Trump is afraid of debating Kamala…

Discipline and addressing policy differences aren't really part of the deal with Trump. You and I both know that he won't be able to help himself with the personal attacks. He is who he is at this point.

He had the perfect political moment to show a new, disciplined Trump during his acceptance speech at the RNC and he spent at least sixty of the ninety minutes hitting all the classics. Between that and the fact that Vance is looking like a liability, it's going to be a very close election.
1000% accurate. He cannot help himself. This should be the easiest election since Reagan. The only reason it will be close is Trump being Trump. He has so much ammo to attack politics and policy and all. Instead he is going to attack her personally and continue to reference "J6 patriots" and talk about the 20 stolen election. He really is such a dipshit and the only person that could potentially lose this election
The only reason it will be close is Trump being Trump.
Trump being Trump is certainly an issue but I'd say the MSM and their almost cultish behavior of suppressing Kamala stories from the past and chanting the DNC word of the day (weird I know) will also tighten up the race. For example, there was a MSM echo chamber about 6 months ago talking about KH being a drag on the Biden ticket. Now, the echo chamber is trying to distance her from being the border boss.
Trump being Trump is certainly an issue but I'd say the MSM and their almost cultish behavior of suppressing Kamala stories from the past and chanting the DNC word of the day (weird I know) will also tighten up the race. For example, there was a MSM echo chamber about 6 months ago talking about KH being a drag on the Biden ticket. Now, the echo chamber is trying to distance her from being the border boss.
That would be easily combated if Trump wasn't such a dick. People for the most part know Kamala, despite the media. They know she was the "border czar" even if that wasn't her official WH title so the MSM is claiming she wasn't. The undecided's aren't buying that. But there are a lot that could look past Kamala's stupidity and failures cause they cannot stomach Trump. And he continues to show them why
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That would be easily combated if Trump wasn't such a dick. People for the most part know Kamala, despite the media. They know she was the "border czar" even if that wasn't her official WH title so the MSM is claiming she wasn't. The undecided's aren't buying that. But there are a lot that could look past Kamala's stupidity and failures cause they cannot stomach Trump. And he continues to show them why
Got a little news flash for you. About half the people wandering around DC are just as dickish as Trump. The difference is the slick ones go in with a lot of vaseline. Trump DGAS if he goes in dry.
The last debate was handled more than fairly by the CNN moderators, and even Trump conceded that.

Harris is going to be agressive in her challenges on this topic and it’s going to hurt Trump and make him look weak if he doesn’t step up.
Bash and Tapper were literally told to stfu. No liberal bias. Another debate debacle and CNN was basically toast.
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Got a little news flash for you. About half the people wandering around DC are just as dickish as Trump. The difference is the slick ones go in with a lot of vaseline. Trump DGAS if he goes in dry.
I would say more than half. I dont think any politician who gets to the top level is a good person. They would all screw over their kids for more power.

Trump has a way of being more outward about it. And saying he DGAS maybe true. But it costs him. He not caring shows he is a moron.

Im not arguing if he is a better person than Kamala or Biden. They are all bad. Trump is just a lot less savvy about it and turns off the undecideds and motivates the lazies on the left who don't vote to vote
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I would say more than half. I dont think any politician who gets to the top level is a good person. They would all screw over their kids for more power.

Trump has a way of being more outward about it. And saying he DGAS maybe true. But it costs him. He not caring shows he is a moron.

Im not arguing if he is a better person than Kamala or Biden. They are all bad. Trump is just a lot less savvy about it and turns off the undecideds and motivates the lazies on the left who don't vote to vote
I wouldn't say he's a moron. He was able to tap into a grass roots group that was looking for someone to fight the savvy dicks on the other side (dems and some Pubs) and he was able to go from zero to winning a sizeable majority of the Pub's historic base while bring in many new voters from historically dem demographics. He was able to take down the Bush machine and the neocons as well as the Clintons. He's a guy with warts that may make him uncool to some and unacceptable to others but I don't think one guy virtually reshaping one of the major political parties happened because he's stupid.
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My comment has nothing to do with fairness. If I were on Trump’s team that’s exactly what I would be insisting on.

I simply think the politics favor Harris on the topic and it will be difficult for Trump to back out of what he’s already agreed upon without looking weak, which is exactly what Harris is saying. Trump is the one who uses bravado and insults so consistently, which puts him at a disadvantage in this scenario.

And as I said, Trump acknowledged that CNN was very even-handed during the debate.

Trump may be a lot of things. But weak is not one. And he will never look weak. It’s his turn to call the shots on a debate. Especially considering the history of shenanigans from msm
My comment has nothing to do with fairness. If I were on Trump’s team that’s exactly what I would be insisting on.

I simply think the politics favor Harris on the topic and it will be difficult for Trump to back out of what he’s already agreed upon without looking weak, which is exactly what Harris is saying. Trump is the one who uses bravado and insults so consistently, which puts him at a disadvantage in this scenario.

And as I said, Trump acknowledged that CNN was very even-handed during the debate.

The “politics” are always going to favor liberals in this country because the media shoves said “politics” down our throats if it fits their liberal agenda. Anyone that says otherwise has their head buried in the sand.
I wouldn't say he's a moron. He was able to tap into a grass roots group that was looking for someone to fight the savvy dicks on the other side (dems and some Pubs) and he was able to go from zero to winning a sizeable majority of the Pub's historic base while bring in many new voters from historically dem demographics. He was able to take down the Bush machine and the neocons as well as the Clintons. He's a guy with warts that may make him uncool to some and unacceptable to others but I don't think one guy virtually reshaping one of the major political parties happened because he's stupid.
I said he is less savvy. Which he is. In 2016, he came out of nowhere. Bush's and Clinton's did not know what to do. Plus a lot of people were sick of the Bush's and Clinton's.

8 years later, he has alienated too many people. His base is built. They are voting for him no matter what. He doesn't seem to grasp the concept of STFU about things that most people hate hearing him say. Mostly the 2020 election. If he never brought that up again, including calling them J6 patriots, and he still continued to personally attack Kamala, he would be fine and win in a landslide still. But every time he opens his mouth he brings those up and it costs him. I hope I am wrong and I hope he can turn the switch off.
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Trump may be a lot of things. But weak is not one. And he will never look weak. It’s his turn to call the shots on a debate. Especially considering the history of shenanigans from msm
We will have to disagree on that one.

There has never been a national politician in my lifetime, and possibly in our history, who has whined as much as Trump does about how unfair everything is. The guy was born into great wealth, got BS deferments from serving in Vietnam, inherited over $400m dollars, has cheated on all three of his wives, has bankrupted multiple business ventures and the next time he takes personal responsibility for anything will be the first time.

So, by my measure, Trump is anything but a strong character.
Exactly. They were fair when he was debating someone he had an advantage over. Now that he knows he's ****ed and she will mop the floor with him it's suddenly not fair. And his sheep are falling right in line with the opinion. See above ^

Gotta love it. 😂

Deep down we know that you know trump is a scared little bitch. And weird too. ;)
If you've listen to this woman speak over the last four years and believe what you're saying you are beyond any help. I'm not sure she's even capable of actually mopping a floor. I hope for your sack you're yanking our chains and not serious. Would you trust her in control of protecting your family let alone the United States?
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Exactly. They were fair when he was debating someone he had an advantage over. Now that he knows he's ****ed and she will mop the floor with him it's suddenly not fair. And his sheep are falling right in line with the opinion. See above ^

Gotta love it. 😂

Deep down we know that you know trump is a scared little bitch. And weird too. ;)
All I need to know about you is that would actually vote FOR her. At least say you are voting AGAINST Trump. It makes you look smarter.
If he focuses on record, past positions, and God forbid resists the temptation to personally insult Kamala, he cruises to victory. As it stands, I think he wins anyway, but it isn't even a contest if he has discipline. A lot easier to attack Joe and get away with it than it is to attack Harris. He needs to know that and keep the attacks on policy. To your point, he can't help himself.
👀 As I was saying, Trump is on his heels on this issue.

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The last debate was handled more than fairly by the CNN moderators, and even Trump conceded that.

Harris is going to be agressive in her challenges on this topic and it’s going to hurt Trump and make him look weak if he doesn’t step up.
Yes, CNN was pretty fair.

But to think for even an instant that Trump is the least bit concerned about debating Harris is laughable.

Trump is playing the game.

Geez, the Dems have a President who hid during the last election and for most of his term, and a VP that has been invisible and has done nothing of substance this entire term and would have been replaced on the ticket if not for her being a woman of color, and they think Trump is concerned about debating her?

Give me two solid things she has done for you or me during her term as VP. Just two.

There is no one home.
The last debate was handled more than fairly by the CNN moderators, and even Trump conceded that.

Harris is going to be agressive in her challenges on this topic and it’s going to hurt Trump and make him look weak if he doesn’t step up.

I’m interested to see how he competes with Ms Word Salad
I actually agree with some of this. A debate with her doesn’t agree with trump’s debate style. As much as being a black woman will be used as a shield for her against attacks, it will help her in the debate. Personal attacks will not go over well against any woman. It is just the way people are wired. He would look like a bully. Yes. That worries me.

That being said, in no way should he agree to let abc host it. She needs the debate. He doesn’t. She herself said she is an underdog. I agree. And that is a nice strategy while also being true. Despite recent polling she is way behind. Trump agreed to no audience. And while cnn had moderators who stayed out of the way, you could tell he was given the questions ahead of time. And now that has come out. Lefty msm stations can’t help themselves. Let’s let Trump be privy to the questions. Have it at Fox and see how Kamala does.

The other enormous issue with a debate is how can she do worse. She just has to seem competent. That is the bar for her. Competency. It is a big chance to take for Trump. There really isn’t a need. How do you do better than last time.

It comes down to this. Ask her a question she isn’t familiar with and she will be her normal trainwreck self. ABC won’t do that to her. So it is a risk for sure.
How can Trump do better than last time....just about every poll of the debate performance by Trump was negative. The problem was Biden was so bad that is what everyone wanted to focus on.
Yes, CNN was pretty fair.

But to think for even an instant that Trump is the least bit concerned about debating Harris is laughable.

Trump is playing the game.

Geez, the Dems have a President who hid during the last election and for most of his term, and a VP that has been invisible and has done nothing of substance this entire term and would have been replaced on the ticket if not for her being a woman of color, and they think Trump is concerned about debating her?

Give me two solid things she has done for you or me during her term as VP. Just two.

There is no one home.
What does "posting like a man" ,mean? Still waiting.
That shit is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂

In all honesty I didn’t think he was that much of a bitch, but I love it. How you dumb ****ers feeling bout it? 😘😘😘😁😁😁😂😂😂😂

wth is wrong with you?

How can Trump do better than last time....just about every poll of the debate performance by Trump was negative. The problem was Biden was so bad that is what everyone wanted to focus on.
Part of this is he isn’t a politician. He isn’t a lawyer. Like most of these folks are. He is a real estate agent, builder and tv host. I wouldn’t expect him to be great in any debate. What is crazy is a debate ended Kamala’s run in 2020. Google tulsi and Kamala. She didn’t even defend the awful things said about her by tulsi.

She is a lawyer and if you check the 100 or so mind Numbing off the cuff statements she has made the last four years, you will know she just isn’t very smart. As a lawyer she should have the advantage. Plus his debate style is to attack. Which will not look good against a woman. She isn’t going to enlighten anyone. There is hours and hours of footage where she comes off like an idiot.

Truth is, he either should take more of a say in how the debate is handled or don’t do it. They have already been proven to give the Dems the questions prior to. They admitted this already. Let her talk herself out of favor She will. She already did this four years ago. She polled worse than Dan Quayle at her job. Worse than dick Cheney. Worst ever! The left hid her because she was embarrassing every time she showed up somewhere and took any questions. They had no choice. Biden was toast. Don’t take my word for it elevator. Go play the videos in these threads or look it up. She will do a miserable job if elected. Period. I am no real fan of Trump, but we have two choices. She isn’t it.
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That would be easily combated if Trump wasn't such a dick. People for the most part know Kamala, despite the media. They know she was the "border czar" even if that wasn't her official WH title so the MSM is claiming she wasn't. The undecided's aren't buying that. But there are a lot that could look past Kamala's stupidity and failures cause they cannot stomach Trump. And he continues to show them why
too far fool,

I will whip your ass right now!
come and dance you freak.

dig me or let me continue to run free
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The last debate was handled more than fairly by the CNN moderators, and even Trump conceded that.

Harris is going to be agressive in her challenges on this topic and it’s going to hurt Trump and make him look weak if he doesn’t step up.
She is aggressive ok, takes credit for President Trumps successes because she has none of her own.
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Part of this is he isn’t a politician. He isn’t a lawyer. Like most of these folks are. He is a real estate agent, builder and tv host. I wouldn’t expect him to be great in any debate. What is crazy is a debate ended Kamala’s run in 2020. Google tulsi and Kamala. She didn’t even defend the awful things said about her by tulsi.

She is a lawyer and if you check the 100 or so mind Numbing off the cuff statements she has made the last four years, you will know she just isn’t very smart. As a lawyer she should have the advantage. Plus his debate style is to attack. Which will not look good against a woman. She isn’t going to enlighten anyone. There is hours and hours of footage where she comes off like an idiot.

Truth is, he either should take more of a say in how the debate is handled or don’t do it. They have already been proven to give the Dems the questions prior to. They admitted this already. Let her talk herself out of favor She will. She already did this four years ago. She polled worse than Dan Quayle at her job. Worse than dick Cheney. Worst ever! The left hid her because she was embarrassing every time she showed up somewhere and took any questions. They had no choice. Biden was toast. Don’t take my word for it elevator. Go play the videos in these threads or look it up. She will do a miserable job if elected. Period. I am no real fan of Trump, but we have two choices. She isn’t it.
Trump screwed up for four years. Ask any of his former cabinet members. One called him a moron and another the worst person he ever met. That's just for starters. I don't know what Harris can bring, but it will be better than that. save the long posts and videos. I need to play golf, blues harp and go to the gym.
Trump screwed up for four years. Ask any of his former cabinet members. One called him a moron and another the worst person he ever met. That's just for starters. I don't know what Harris can bring, but it will be better than that. save the long posts and videos. I need to play golf, blues harp and go to the gym.
Harris is a true moron. Trump pissed people off along the way. Guess what? He told you he was going to piss people off and shake up the system. At least he fired guys. Biden hasn’t fired a damn soul. How has that worked out us? Mayorkas is still employed. The ss leader had to resign. That isn’t how you handle being in charge. You have to make tough decisions.

I agree with the last sentence. Need to do more of the same myself. All but the blues harp. I am Not musically talented in any way. People were better off under trump. That is the easiest way to put it. You don’t like the guy. I don’t either. But I want someone running the country who will break a few eggs. Not say all is well when it isn’t.
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Are you talking about actual policy or what? I think if Trump can stay disciplined and on point he can pick her apart on her positions, but we know hes probably not gonna do that lol.

Trumps advisors ( for whatever they are worth) need to hammer home for him to get his points across, no namecalling , and let her hang herself. I dont think shes a great public speaker.
Good luck with that.
That shit is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂

In all honesty I didn’t think he was that much of a bitch, but I love it. How you dumb ****ers feeling bout it? 😘😘😘😁😁😁😂😂😂😂
LMAO…The debate will be on Trumps terms this time, not the Dems terms like the first debate..and I’ll make a bet with you right now if you like that he will debate her?

Want to put your money where your mouth is?
That shit is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂

In all honesty I didn’t think he was that much of a bitch, but I love it. How you dumb ****ers feeling bout it? 😘😘😘😁😁😁😂😂😂😂
It’s not fear, he’s too out of touch with reality for that to be it. His people will not let him. Yesterday was a perfect example of why.

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