Trump indictments coming


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

I think you are probably right. DeSantis will pardon Trump then have Hunter arrested and he’ll flip on Joe. Seriously, I hope none of the above occur but they all certainly could….
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Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

They had to come up with something. So they will get him on a crime they don’t have a burden to really prove. Smart. This is great for pubs. He will go away. The country will again focus on the cluster f your man has created. And not some bs that every president has likely done, but if you make the enemies he has along the way, one is going to get your for something. Maybe this will cure your tds. We can only hope. Itnonicallly, he didn’t know better than Hillary. Which is somewhat mind blowing after how he came after her.
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OMG!!!!! The sky is falling!!!! You Dundee heads fall for it every time!
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Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

Old drew is consistent with it

Andrew Napolitano says Trump committed obstruction of justice 'at least a half-dozen' times

APRIL 25, 2019
Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

In your dreams!
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If, and I stress IF, he had the documents that is being reported, the first question would be why?
Secondly, IF it is true, pretty sure everyone on this site and across America would think he should be held to account.
If, and I stress IF, he had the documents that is being reported, the first question would be why?
Secondly, IF it is true, pretty sure everyone on this site and across America would think he should be held to account.
It’s just so funny how the Dems want to take him out, the reason is they know he will beat any dem that runs.
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It’s just so funny how the Dems want to take him out, the reason is they know he will beat any dem that runs.
IF it is true, he will take his self out.

Newsflash.....he has already lost to the last Dem that he ran against. Not to mention he lost the House and Senate.
I would think by now you would be tired of all that "winning".
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Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

I sure hope so. Tired of hearing about it. The Dems need a win. It will help with morale.

And if they nail Trump, our life immediately improves.
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Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.
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Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

You lost me at “long time Trump supporter”. Do some research.
@willdup Big Trump supporter huh LoL There are a million of these type articles. I’m sure they will indict as nothing else they’ve tried related to removing him from the political scene has worked.

@willdup Big Trump supporter huh LoL There are a million of these type articles. I’m sure they will indict as nothing else they’ve tried related to removing him from the political scene has worked.

This is a board where closet liberals hide behind proclaimed conservatism and moderation.. They eventually can no longer hide their liberalism and slink away to some liberal circle jerk board.
@willdup Big Trump supporter huh LoL There are a million of these type articles. I’m sure they will indict as nothing else they’ve tried related to removing him from the political scene has worked.

He did sound like he completely enjoyed writing that article.
Nothing will come of it, just wasting taxpayers money for political purposes!
Or so says long time Trump supporter Andrew Napolitano in the very conservative Washington Times. I guess we will see soon enough.

HAHA, HAHA, HAHA!!!! TDS!!! Don't count on it, better chance of tech winning the ACC Championship.