The DemonRat Party shall henceforth be …


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 29, 2018
Coastal Florida
The DemonFraud Party.

The DemonFrauds hate the truth. They avoid it and prefer lies instead. They twist truth into half truths, and a half truth is a whole lie.

The DemonFrauds shun facts, logic, reason, and common sense. They prefer a narrative (a story that isn’t true) that is means to an end, playing upon the emotions and feelings of the ignorant and blind.

The DemonFrauds talk and talk about democracy, but they don’t want democracy, don’t really know what it is, and don’t realize that the USA is actually a republic. They don’t know what a republic is either.

What the DemonFrauds actually want is big government control of every aspect of your life, because they know how to run your life better than you do.

The DemonFrauds take your money and give it to someone else, or better yet they waste it on programs that accomplish nothing while lining the pockets of their cronies.

The DemonFrauds are responsible for:

The Swamp
The deep state
Globular warming
Covid 19
The clot shot
Ivermectin and HCQ are bad
The Steele Dossier
Stolen Elections
The normalization of pedophilia
The trans movement
Making you pay for other’s student loans
The border crisis
The flow of illegal emigration
The corruption of our judicial system
The setup on January 6
The pro Palestine movement
The surge in homelessness
The surge in crime
Barry Soetero

The DemonFrauds are evil liars, tricksters, and thieves. They should never be allowed to be in charge of anything ever again.

Let’s take back our country from the DemonFrauds.
The DemonFraud Party.

The DemonFrauds hate the truth. They avoid it and prefer lies instead. They twist truth into half truths, and a half truth is a whole lie.

The DemonFrauds shun facts, logic, reason, and common sense. They prefer a narrative (a story that isn’t true) that is means to an end, playing upon the emotions and feelings of the ignorant and blind.

The DemonFrauds talk and talk about democracy, but they don’t want democracy, don’t really know what it is, and don’t realize that the USA is actually a republic. They don’t know what a republic is either.

What the DemonFrauds actually want is big government control of every aspect of your life, because they know how to run your life better than you do.

The DemonFrauds take your money and give it to someone else, or better yet they waste it on programs that accomplish nothing while lining the pockets of their cronies.

The DemonFrauds are responsible for:

The Swamp
The deep state
Globular warming
Covid 19
The clot shot
Ivermectin and HCQ are bad
The Steele Dossier
Stolen Elections
The normalization of pedophilia
The trans movement
Making you pay for other’s student loans
The border crisis
The flow of illegal emigration
The corruption of our judicial system
The setup on January 6
The pro Palestine movement
The surge in homelessness
The surge in crime
Barry Soetero

The DemonFrauds are evil liars, tricksters, and thieves. They should never be allowed to be in charge of anything ever again.

Let’s take back our country from the DemonFrauds.
Great post. They screw up everything they touch. They are unfit to govern. They have crazy ideas driven by the emotions of a 13 year old girl. Touchy feely horseshit that doesn’t work. They have screwed up this country to the point it might not survive. They have screwed up our military to the point it can’t build a pier. Their DEI and woke and climate bullshit has ruined our culture. Their education takeover has screwed up our kids. They have screwed up our police to the point they won’t take a call. They should not be allowed to run anything.
The DemonFraud Party.

The DemonFrauds hate the truth. They avoid it and prefer lies instead. They twist truth into half truths, and a half truth is a whole lie.

The DemonFrauds shun facts, logic, reason, and common sense. They prefer a narrative (a story that isn’t true) that is means to an end, playing upon the emotions and feelings of the ignorant and blind.

The DemonFrauds talk and talk about democracy, but they don’t want democracy, don’t really know what it is, and don’t realize that the USA is actually a republic. They don’t know what a republic is either.

What the DemonFrauds actually want is big government control of every aspect of your life, because they know how to run your life better than you do.

The DemonFrauds take your money and give it to someone else, or better yet they waste it on programs that accomplish nothing while lining the pockets of their cronies.

The DemonFrauds are responsible for:

The Swamp
The deep state
Globular warming
Covid 19
The clot shot
Ivermectin and HCQ are bad
The Steele Dossier
Stolen Elections
The normalization of pedophilia
The trans movement
Making you pay for other’s student loans
The border crisis
The flow of illegal emigration
The corruption of our judicial system
The setup on January 6
The pro Palestine movement
The surge in homelessness
The surge in crime
Barry Soetero

The DemonFrauds are evil liars, tricksters, and thieves. They should never be allowed to be in charge of anything ever again.

Let’s take back our country from the DemonFrauds.
As usual they are FAFO. They thought their handouts would work. They thought lawfare would work. They thought lying about Trump, GOP and SCOTUS would work. They thought the majority of the country hates the country as they do. They thought everyone loves Obama like they do. They are dead wrong on every count.

Go back to this time last year and you'll see posts from me saying it would be a huge mistake to nominate Trump bc he can't win. Literally everything the Ds and the media have since done totally reversed course to the point that Trump will win no matter who they put up.
when you look at the whole of democratic policies and stances over the past 15 years, you have to do some serious mental gymnastics to believe they are the party who loves America and wants this country to succeed and its people to thrive.

I say this as someone who thinks a majority of the republican party is pathetic but at least their policies overall help most Americans.
"Defund the Police"

You have to be some kind of special retard to think defunding police is a good idea. Unless you are trying to destroy a society, anyone who bought into that BS idea is a mental idiot
It is the only thing in government that they ever wanted to defund, is the only aspect of government that they want to disappear,...every other aspect of governance must be increased 4 fold immediately

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