something you disagree with.

Question for you. How do you feel about parents putting their kids through conversion therapy programs? Is that a legitimate option for parents who want to turn their kids straight?
I think that is a wrong statement. The position of transgender care is all about emotion and feelings. If we were dealing any other area of hormone and surgery treatment/therapies dealing with any other medical problem there would be a more careful approach. This is a political hot button and the left has prioritized this issue. This is causing things to be overlooked and pushed through and it mirrors the Hunter Biden laptop stance. Dissenting views that go against this administration and the Democratic platform are being ignored and or suppressed at the expense of pushing an agenda. That is what I see and what I think is happening.
It is the same as Biden’s health. Will you said 20 minutes into the debate you knew. Most everything Biden did was protected and scripted and we still had numerous gaffes and signs of cognitive issues. They made so many changes throughout his presidency that were dramatic adjustments to how a normal president acted and lead. I think this is just as obvious to see but it requires the ability to want to see all sides of the issue.
It wasn't a joke about sex trafficking, it was a joke about Trump.

Republicans all over this board call me evil, disgusting, idiotic, conniving, manipulative, etc., but now we're going to speak in somber tones about what's ok and what's not? Please. That's an awful lot of pearl clutching from the same people that call everyone that doesn't agree with them snowflakes.

And they do it on this very Chat to everyone who don't agree with them. All. The. Time.

Not talking about the media, I'm speaking to my very own Dawg "fans". All. The. Time on this chat.
It wasn't a joke about sex trafficking, it was a joke about Trump.

Republicans all over this board call me evil, disgusting, idiotic, conniving, manipulative, etc., but now we're going to speak in somber tones about what's ok and what's not? Please. That's an awful lot of pearl clutching from the same people that call everyone that doesn't agree with them snowflakes.
First, I don't believe I have called you anything. Second, a joke about Trump yes but it was about him being a pedo. There are too many idiots out there that believe that he is. It is not funny. The numbers of American kids getting trafficked and what grown men do them is horrific. Falsely accusing someone of doing it is just wrong and perpetuates the lie. There are plenty of true things you can use to make fun of Trump. It isn't hard.
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I think that is a wrong statement. The position of transgender care is all about emotion and feelings. If we were dealing any other area of hormone and surgery treatment/therapies dealing with any other medical problem there would be a more careful approach. This is a political hot button and the left has prioritized this issue. This is causing things to be overlooked and pushed through and it mirrors the Hunter Biden laptop stance. Dissenting views that go against this administration and the Democratic platform are being ignored and or suppressed at the expense of pushing an agenda. That is what I see and what I think is happening.
It is the same as Biden’s health. Will you said 20 minutes into the debate you knew. Most everything Biden did was protected and scripted and we still had numerous gaffes and signs of cognitive issues. They made so many changes throughout his presidency that were dramatic adjustments to how a normal president acted and lead. I think this is just as obvious to see but it requires the ability to want to see all sides of the issue.
I think it is the right that has politicized the issue, not the left, but we can agree to disagree.

This paper from Cornell links to 72 different scientific studies supporting the benefits of gender care treatments including hormones and surgery.

I'm happy to review any peer-reviewed studies making the case against gender care treatments.
I think it is the right that has politicized the issue, not the left, but we can agree to disagree.

This paper from Cornell links to 72 different scientific studies supporting the benefits of gender care treatments including hormones and surgery.

I'm happy to review any peer-reviewed studies making the case against gender care treatments.
I understand. We will see more down the road. All federal funding is geared towards the positive side of this issue. There is very little funding for the other side.
Most of these studies show results that are very short term in nature. It will be 10 to 15 years before we get an accurate picture.
There are 2 sexes and using medicine to alter what is true in nature and to mask those differences with hormones and surgeries is short sighted and caters to emotions and feelings.
Also, no one seems to mention how in Europe they are stopping this controversial care and reevaluating. They started before the US and now are changing course.
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You know. Don't be obtuse.
So a relationship between consenting and unattached adults is the same as vowing before God to honor and remain faithful to three spouses and then cheating on all three repeatedly? I thought for people like you that the sacred vow of marriage was supposed to mean something.

Guess not.
Your POV seems to be much more driven by emotions than science or scientific studies. That's fine, and great news is no one is going to force you or anyone you know into doing something you disagree with.

Question for you. How do you feel about parents putting their kids through conversion therapy programs? Is that a legitimate option for parents who want to turn their kids straight?
The common denominator is kids or children. I don’t believe that is the correct avenue at all either. That is completely wrong as well. But prepping them as kids to make a transition that is permanent is a different animal. I don’t care how you spin it. There is no spin that works. Because conversion therapy isn’t an eventual permanent decision. The laws being written will are becoming more progressive with this in places by the year. It will not stop with this bat shit craziness Walz is doing. It will continue to leap to the left and get younger and younger. You know this is a fact. But just don’t care. Circle the wagons as always.

The left is always trying to force things on you that people don’t agree with. That is the current mode of operation. Cancel anyone who doesn’t believe as we do. You really are brainwashed at times. Facebook admitted to doing this very thing. Hamas protesters are doing it daily.

As far as the emotion goes, you are trying to act like the science is on your side. You don’t know that at the moment. There are different opinions there. When it comes to kids there is always emotion. Especially if you have them. If you are calling this a weakness, fire away. Guilty as charged.
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The common denominator is kids or children. I don’t believe that is the correct avenue at all either. That is completely wrong as well. But prepping them as kids to make a transition that is permanent is a different animal. I don’t care how you spin it. There is no spin that works. Because conversion therapy isn’t an eventual permanent decision. The laws being written will are becoming more progressive with this in places by the year. It will not stop with this bat shit craziness Walz is doing. It will continue to leap to the left and get younger and younger. You know this is a fact. But just don’t care. Circle the wagons as always.

The left is always trying to force things on you that people don’t agree with. That is the current mode of operation. Cancel anyone who doesn’t believe as we do. You really are brainwashed at times. Facebook admitted to doing this very thing. Hamas protesters are doing it daily.

As far as the emotion goes, you are trying to act like the science is on your side. You don’t know that at the moment. There are different opinions there. When it comes to kids there is always emotion. Especially if you have them. If you are calling this a weakness, fire away. Guilty as charged.
I linked to a document from Cornelll that details 72 separate scientific studies supporting the case for the careful and considered use of gender therapy.

And very honest question, what exactly is the left attempting to force on you or anyone else you know? The left isn't trying to force you to be gay, have an abortion, explore gender therapy, smoke pot or anything else that I can think of off the top of my head. The left isn't trying to prevent you from attending Church or worshiping in whatever way you prefer. The left isn't saying you have to like trans people or socialize with them. They are simply saying you can no longer discriminate against these people I listed above.

So, what am I missing?
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I linked to a document from Cornelll that details 72 separate scientific studies supporting the case for the careful and considered use of gender therapy.

And very honest question, what exactly is the left attempting to force on you or anyone else you know? The left isn't trying to force you to be gay, have an abortion, explore gender therapy, smoke pot or anything else that I can think of off the top of my head. The left isn't trying to prevent you from attending Church or worshiping in whatever way you prefer. The left isn't saying you have to like trans people or socialize with them. They are simply saying you can no longer discriminate against these people I listed above.

So, what am I missing?
Bullshit. If you go on tv and say you don’t like trans people and think they are freaks, you will be cancelled. Immediately. Dave Chappell is dealing with this. Other comedians have dealt with it. I don’t care what anyone does with their lives will. I don’t have an issue with trans adults, gay adults or polyamorous folks. Do what you want? When kids are involved I have an issue. I am not saying it should be kept out of schools. That would be impossible, but any laws forcing you to behave a certain way here towards children are wrong from either side. Period. This is my opinion. I will always feel like overall the parents have their kids best interests at heart, but these laws say only if they allow their kid to be gay or trans. It is completely one sided in Minnesota.
Bullshit. If you go on tv and say you don’t like trans people and think they are freaks, you will be cancelled. Immediately. Dave Chappell is dealing with this. Other comedians have dealt with it. I don’t care what anyone does with their lives will. I don’t have an issue with trans adults, gay adults or polyamorous folks. Do what you want? When kids are involved I have an issue. I am not saying it should be kept out of schools. That would be impossible, but any laws forcing you to behave a certain way here towards children are wrong from either side. Period. This is my opinion. I will always feel like overall the parents have their kids best interests at heart, but these laws say only if they allow their kid to be gay or trans. It is completely one sided in Minnesota.
Dave Chapelle has not been cancelled. Some people disagree with his stance on trans people and have chosen to spend their entertainment dollars elsewhere, but he is still making a very good living as an entertainer.

It seems that you are bothered by the fact that there are repercussions for some people expressing their biases. We made a similar transition (joke intended) in the past when it was no longer acceptable to make disparaging comments about black people in public. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the repercussions of your speech.

We have probably drained this topic beyond any degree of productive exchange. I get that it is an emotional topic, and I agree that anything that permanently alters a minor must be undertaken with an extreme degree of caution and consideration. Beyond that, we can agree to disagree.
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Dave Chapelle has not been cancelled. Some people disagree with his stance on trans people and have chosen to spend their entertainment dollars elsewhere, but he is still making a very good living as an entertainer.

It seems that you are bothered by the fact that there are repercussions for some people expressing their biases. We made a similar transition (joke intended) in the past when it was no longer acceptable to make disparaging comments about black people in public. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from the repercussions of your speech.

We have probably drained this topic beyond any degree of productive exchange. I get that it is an emotional topic, and I agree that anything that permanently alters a minor must be undertaken with an extreme degree of caution and consideration. Beyond that, we can agree to disagree.

Literally cancelled. lol. People weren’t given a choice in Minnesota to spend their dollars there or not. This is exactly what I mean. How appropriate it is Minnesota too.

At least your last paragraph shows some sense. If you don’t think that is coming soon I don’t know what to tell you. I think you are missing the point in your middle paragraph. That is the stance lefties go to whenever needed to stop a discussion. This had nothing to do with that.
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I linked to a document from Cornelll that details 72 separate scientific studies supporting the case for the careful and considered use of gender therapy.

And very honest question, what exactly is the left attempting to force on you or anyone else you know? The left isn't trying to force you to be gay, have an abortion, explore gender therapy, smoke pot or anything else that I can think of off the top of my head. The left isn't trying to prevent you from attending Church or worshiping in whatever way you prefer. The left isn't saying you have to like trans people or socialize with them. They are simply saying you can no longer discriminate against these people I listed above.

So, what am I missing?
Look at all the studies in the UK and Europe and see why they are stopping. Studies are like polls. You can manipulate the outcomes by how you structure the process.

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