SCOTUS immunity decision


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

we're not in a great place.
The pretense that what we have all been watching from the right hasn't actually been happening just went right out the door along with any possible confusion regarding what's at stake in November.
I don’t think so. I actually think further examination of the decision is only going to make it look worse, but we will see over the next few days.
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

Well…….that sux, huh??
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

Loop Trump GIF
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

1) democrats started this nonsense by trying to charge a former POTUS with crimes in an attempt to smear him because they are insecure over their own political candidate. This would never have gone to the SCOTUS if there was no lower court decision to defend.

2) it’s only for official acts. Not murder. Let’s relax with the drama.

3) and btw - are you saying you want every Dem president to have to defend himself/ herself in court against a bunch of frivolous, right-wing, baseless law fare once they leave office? I don’t want to see the country go that way. Dems tried to do that against Trump and, luckily, the SCOTUS has put an end to this nonsense.
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

Now the citizen can speak. Vote the President out. Impeach and remove.

At no point should a sitting party be able to bring the legal system upon a rival, which is what we have witnessed since 2015.

The definition of crime falls into todays morass of repeated false statements based on not understanding the legal basis of what truly happened.
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

Wouldn't be in this position if it weren't for your POS party and their shenanigans.
Yea. The funny thing is this is 100 percent at the Dems feet. And this was done for Biden just as much as Trump. Families were already circling to sue the president for his border policies. Also the gold star folks he left behind to be murdered, were also ready to pounce. Not to mention the whole selling out our country deal. This will possibly keep the current New York idiots from sentencing him to jail. Which would have happened next. I am assuming that can’t happen now. If I am wrong, it is going to be hilarious when we have a president sitting in jail while winning the election. You are right. This is where we are. I warned you this would happen
Yeah, I mean no sitting President would do something like that. You'd think former POTUS was okay with his VP being hanged or something. Total overreaction.
Yep no former president or his wife would ever have a pedofile with a little black book hung in prison either. lol. Aren’t they on the board at Boeing too?
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Who does it protect? It protects Obama, from revisionist history and prosecution for killing that US citizen with a drone strike, for one.
No doubt that if Trump did what Biden has done on the border that some DA would bring charges against him for innocent US citizens being killed because of his actions. A Dem wouldn’t be prosecuted but no doubt that Trump would be.
No doubt that if Trump did what Biden has done on the border that some DA would bring charges against him for innocent US citizens being killed because of his actions. A Dem wouldn’t be prosecuted but no doubt that Trump would be.

No president had ever been prosecuted, but now that it’s part of the democratic playbook, it has to be stopped
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

As Obama so eloquently told John McCain "Elections have consequences"
No doubt that if Trump did what Biden has done on the border that some DA would bring charges against him for innocent US citizens being killed because of his actions. A Dem wouldn’t be prosecuted but no doubt that Trump would be.
That's certainly a reasonable expectation, had the 'no immunity at all' argument made by Smith & accepted by the Circuit Court stood.

Beyond the obvious political theater scenarios already referenced, there are dozens of others where not making this ruling green lights all sorts of irrational uses of the court: climate alarmists going after a fPOTUS for not banning gasoline engines, gun control, use of the military, etc. Literally every official action affects somebody...and almost always in a negative way. That's the burden of leadership & decision making.

I'd rather have the silly hyperbolic potential of a SEAL Team 6 assassinating political opponents (which would be an illegal order btw, which all military members are obligated to ignore) than the very real possibility of years of frivolous prosecutions & lawsuits following every administration.
Yep no former president or his wife would ever have a pedofile with a little black book hung in prison either. lol. Aren’t they on the board at Boeing too?
Wait a minute. You're talking the Clintons and a man that died two decades after they were out of office? I think you need to read the ruling again.
And where is the evidence? Sean? Is that you?

You'll claim you're above it and then you go right back to it.
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Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

It was a necessary and correct decision. The fraudulent dems are always looking to send their opponents to jail, the true Marxist in them just can’t be hidden.

You can’t have a president, dem or rep, making decisions with their own well being in mind. This makes them timid, scared, prognosticating worthlessness. The CIC needs reassurance that he can make a decision in the country’s best interest, without worry of a jail sentence for an honest mistake.

I know it makes all the dems mad because this significantly decreases their arsenal of political assassination. In reality, the dems won this, because they are the fraudulent miscreants in need of jail time.
That's certainly the more appropriate and already-available option if a POTUS were to "Order the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival, organize a military coup to hold onto power, or take a bribe in exchange for a pardon."
Well, historically democracies are very young. They haven't been around that long. You know what civilizations lasted longest? Ones with dictators and monarchs. And right now that's who the world is gravitating towards. Now, I'm not saying that Trump can be a dictator in our system right now. But the door is opening for that to happen. As one former congressman said recently, "the weakness in our democracy was exposed by Trump and someone smarter and more cunning will see his mistakes and figure out how to get it done the next time if we don't shore it up. " Paraphrase, but pretty much the short of it.

Ultimately though, the politicians elected have to honor their oaths. That's not happening.

And knowing it wouldn't be something he'd need a pardon for now, that'd likely mean congress would be less inclined to impeach and remove. The argument would clearly be "He's/She's the POTUS. Who are we to say what he or she can or can't do?"
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  • Haha
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I'm more worried about future decisions by POTUS:

(Extreme example but we can no longer lack imagination when discussing trump/Biden/etc.)

The bar to clear the "presumptive immunity" for POTUS now is extreme high:

I don't think this is going to end well.
  • Haha
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I'm more worried about future decisions by POTUS:

(Extreme example but we can no longer lack imagination when discussing trump/Biden/etc.)

The bar to clear the "presumptive immunity" for POTUS now is extreme high:

I don't think this is going to end well.
It's the same way it has been for the last 248 years, so there's that.
I'm more worried about future decisions by POTUS:

(Extreme example but we can no longer lack imagination when discussing trump/Biden/etc.)

The bar to clear the "presumptive immunity" for POTUS now is extreme high:

I don't think this is going to end well.
Absurd the left led us into this mess and are now whining about their mess.
It's the same way it has been for the last 248 years, so there's that.
No. It isn't.

SCOTUS now limits the evidence that could be used against the president to even determine what is official or unofficial acts. That was not the case before.
The dem hysteria in this thread is off the rails funny. Do you really think treason and murder become protected official acts?
You lack imagination if you think the answer is "no" here. Likely? No. Possible: way more than it was 6 hours ago with legal doctrine and a case citation to support it.

Absurd the left led us into this mess and are now whining about their mess.
You are naive to think this is the fault of one party. We are all to blame here.
  • Haha
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Looks like they met in the middle on how much immunity a president gets. In any event I don’t see this ruling.changing anything when the rubber meets the road, notwithstanding the predictions that the Earth will spontaneously combust.

Ultimately all these hypotheticals are consistent amongst the things liberals seem to care the most about. Bold doomsday predictions about “what if…” on women’s rights, climate change, “democracy”.

Not only do these predictions never seem to manifest into reality, they are in stark contrast to the things that conservatives seem to care more about - inflation, the economy, world peace, border security. You don’t need hypothetical “what ifs” to discuss them. They are in front of you and they affect everyone.

Prediction: The end of democracy!
Reality: Trump left office

Prediction: the ice caps will melt by 2020
Reality: They are bigger.

Prediction: end of roe means no more abortions.
Reality: more abortions in 2023 than any year on record.

Conversely, we don’t need doomsday predictions to discuss the economy, border security, or peace around the world. We see the reality. And we saw it four years ago.

And the media and left’s three year dishonesty about Biden was on full display last week. Color me skeptical on media doomsday predictions as well. Zero credibility.
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Looks like they met in the middle on how much immunity a president gets. In any event I don’t see this ruling.changing anything when the rubber meets the road, notwithstanding the predictions that the Earth will spontaneously combust.

Ultimately all these hypotheticals are consistent amongst the things liberals seem to care the most about. Bold doomsday predictions about “what if…” on women’s rights, climate change, “democracy”.

Not only do these predictions never seem to manifest into reality, they are in stark contrast to the things that conservatives seem to care more about - inflation, the economy, world peace, border security. You don’t need hypothetical “what ifs” to discuss them. They are in front of you and they affect everyone.

Prediction: The end of democracy!
Reality: Trump left office

Prediction: the ice caps will melt by 2020
Reality: They are bigger.

Prediction: end of roe means no more abortions.
Reality: more abortions in 2023 than any year on record.

Conversely, we don’t need doomsday predictions to discuss the economy, border security, or peace around the world. We see the reality. And we saw it four years ago.
A bad thing that could happen is far worse than all of the bad things already happening = lib logic
AOC says it’s time to impeach members of the supreme court. Just like with Trump, if you don’t get what you want , take them out by any means necessary.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she'll file impeachment articles against Supreme Court justices. The congresswoman cast the move as an effort to "defend our nation" from "authoritarian capture." It came after the court handed former President Donald Trump a win in his immunity case