NonDawg Strangers wanting to touch your child


War Daddy
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2018
Why do strangers think it's ok to walk up and touch your baby, grab their feet, squeeze their hands, etc? At least ask permission first. I'm not talking about people at a family get together. I'm talking about random people at grocery stores, museums, etc. who don't know us.

Maybe it's an older generation thing but it's incredibly intrusive and imo disrespectful. But I'm the jerk for not wanting a stranger to touch my kid?
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I am 56 and have a tendency to touch, but have become more aware. I think jerk is a hard word, but by and large most people are good(in my opinion) when it comes to this subject. I have a large extended family and it is commonplace there…even with distant family. Generational is a good word to use…but I am a glass “half full” person and see the good in others. I understand a little bit I guess…but some people need to chill as well.
I am 56 and have a tendency to touch, but have become more aware. I think jerk is a hard word, but by and large most people are good(in my opinion) when it comes to this subject. I have a large extended family and it is commonplace there…even with distant family. Generational is a good word to use…but I am a glass “half full” person and see the good in others. I understand a little bit I guess…but some people need to chill as well.
I'm fine with people at family events touching her but at a museum or grocery store, if you don't know me, that's when I have the issue
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It’s a cultural thing- family culture and national culture. My family isn’t very touchy feely even by American standards, so I don’t like strangers touching my daughter at all. But then I have to accept that my Turkish wife’s family is extremely affectionate. I still get weirded out by so many hands and mouths on her when we visit Turkey, not to mention people on the streets, where it’s perfectly acceptable to touch or kiss a stranger’s child🥴
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What The Hell Just Happened Reaction GIF
Why do strangers think it's ok to walk up and touch your baby, grab their feet, squeeze their hands, etc? At least ask permission first

Maybe it's an older generation thing but it's incredibly intrusive and imo disrespectful. But I'm the jerk for not wanting a stranger to touch my kid?
hungry fat bastard GIF

Excited Ice Cream GIF
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Here in Small Town, USA people will touch, hug, shake hands, fist bump all the time. A lot of those times it's to complete strangers. Here, it's just part of our culture. Just got hugged up fifteen minutes ago by a server at Waffle House because we were nice and pleasant to her.

You got a cute child, or grandchild in our case, people will come up and pat em on the back, telling us "she's just cute as a button". Just who we are down here. You can easily spot the difference between plain ol folks and potential creepers.
Here in Small Town, USA people will touch, hug, shake hands, fist bump all the time. A lot of those times it's to complete strangers. Here, it's just part of our culture. Just got hugged up fifteen minutes ago by a server at Waffle House because we were nice and pleasant to her.

You got a cute child, or grandchild in our case, people will come up and pat em on the back, telling us "she's just cute as a button". Just who we are down here. You can easily spot the difference between plain ol folks and potential creepers.
Here in Small Town, USA people will touch, hug, shake hands, fist bump all the time. A lot of those times it's to complete strangers. Here, it's just part of our culture. Just got hugged up fifteen minutes ago by a server at Waffle House because we were nice and pleasant to her.

You got a cute child, or grandchild in our case, people will come up and pat em on the back, telling us "she's just cute as a button". Just who we are down here. You can easily spot the difference between plain ol folks and potential creepers.
This is accurate. You may get a hug just by accidently bumping in to a stranger because neither of you were looking where you were going. I was buying groceries one day and a grandmother and a little girl about 2 were standing near me. The little two year old walks up and asks me my name. I told her and she told me hers. I smile at the grandmother and next thing I know the little two year old says Hi Mike and gives me a big ole hug. Me and the grandmother just laugh.

I know that's kind of the opposite scenario OP laid out but that is kind of the way it is.

As far as touching babies feet or letting them grab my hand if I don't know them I'm respectful of the parents so usually after a few minutes of conversation you can kind of read the room if it's ok or not. Now I'm not going to touch a baby's face but I will let them grab a hold of my hand
OP if they had asked first would you have said yes? If so the end result is the same and not worth being upset over IMO.
Depends. Most likely not (unless I had a good feeling about them) but id at least like being asked first. Strangers wanting to touch my kid is not something I'm good with but id at least appreciate the courtesy of an ask.

I didn't grow up in a touchy feely family or culture though
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Depends. Most likely not (unless I had a good feeling about them) but id at least like being asked first. Strangers wanting to touch my kid is not something I'm good with but id at least appreciate the courtesy of an ask.

I didn't grow up in a touchy feely family or culture though
family is one thing, I don't mind if my fourth cousin wants to cozy up to my kid at Christmas or something

but total strangers? there's no universe where it's appropriate to unpromptedly touch someone's baby
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family is one thing, I don't mind if my fourth cousin wants to cozy up to my kid at Christmas or something

but total strangers? there's no universe where it's appropriate to unpromptedly touch someone's baby

Our son is a red head and we used to have strangers come up to us all the time asking to touch his hair.

Was the strangest thing to me - like why do you think I am going to let you touch my kid at the grocery store?
i love children, especially babies. while i will stop and talk to them i just dont touch them without permission, usually if you are talking to the baby and the parent(s) after they are comfortable they will allow you to touch them. i always go for the feet because i feel it is less offensive but some babies will reach out to touch my hand and i always look at the parent first before touching the hands. i think it is courtesy and you never know about the childs health.
Why do strangers think it's ok to walk up and touch your baby, grab their feet, squeeze their hands, etc? At least ask permission first. I'm not talking about people at a family get together. I'm talking about random people at grocery stores, museums, etc. who don't know us.

Maybe it's an older generation thing but it's incredibly intrusive and imo disrespectful. But I'm the jerk for not wanting a stranger to touch my kid?
Yell a loud STOP!
Why do strangers think it's ok to walk up and touch your baby, grab their feet, squeeze their hands, etc? At least ask permission first. I'm not talking about people at a family get together. I'm talking about random people at grocery stores, museums, etc. who don't know us.

Maybe it's an older generation thing but it's incredibly intrusive and imo disrespectful. But I'm the jerk for not wanting a stranger to touch my kid?
Yeah I don't get it. Like I don't get a man putting his hands on a younger child and smelling them in front of tv cameras. Freaking weirdo. I also don't get why people believe it is okay to touch a pregnant woman's belly without asking. I always ask a dog owner would it be okay if I pet your dog. I think too many people have lost basic manners.
Why do strangers think it's ok to walk up and touch your baby, grab their feet, squeeze their hands, etc? At least ask permission first. I'm not talking about people at a family get together. I'm talking about random people at grocery stores, museums, etc. who don't know us.

Maybe it's an older generation thing but it's incredibly intrusive and imo disrespectful. But I'm the jerk for not wanting a stranger to touch my kid?
First of all, it's not "your" baby. The child belongs to the world, and it will be "educated" (i.e., reprogrammed) to meet the values of the modern world. (Just not your world.) It takes a village, so the world village will touch your child as it pleases.

All joking aside, I never really allowed strangers to touch my son when he was a baby. But my social presence (intense personality) tends to intimidate most folks, even the good hearted ones. So it was never really an issue for me. I definitely fall on the side that strangers should always ask permission before touching a baby or child.
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Baby, hell no. I will break hands if I dont know you.
Child 3 and up-- fist bump high five is ok. Ex: my 4yr old son walking through the outlets with a uga hat on and guy says go dawgs and high fives him. Not sure how I feel about some random guy doing that with my daughters. It's a strange world.
Why do strangers think it's ok to walk up and touch your baby, grab their feet, squeeze their hands, etc? At least ask permission first. I'm not talking about people at a family get together. I'm talking about random people at grocery stores, museums, etc. who don't know us.

Maybe it's an older generation thing but it's incredibly intrusive and imo disrespectful. But I'm the jerk for not wanting a stranger to touch my kid?
so I should stop rubbing pregnant bellies on strangers ?
Baby toucher alert
Actually not at all. I just find it amusing that millennial kids come to social media….let alone a UGA fan page to talk to complain about something like this. It screams today’s young adults. And I’m not that old…..
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Actually not at all. I just find it amusing that millennial kids come to social media….let alone a UGA fan page to talk to complain about something like this. It screams today’s young adults. And I’m not that old…..
how you define young adult?
Why do strangers think it's ok to walk up and touch your baby, grab their feet, squeeze their hands, etc? At least ask permission first. I'm not talking about people at a family get together. I'm talking about random people at grocery stores, museums, etc. who don't know us.

Maybe it's an older generation thing but it's incredibly intrusive and imo disrespectful. But I'm the jerk for not wanting a stranger to touch my kid?
Yep, I’m with you brother. You don’t know me or my wife…..keep yer “focking” paws off my kids.

But I guess they are grown now…..but I still have my tendencies.
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