So much for the millions in savings from DOGE…

DOGE is supposed to be uncovering fraud and so far they have found none. Spending that you disagree with isn’t fraud.

No question there is fraud to be found in Medicaid. But as I’ve said multiple times now, if the GOP were serious about the deficit, they wouldn’t be proposing massive tax cuts that will almost entirely benefit the top 1% of our country while working to gut programs that benefit the poor and middle class. It would be reasonable to ask everyone tighten their belts to get on top of the debt situation, but instead we are going to continue the most massive transfer of wealth to the already wealthy in the history of the world.

We should take Trump at his word when he says he wants a return to the Gilded Age. Too bad people in this country are too stupid to understand what that means. I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t a great time for anyone other than the rulling elite.
Go look up how much annual tax revenue was brought in pre - Trump tax cuts versus post - Trump tax cuts, and get back to me. We aren't taking money out of poor peoples pockets and giving it to the rich. There isn't any benefit in that because they don't have enough money to give. There also isn't any benefit in taxing the rich or the middle income folks to death and giving it to the poor. That's what we've been trying for the past 50 years in the form of handouts and yet, there are more and more poor people. They don't know what to do with it so it creates nothing positive. The only real sound tax policy is to reward the creators and investors so that they'll create and invest. That will trickle down to the poor and make their lives a little less miserable, allowing them the basic necessities through slightly better jobs rather than handouts.
Republicans just voted to gut Medicaid and add $4.5T to the deficit to pay for tax cuts for millionaires!! So much for shrinking the deficit! It’s about to explode!!
Just to be clear, is the tax cut ONLY for millionaires or is it for everyone? Just wanting to understand as your statement makes it sound like a select group are the ONLY beneficiaries of the $4.5T in tax cuts
We certainly have different definitions of fraud. The egregious misuse of our tax dollars is ALL fraud. Just yesterday they reported on senator Whitehorse’s wife receiving $2.7 million through Ocean Conservancy . Funnellling $2 billlion to Stacey Abram’s. Shuffling $20 billion to hide in a bank as Biden is leaving office. It’s all fraud.

BTW, if they allow the pending tax increase to occur, 62% of Americans will see a tax increase. The average tax increase will be $2,900. While they’re at it, Maybe they can address the tax refunds so many get without paying a penny of taxes.
There are a mixture of issues addressed in your post.

There is only one definition of fraud, and none of it has been found by doge. Wasteful use of tax dollars is not acceptable to me, but that is waste not fraud.

I saw the link about Sheldon Whitehouse’s wife, and it says she worked for a charity that received money from the government, but I did not see any link to the amount of money she made. Do you have a link to that?

The other stuff you posted is inaccurate. Nobody gave $2 billion to Stacey Abrams.

Yes, the Trump tax cuts are set to expire and I would want them to expire if we could have congressional leader ship that would use those extra funds to pay down the debt. I am not confident that is what the money would be used for.

And there are some people who get a “tax refund“ that is greater than their total tax balance, we need to call that what it is, welfare. It is frequently known as the earned income tax credit
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There are a mixture of issues addressed in your post.

There is only one definition of fraud, and none of it has been found by doge. Wasteful use of tax dollars is not acceptable to me, but that is waste not fraud.

I saw the link about Sheldon Whitehouse’s wife, and it says she worked for a charity that received money from the government, but I did not see any link to the amount of money she made. Do you have a link to that?

The other stuff you posted is inaccurate. Nobody gave $2 billion to Stacey Abrams.

Yes, the Trump tax cuts are set to expire and I would want them to expire if we could have congressional leader ship that would use those extra funds to pay down the debt. I am not confident that is what the money would be used for.

And there are some people who get a “tax refund“ that is greater than their total tax balance, we need to call that what it is, welfare. It is frequently known as the earned income tax credit
I do stand corrected on the Stacey Abram’s comment. Looks as though she is simply associated with a group that received the grant. The stated mission of the group, Power forward communities, has potential to do some good. I would not classify that as fraud, Assuming the funds are managed correctly. Also I certainly wasn’t attacking individuals that received earned income tax credit. As you stated, that’s simply welfare. Seems that should be administered in a more targeted manner based on need. Probably through some other type of programs. Regarding Whitehouse, an ethics complaint has been filed . Numerous articles available to see if you trust any of the sources.
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Fact Check: Does Republican Budget Cut Medicaid By $880 Billion?​

The Ruling​

False. Despite Kogan's assertion that House Republicans are looking to cut $880 billion from Medicaid, the budget resolution does not ever specifically outline cuts to Medicaid in that amount.

Instead, it proposes the cut target for the Energy and Commerce Committee to oversee across their many programs. While Medicaid takes up a bulk of that spending, the cuts could also be spread across energy and climate programs, the Federal Communications Commission, food and drug safety and more.
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Just to be clear, is the tax cut ONLY for millionaires or is it for everyone? Just wanting to understand as your statement makes it sound like a select group are the ONLY beneficiaries of the $4.5T in tax cuts

I'm looking at some information:

$9,526-$38,700 from 15% before tax cut to 12% tax rate post cut
$38,701-$82,500 25 to 22
$82,501-157,500 28 to 24
$157,501-$200,000 33 to 32
$200,001-500,000 35 and remains 35 *** not cut
over $500,000 39.6 to 37

under $9,526 stays at 10% *** not cut
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I do stand corrected on the Stacey Abram’s comment. Looks as though she is simply associated with a group that received the grant. The stated mission of the group, Power forward communities, has potential to do some good. I would not classify that as fraud, Assuming the funds are managed correctly. Also I certainly wasn’t attacking individuals that received earned income tax credit. As you stated, that’s simply welfare. Seems that should be administered in a more targeted manner based on need. Probably through some other type of programs. Regarding Whitehouse, an ethics complaint has been filed . Numerous articles available to see if you trust any of the sources.
Let's see what she was slated to make before we pass judgements
I'm looking at some information:

$9,526-$38,700 from 15% before tax cut to 12% tax rate post cut
$38,701-$82,500 25 to 22
$82,501-157,500 28 to 24
$157,501-$200,000 33 to 32
$200,001-500,000 35 and remains 35
over $500,000 39.6 to 37
Facts are a terrible thing to use in a good liberal argument
I'm looking at some information:

$9,526-$38,700 from 15% before tax cut to 12% tax rate post cut
$38,701-$82,500 25 to 22
$82,501-157,500 28 to 24
$157,501-$200,000 33 to 32
$200,001-500,000 35 and remains 35 *** not cut
over $500,000 39.6 to 37

under $9,526 stays at 10% *** not cut
I will not debate anyone that believes someone making over $200K should be paying 35% or more in taxes. That's robbery. Hell, it's all robbery. Even 25% is nuts.
Not sure how much DOGE will save in the long run, but it has shaken D.C. to the core on fraud and money laundering. The dumbass progressives with all their screaming has put the blame squarely on the Democratic Party, when in actuality I am sure it is shared by both sides. Supposedly ( I will believe it when I see it ) Indictments are forthcoming in the next 2 weeks.
I sure hope this happens just to sit back and watch the show of the leeches squirming.
One of our investigators was talking with the FBI on a case and he said the agents that stayed clean and did not get caught up in the Biden filth are totally joyous over Patel and Bongino.

I will not debate anyone that believes someone making over $200K should be paying 35% or more in taxes. That's robbery. Hell, it's all robbery. Even 25% is nuts.
Don’t know what a flat tax would do without some research, But have always thought that those that do well shouldn’t be punished for it.

The same percent for all seems fair to me, possibly with those that are below poverty level not getting taxed at all.

Would have to run the math, but I know I am paying far too much.
Don’t know what a flat tax would do without some research, But have always thought that those that do well shouldn’t be punished for it.

The same percent for all seems fair to me, possibly with those that are below poverty level not getting taxed at all.

Would have to run the math, but I know I am paying far too much.
Dems hate the flat tax saying it is a burden to those on welfare and EBT. It would also hurt their age old complaint that it is all the fault of the wealthy.
I do stand corrected on the Stacey Abram’s comment. Looks as though she is simply associated with a group that received the grant. The stated mission of the group, Power forward communities, has potential to do some good. I would not classify that as fraud, Assuming the funds are managed correctly. Also I certainly wasn’t attacking individuals that received earned income tax credit. As you stated, that’s simply welfare. Seems that should be administered in a more targeted manner based on need. Probably through some other type of programs. Regarding Whitehouse, an ethics complaint has been filed . Numerous articles available to see if you trust any of the sources.
The article I just read said that she made $280,000 per year. That’s not out of line for a PhD, who is an expert in his/her field.

Also, the grant was awarded with a verified competitive bidding process, which is why nothing amounted to this the last time the complaint was raised. It was thoroughly investigated in a complied with all laws and Senate rules.

Folks, we need to get more discerning about the kind of things we read.
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Don’t know what a flat tax would do without some research, But have always thought that those that do well shouldn’t be punished for it.

The same percent for all seems fair to me, possibly with those that are below poverty level not getting taxed at all.

Would have to run the math, but I know I am paying far too much.
You and me both brother. I'm not going to post how much I just paid, but man, I hit a number I haven't hit before, both on the income and the tax paid. Let's just say I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth. I like the idea of no income tax. Collect everything through consumption and real estate tax
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You and me both brother. I'm not going to post how much I just paid, but man, I hit a number I haven't hit before, both on the income and the tax paid. Let's just say I don't feel like I'm getting my money's worth. I like the idea of no income tax. Collect everything through consumption and real estate tax
I sure would not want the Fed involved in real estate taxes; that would be a liberal dream come true to suck working Americans dry.
I'm looking at some information:

$9,526-$38,700 from 15% before tax cut to 12% tax rate post cut
$38,701-$82,500 25 to 22
$82,501-157,500 28 to 24
$157,501-$200,000 33 to 32
$200,001-500,000 35 and remains 35 *** not cut
over $500,000 39.6 to 37

under $9,526 stays at 10% *** not cut
Also very relevant to the above: The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act increased the standard deduction from $6,500 to $12,000 for individuals, from $13,000 to $24,000 for joint returns, and from $9,550 to $18,000 for heads of household. Indexed annually for inflation.
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There are a mixture of issues addressed in your post.

There is only one definition of fraud, and none of it has been found by doge. Wasteful use of tax dollars is not acceptable to me, but that is waste not fraud.

I saw the link about Sheldon Whitehouse’s wife, and it says she worked for a charity that received money from the government, but I did not see any link to the amount of money she made. Do you have a link to that?

The other stuff you posted is inaccurate. Nobody gave $2 billion to Stacey Abrams.

Yes, the Trump tax cuts are set to expire and I would want them to expire if we could have congressional leader ship that would use those extra funds to pay down the debt. I am not confident that is what the money would be used for.

And there are some people who get a “tax refund“ that is greater than their total tax balance, we need to call that what it is, welfare. It is frequently known as the earned income tax credit
Well, I think you've swerved into the problem. Congress can engage in stock trades that would get you and I a trip to club fed and it isn't illegal. Reps and senators can set their families up with graft deals with donors and lobbyist and make millions. If I did the same in the private sector, I would almost certainly be charged with a crime.

We know the government has spent hundreds of billions thru NGOs and many of the NGOs seem specious at best. Yeah, 1 month in no charges have been filed but there is quite a few issues that have been discovered that warrant criminal investigations. For one, how does a government official give NGOs money to knowingly and actively break codified immigration law? That seems like a text book case of fraud.
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What the Republican budget debate highlights is that in a better world, Congress in America would be abolished as it currently exists.

It's an absurd and ridiculous body that is complete incapable of governing.

The capping of the size of the legislature fundamentally altered the original purpose of the House, with the average Congressional district larger than several states. If one wants to restore a "people's house", we should consider radical expansion of Congress with greater reliance on Zoom and virtual work.
What the Republican budget debate highlights is that in a better world, Congress in America would be abolished as it currently exists.

It's an absurd and ridiculous body that is complete incapable of governing.

The capping of the size of the legislature fundamentally altered the original purpose of the House, with the average Congressional district larger than several states. If one wants to restore a "people's house", we should consider radical expansion of Congress with greater reliance on Zoom and virtual work.
9-9-9 plan or FairTax time
Im a fan of the FairTax but the the problem with 9-9-9 is that the incentive for Washington would be to quickly move to 19-19-19. If you bring a consumption tax on the table, you need to firmly close the 16th amendment door.
Ok. Help me understand how $4.5t in tax cuts that even the GOP acknowledge greatly favor the very wealthy and $2t in spending cuts that even the GOP acknowdge will have to largely come from entitlements like Medicaid is going to help the middle and lower classes in this country.

And don’t bother arguing supply side economics. The last forty five years have proven that there is no trickle down, simply more concentration of wealth at the top.
Special kind of stupid in this post.
It seems like the savings that DOGE had on it's website last week are gone-at least five large ones. Seems like the numbers just weren't correct. But it sure looked like some great savings, so just post it even if it's not correct. There have been some savings, but we could trust them more if they confirmed what they posted. Read about it.

NYT you know nothing useful or new if this is your source.
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That’s what the Treasury analysis determined, yes.

Great sources willbur... LMBO