the GOP, the family values party!


National Champion
Gold Member
Jun 11, 2007
Lets force women to have babies with disabilities and the make fun of them and call them bitches!! And cut Medicaid funding for said babies…

Lets force women to have babies with disabilities and the make fun of them and call them bitches!! And cut Medicaid funding for said babies…

Last I checked, he is leaving it up to each state. No easy answer for it all, it’s been an issue “for long time now”

Still trying to figure out how “KAMALA” is going to give illegals free Medicare.
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When there's a huge surge on kids in foster care, relying on entitlement programs, etc. in the next few years, are the Republicans going to look around and be like, "How in the hell did this happen?"
At least they will be having abortions done where it was voted in by the state and not by orders from the Supreme Court. And guess what at least they will be citizens of the USA and not an illegal alien.
When there's a huge surge on kids in foster care, relying on entitlement programs, etc. in the next few years, are the Republicans going to look around and be like, "How in the hell did this happen?"
You tellem not, let’s kill all the babies. They just cause problems in the long run. They can’t vote yet so who needs them right not??? SMH. You dims are so caring for your fellowman. Kill everyone not useful to the party right not??? Sickening.
You tellem not, let’s kill all the babies. They just cause problems in the long run. They can’t vote yet so who needs them right not??? SMH. You dims are so caring for your fellowman. Kill everyone not useful to the party right not??? Sickening.
That’s the way the Nazis did it! That’s the Dems blueprint.
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You tellem not, let’s kill all the babies. They just cause problems in the long run. They can’t vote yet so who needs them right not??? SMH. You dims are so caring for your fellowman. Kill everyone not useful to the party right not??? Sickening.
Sickening is separating kids from their families at the border. Just admit that you’re pro-birth, not pro-life. Because once they pop out, they’re on their own.
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Sickening is separating kids from their families at the border. Just admit that you’re pro-birth, not pro-life. Because once they pop out, they’re on their own.
Trump required a DNA test for everyone coming across the border. The only people separated were kids traveling with people not related to them. This was to protect the children. Of coarse Biden got rid of that EO right away. Who cares about the kids, right?
Trump required a DNA test for everyone coming across the border. The only people separated were kids traveling with people not related to them. This was to protect the children. Of coarse Biden got rid of that EO right away. Who cares about the kids, right?
He said while cleaning his AR-15, which is clearly more important than first graders not getting murdered in their classrooms. Tell me more about caring about the kids and your fellow man.

It’s cocktail hour. Thoughts and prayers, y’all.
Trump required a DNA test for everyone coming across the border. The only people separated were kids traveling with people not related to them. This was to protect the children. Of coarse Biden got rid of that EO right away. Who cares about the kids, right?
That is 100% false. I volunteered on the border to help those families and know it firsthand.
He said while cleaning his AR-15, which is clearly more important than first graders not getting murdered in their classrooms. Tell me more about caring about the kids and your fellow man.

It’s cocktail hour. Thoughts and prayers, y’all.
We could stop the mass shootings if Libs wanted to. Don't blame it on nutcases getting weapons they shouldn't have. The FBI has know about most of these killers and prior to the shootings and did nothing.
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He said while cleaning his AR-15, which is clearly more important than first graders not getting murdered in their classrooms. Tell me more about caring about the kids and your fellow man.

It’s cocktail hour. Thoughts and prayers, y’all.
You have kind of a myopic view of the world. Maybe he is cleaning his rifle so he ready to defend those children when evil shows up.
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Sickening is separating kids from their families at the border. Just admit that you’re pro-birth, not pro-life. Because once they pop out, they’re on their own.
You know 0 about me. I haven't separated anyone at the border but biden and kamala have. Flown kids all over the country and don't even know where they are now. Trafficking much.

This is not even a good deflection from the topic of abortion but I see you are all in on killing babies because YOU think they may not have a life. They are innocent HUMABN BEINGS> I know you dims like to throw them out in the garbage if you can't sell the parts. I wouldn't expect anymore from a dimocrat. JOY AND HAPPINESS. Yeah right
The Trump infatuation is real with this one. He isnt going to marry you bro.
You support a child sniffer who did everything he could to flood this country with illegals, sex traffickers and drugs and I am the issue. You are a confused person. What is happening on our border is horrific and the Dems have totally allowed it and excused it so excuse me if I don’t care what you think of me.
My statement was in response to: “The only people separated were kids traveling with people not related to them.”
Curious. How were they being seperated? If wondering a ton had to seperated by gender. There was so many rapes and sexual assaults the folks down there had to do something.
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You know 0 about me. I haven't separated anyone at the border but biden and kamala have. Flown kids all over the country and don't even know where they are now. Trafficking much.

This is not even a good deflection from the topic of abortion but I see you are all in on killing babies because YOU think they may not have a life. They are innocent HUMABN BEINGS> I know you dims like to throw them out in the garbage if you can't sell the parts. I wouldn't expect anymore from a dimocrat. JOY AND HAPPINESS. Yeah right
. . . He said while then proceeding to act like he knows all about me.
Or like said Walz, let’s take away the ability of a parent to stop their children from transitioning. F’ing children. Family values. Sure.
You mischaracterize the law in MN. The law protects a parent’s right to seek care based upon medical recommendations for their minor child. The law prevents the application of another state’s law that would seek to remove a child from the custody of parents seeking gender affirming care. So it actually the opposite of what you suggest.

RFK Jr definitly found a home in the GOP.

Perhaps the only person currently in national politics with a worse personal history than Trump.

He is still a Democrat. He did this and was celebrated for doing so by other democrats. What does it say when this guy feels like your party has gone off the rails way too late. Still not response to Michelle telling you she is suspicious of those who have too much.
RFK Jr definitly found a home in the GOP.

Perhaps the only person currently in national politics with a worse personal history than Trump.

Now do Kamala and your child sniffing/feeling president. There are no morally outstanding characters in politics but the left certainly has no room to point fingers. RFK jr has his issues but he is sharp and he is speaking truth. I don't agree with him on a lot but on health care and our intelligence agencies (corruption) he is dead on. He will sway 10-15% of the middle left away from Harris.

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