Speaking of Nike (below)……

I forget……why is it I shouldn’t buy/subscribe to Netflix??
They had a show that was aimed at some borderline if not full on podophile crap. Also were making a series about the obamas. I thibk the pedo show was called cuties. Just sick.
Giving the rich race baiting Obamas a platform to spread their hate and discontent is my only reason at first. So bringing in the pedophiles was not a surprise. Nor will the support this channel get because of the hate Trump mentally. As long as you hate Trump as a politician you can get away with the worst racist statements.
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Giving the rich race baiting Obamas a platform to spread their hate and discontent is my only reason at first. So bringing in the pedophiles was not a surprise. Nor will the support this channel get because of the hate Trump mentally. As long as you hate Trump as a politician you can get away with the worst racist statements.
I totally agree. I hope hollywierd goes bankrupt. Now that they are paying reparations they will shorten the time for financial failure of the economy of California. Our world has jumped the shark and then tried to understand and define the sharks feelings and motives.
I forget……why is it I shouldn’t buy/subscribe to Netflix??
It seems that there is now something on Netflix for everyone to hate. A few mentioned above.

They gave a contract to the Obamas to promote their politics and world view on Netflix. Said to be worth as much as $50 million. Netflix also added controversial former national security advisor and UN ambassador Susan Rice to their board. Rice is a highly partisan left wing presence, also charged with doxing political opponents.

The brooha over the sexualization of children in "Cuties" which, ironically enough, is about the sexualization of children. The mess started with a promotional poster showing the child leads in skimpy costumes in provocative poses from a dance routine shown in the film.

The LGBTQ sector, as dominated by the T component, is mad about Dave Chappelle's stand up specials on Netflix.

Psychologists and parents had problems with a series called "13 Reasons Why" in which a teenage girl explains her reasons for suicide to her friends. The series includes the scene where the central character kills herself. The show includes graphic depictions of self harm.

Comedian Mo’Nique called for a boycott of the streaming service based on “gender bias and color bias.” She got mad when she found out Amy Schumer was paid a lot more for her comedy specials. Schumer got more money when she complained about the contract differential between herself and male performers. Mo'Nique tried to do the same thing, but was unsuccessful.

My reaction to this is if you want Chappelle dollars, you first need to put on a Chappelle-level show. Neither Mo'Nique nor Schumer have come close to that, yet.

Finally, charging more and more for less and less content. Disney has pulled a lot of their content to show on their own premium network. Netflix also has been less interested in leasing content from other producers, investing more in their proprietary works. Meanwhile, they have increased prices and each time, they lose some subscribers.
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