SCOTUS immunity decision

No. It isn't.

SCOTUS now limits the evidence that could be used against the president to even determine what is official or unofficial acts. That was not the case before.

You lack imagination if you think the answer is "no" here. Likely? No. Possible: way more than it was 6 hours ago with legal doctrine and a case citation to support it.

You are naive to think this is the fault of one party. We are all to blame here.
SCOTUS now limits the evidence”??

Depends on your definition of evidence. The reason why some are upset is that there is none.

The shat show is over.
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Since OP's link brought up Seal Team 6...........

In August 2011 members of Seal Team 6 were put on a Chinook Helicopter (you know, big and cumbersome) and flown between2 mountains into a firefight that had been going for some time. Possibly one of the dumbest military moves in history. They were sitting ducks. Why??????

He’s made a habit of it, hopes he can finish his term without the world being blown up…..but I am not confident of it.
Since OP's link brought up Seal Team 6...........

In August 2011 members of Seal Team 6 were put on a Chinook Helicopter (you know, big and cumbersome) and flown between2 mountains into a firefight that had been going for some time. Possibly one of the dumbest military moves in history. They were sitting ducks. Why??????

Trump should rename Seal Team 6 the Democrat Elimination Unit just to get a laugh out of the pants wetting.
A bad thing that could happen is far worse than all of the bad things already happening = lib logic
The best thing about arguing a hypothetical is that there is no limit to what you can say. Even in business, when faced with a negotiating point in a legal document, I always ask myself what is the actual likelihood of that ever happening, and if it did, what is the true exposure? The worst lawyers in business are the ones that just take the legal "what ifs" to such an extreme that you cannot get anything negotiated in a document, and in turn, it makes it difficult to get a deal done.
AOC says it’s time to impeach members of the supreme court. Just like with Trump, if you don’t get what you want , take them out by any means necessary.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said she'll file impeachment articles against Supreme Court justices. The congresswoman cast the move as an effort to "defend our nation" from "authoritarian capture." It came after the court handed former President Donald Trump a win in his immunity case
The same court that pretty much clean swept decisions that were pro liberal / anti-Trump last week? Got it.
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

Feels like NIL but for Presidents
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That's certainly a reasonable expectation, had the 'no immunity at all' argument made by Smith & accepted by the Circuit Court stood.

Beyond the obvious political theater scenarios already referenced, there are dozens of others where not making this ruling green lights all sorts of irrational uses of the court: climate alarmists going after a fPOTUS for not banning gasoline engines, gun control, use of the military, etc. Literally every official action affects somebody...and almost always in a negative way. That's the burden of leadership & decision making.

I'd rather have the silly hyperbolic potential of a SEAL Team 6 assassinating political opponents (which would be an illegal order btw, which all military members are obligated to ignore) than the very real possibility of years of frivolous prosecutions & lawsuits following every administration.
There have never been a raft of charges on an ex-president before because none of them have done what Trump did, including trying to steal an election. Suggesting otherwise is gaslighting.

One of the most important legal principles in this country is that no man is above the law. That concept was foundational to why we separated from England and the King. Well, that’s no longer true.

Now, no man, other than the most powerful man in the country, is above the law. Kind of has a different ring to it, doesn’t it?

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There have never been a raft of charges on an ex-president before because none of them have done what Trump did, including trying to steal an election. Suggesting otherwise is gaslighting.

One of the most important legal principles in this country is that no man is above the law. That concept was foundational to why we separated from England and the King. Well, that’s no longer true.

Now, no man, other than the most powerful man in the country, is above the law. Kind of has a different ring to it, doesn’t it?

Same song, same broken record…….nobody is listening.
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

And you my friend are part of the problem. Blindly following the Democratic Party and there narratives. Using your thnking someone opposed to taking out Bin Laden could charge Obama with murder. Get real man. The ruling was pretty clear that the President is accountable for crimes that fall outside his executive actions. Sotomayer is the least qulaified Supreme Court Justice.
There have never been a raft of charges on an ex-president before because none of them have done what Trump did, including trying to steal an election. Suggesting otherwise is gaslighting.

One of the most important legal principles in this country is that no man is above the law. That concept was foundational to why we separated from England and the King. Well, that’s no longer true.

Now, no man, other than the most powerful man in the country, is above the law. Kind of has a different ring to it, doesn’t it?

Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

So Biden will not be prosecuted for any of his stuff? Interesting change of circumstances for him too then.
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And you my friend are part of the problem. Blindly following the Democratic Party and there narratives. Using your thnking someone opposed to taking out Bin Laden could charge Obama with murder. Get real man. The ruling was pretty clear that the President is accountable for crimes that fall outside his executive actions. Sotomayer is the least qulaified Supreme Court Justice.
That’s a horrible example. At least try and come up with an example that has any relevance to this discussion.

Obama had Bin Laden killed under the authority of the Authorization for Use of Military Force passed by Congress in 2001.

AUMF authorized the President to use all necessary and appropriate force against those responsible for the September 11 attacks. This legal framework positioned the killing of bin Laden as part of an ongoing armed conflict against al-Qaeda.

Care to show me which law authorized Trump to try and steal the election? To pressure the DOJ to lie about fraud?
And yet you often post at me, including here, with the 51st post on a thread I started.

That’s some very active and engaged not-listening.
As in, not listening to what your “biased” self is trying to sell. It is all falling on deaf ears for the most part.

Oh well, keep on keeping on. It’s your time, your prerogative and for the most part it’s entertainment.

You’re taking this too personal Sweetie, loosen up and just let it roll…or not.
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Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

That’s a horrible example. At least try and come up with an example that has any relevance to this discussion.

Obama had Bin Laden killed under the authority of the Authorization for Use of Military Force passed by Congress in 2001.

AUMF authorized the President to use all necessary and appropriate force against those responsible for the September 11 attacks. This legal framework positioned the killing of bin Laden as part of an ongoing armed conflict against al-Qaeda.

Care to show me which law authorized Trump to try and steal the election? To pressure the DOJ to lie about fraud?
“Care to show me which law authorized Trump to try and steal the election? To pressure the DOJ to lie about fraud?”

Care to show us the evidence that he did any of those things??

Will wait to hear, maybe you can find a tweet or two…..those seem to always be cute.

Sometimes you remind me of that nosey little old lady that peeps thru the curtains when you come home in the evening and leave first thing in the next morning.

I know, you mean well though.
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Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

Give me a break, that justice is nuts and has a screw loose!! She is describing Joe Biden, Trump would not do a coup to hold power or bribe any official.
The same court that pretty much clean swept decisions that were pro liberal / anti-Trump last week? Got it.
Clean sweep pro-liberal? On which planet was that?

The Chevron decision is a dream come true for the entire far-right establishment. It's the single most impactful SCOTUS decision in years if not decades.

SCOTUS also made it more difficult to prosecute J6 rioters.

And both of those were prior to today's ruling on immunity.
“Care to show me which law authorized Trump to try and steal the election? To pressure the DOJ to lie about fraud?”

Care to show us the evidence that he did any of those things??

Will wait to hear, maybe you can find a tweet or two…..those seem to always be cute.

Sometimes you remind me of that nosey little old lady that peeps thru the curtains when you come home in the evening and leave first thing in the next morning.

I know, you mean well though.
What do you suppose it feels like to be on the same side of every issue with AOC and Ilhan Omar? That realization would make me question my thought processes.
Clean sweep pro-liberal? On which planet was that?

The Chevron decision is a dream come true for the entire far-right establishment. It's the single most impactful SCOTUS decision in years if not decades.

SCOTUS also made it more difficult to prosecute J6 rioters.

And both of those were prior to today's ruling on immunity.
The have to actually follow the law, as the chevron decision, you have agency heads making law and taking you to court. Its congresses job to make law for the agency heads to follow not the other way around. Again a boat captain has to pay 700 a day for a gov employee to monitor them. That is some soviet union shat right there.
Welp, it's been a good ride. Sitting presidents are now officially above the law as long as they characterize any action as an "official act".

Of course, Biden could now claim that having Trump and the conservative members of SCOTUS rounded up and shot is an official act for the good of the Republic and according to those same justices, he would be immune.

It’s that way with all government officials. I’ve been screwed numerous times by local govt officials. Especially planning departments. And I’m talking egregious acts or refusals to act. Actually won numerous lawsuits to correct their action or inaction. Never recovered damages because it’s well established that when public officials are acting in their official capacity they have sovereign immunity. So I would think POTUS is covered also. Not sure why this is even in front of SCOTUS.
An agency is on the verge of limiting the speed of any boat to less than 15 mph headed offshore. In an effort to protect a specific kind of whale. Do you realize what that does to both commercial and recreational fishing? Not to mention it would put the entire center console and sportfish industry out of business. 15 mph. No worries it only takes you 5 hours to get to the drop off to catch dolphin, tuna, wahoo and billfish. No big deal. No congress needed. Just execute and entire industry and way of life for millions along the coast.
That’s a horrible example. At least try and come up with an example that has any relevance to this discussion.

Obama had Bin Laden killed under the authority of the Authorization for Use of Military Force passed by Congress in 2001.

AUMF authorized the President to use all necessary and appropriate force against those responsible for the September 11 attacks. This legal framework positioned the killing of bin Laden as part of an ongoing armed conflict against al-Qaeda.

Care to show me which law authorized Trump to try and steal the election? To pressure the DOJ to lie about fraud?
All those things are fair opinions but very open to interpretation.

I think the biggest frustration is that these issues just don’t stick. I know you are passionate about them. As is the left and the media. And I can honestly understand that it would be highly frustrating to see that passion fall on deaf ears.

The American public cares about things that affect them. And they don’t believe the “threat to democracy” from Trump is a real threat. Neither do I. The media’s doomsday predictions…….batting about 1 for 1,000. And I can’t think of the 1.

We’ve watched the media lie through their teeth about Joe Biden. And 60 million people watched that lie unravel right before them. Can’t blame those 60 million when they roll their eyes today in response to media’s prediction that the Supreme Court just ended democracy as we know it.
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I'm just waiting for the President to speak tonight, to tell us that this decision is the greatest threat to democracy, in the history of our country.

I really want to know how many "greatest threats" there actually are.
I wonder if they’re using the speech on the SCOTUS tonight as a ruse and Biden will announce he is dropping out if the race.?
What do you suppose it feels like to be on the same side of every issue with AOC and Ilhan Omar? That realization would make me question my thought processes.
True…..he’s a little different. But I guess if we were all the same it would be a boring world.
All those things are fair opinions but very open to interpretation.

I think the biggest frustration is that these issues just don’t stick. I know you are passionate about them. As is the left and the media. And I can honestly understand that it would be highly frustrating to see that passion fall on deaf ears.

The American public cares about things that affect them. And they don’t believe the “threat to democracy” from Trump is a real threat. Neither do I. The media’s doomsday predictions…….batting about 1 for 1,000. And I can’t think of the 1.

We’ve watched the media lie through their teeth about Joe Biden. And 60 million people watched that lie unravel right before them. Can’t blame those 60 million when they roll their eyes today in response to media’s prediction that the Supreme Court just ended democracy as we know it.
That’s a bit presumptuous of you to assume those concerns don’t matter given the GOP and MAGA candidates underperformed in 2018, 2020 and 2022. A 2024 victory lap may be premature, particularly given the ruling today.
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I wonder if they’re using the speech on the SCOTUS tonight as a ruse and Biden will announce he is dropping out if the race.?

I'm just confused, as to the greatest threat to Democracy. There seem to be so many.

Trump Supporters
Overturning RvW
Jan 6 participants
The immunity decision
Conservative Supreme Court Justices
Voter ID

Which one is the worst
There have never been a raft of charges on an ex-president before because none of them have done what Trump did....

You're missing/ignoring everything I've written/referenced in this thread. Obama killed an American citizen. I'm absolutely not saying that he should have faced criminal charges after he left office, but you're ignoring what Jack Smith argued & the DC Court agreed with (and thus, forced the Supreme Court's hand):

There is ZERO immunity for a President for actions taken while in office.

Remove Trump from your equation, focus on the long-lasting effects of what Smith was arguing, and it's obvious that this was the best decision long-term for the Republic.
You're missing/ignoring everything I've written/referenced in this thread. Obama killed an American citizen. I'm absolutely not saying that he should have faced criminal charges after he left office, but you're ignoring what Jack Smith argued & the DC Court agreed with (and thus, forced the Supreme Court's hand):

There is ZERO immunity for a President for actions taken while in office.

Remove Trump from your equation, focus on the long-lasting effects of what Smith was arguing, and it's obvious that this was the best decision long-term for the Republic.
The problem is most can not see anything but Trump and assume the worst and sensationalize everything he says and does. He does a pretty good job on his own but the left takes it to a whole new level. Trump makes brash statements and he over exaggerates very often. Mostly to make a point and often to inflate his prowess. It kept a lot of our adversaries at bay. It is a great stance as a negotiator and not so good as a politician. The left and the established Republicans cannot stand it at all. It is what most of those who are tired of the career politicians admire most.
The problem is most can not see anything but Trump and assume the worst and sensationalize everything he says and does. He does a pretty good job on his own but the left takes it to a whole new level. Trump makes brash statements and he over exaggerates very often. Mostly to make a point and often to inflate his prowess. It kept a lot of our adversaries at bay. It is a great stance as a negotiator and not so good as a politician. The left and the established Republicans cannot stand it at all. It is what most of those who are tired of the career politicians admire most.
He’s a little unconventional, but gets the job done. I’m good with it.

Sure as hayul better than what we have in office now….
Clean sweep pro-liberal? On which planet was that?

The Chevron decision is a dream come true for the entire far-right establishment. It's the single most impactful SCOTUS decision in years if not decades.

SCOTUS also made it more difficult to prosecute J6 rioters.

And both of those were prior to today's ruling on immunity.
Overturning Chevron was correct. Why would anyone support a Govt where unelected officials, who answer to nobody other than their own biased views, control everything? Let's flip it. If the majority of bureaucrats were conservatives, how would you feel? Just look at how you feel about SCOTUS where you think the Court leans Right.
I cant wait for Biden to call for alternate slates of electors through an official act as president to keep trump from winning swing states in November. Or for him to seize voting machines in the name of "protecting the republic".

The cans of worms this opens up has a terrible stench.
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That’s a bit presumptuous of you to assume those concerns don’t matter given the GOP and MAGA candidates underperformed in 2018, 2020 and 2022. A 2024 victory lap may be premature, particularly given the ruling today.
You consistently over estimate the general electorate’s level of give a shit about the issues liberals circle j about. Mid terms are voters who cling to all the political stuff. Presidential elections are when people come out in masses. And those folks remember the pre Covid days. And they were a lot better. Period. To say nothing about the fact that your candidate literally is incapable of an unscripted conversation.

I would argue the constant attack on the separation of powers is a bigger threat to democracy than an asshole giving a speech that makes a dude in a Viking hat break into the capitol buulding.
WTF is going on here?

My goodness, our nation is done with this line of thinking.

Any individual can attempt to do anything they want. Considering the consequences and successful execution of the intent are the relevant dynamics.

Corruption would go much deeper than the POTUS for such an order to be carried out. Is that where we're at because that's where we've been for some time?

Aside from the hypothetical in the OP, what other heinous acts have been committed in our nation's history at all levels of government?

Just saying.
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