Trump finally reaching out to female voters

All cap, late night screaming about how only he can make women “HEALTHY, HOPEFUL, SAFE AND SECURE.”

This should help.

He’ll never reach the narcissistic woman. Only the woman who believes the womb should be the most sacredly safe place for a human life and that their life decisions matter.
All cap, late night screaming about how only he can make women “HEALTHY, HOPEFUL, SAFE AND SECURE.”

This should help.

All cap, late night screaming about how only he can make women “HEALTHY, HOPEFUL, SAFE AND SECURE.”

This should help.

You support the party that voted against deporting illegal aliens convicted of sexual assault. The modern day Democrat party is so far out of the mainstream. You might want to quit tossing stones in your glass house

You support the party that voted against deporting illegal aliens convicted of sexual assault. The modern day Democrat party is so far out of the mainstream. You might want to quit tossing stones in your glass house

Question for you: do you think those who commit crimes in America should be tried in American courts? and then if found guilty should be subject to the laws of the United States of America?
Question for you: do you think those who commit crimes in America should be tried in American courts? and then if found guilty should be subject to the laws of the United States of America?
wtf is your point? Any person who commits a crime in America should be tried in an American court. If convicted serve time in our prison system. Then if the first act you did by entering our country was to enter it illegally and then you sexually assault someone you forfeit the right to EVER live here ever again. Do your time then bye bye. Unless you are an unhinged modern day Democrat it’s common sense.
You support the party that voted against deporting illegal aliens convicted of sexual assault. The modern day Democrat party is so far out of the mainstream. You might want to quit tossing stones in your glass house

Just goes to show the pitiful state of the Democratic Party. They have to believe in WOKE. Wait until it effects their children and grandchildren.
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Lying about execution after birth again. He can't open his mouth without lying.
execution has happened but may not be the norm, however, aiding and abetting is certainly in play biggly!

BTW you watched any kamala ads on the tube? Heard any on the radio? ALL are nothing but big fat lies but you may not know that since you are a dim and obviously woefully uninformed.
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Who would have guessed? Pass crazy laws forcing women and little girls to have babies from rapist would tick people off

There is no coming back from this. Republicans will answer for this for years to come and they deserve everything they get.
Last I looked, he is leaving it up to the states and hasn’t passed any laws preventing anyone from doing this.

Has that changed??
Who would have guessed? Pass crazy laws forcing women and little girls to have babies from rapist would tick people off

There is no coming back from this. Republicans will answer for this for years to come and they deserve everything they get.
What % of all abortions are done because of rape, incest, etc.?… must be hundreds of thousands or millions of poor abused women and girls as much as Dems bring it up… seems the ones most caught up in this faux fear are middle aged cat ladies who never had and never will ever have children…
  • Haha
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