Trump is afraid of debating Kamala…

LMAO…The debate will be on Trumps terms this time, not the Dems terms like the first debate..and I’ll make a bet with you right now if you like that he will debate her?

Want to put your money where your mouth is

Got a little news flash for you. About half the people wandering around DC are just as dickish as Trump. The difference is the slick ones go in with a lot of vaseline. Trump DGAS if he goes in dry.
That’s the kind of keen, intelligent insight that you get from Trumpers. Stand up and take a bow.
Harris is a true moron. Trump pissed people off along the way. Guess what? He told you he was going to piss people off and shake up the system. At least he fired guys. Biden hasn’t fired a damn soul. How has that worked out us? Mayorkas is still employed. The ss leader had to resign. That isn’t how you handle being in charge. You have to make tough decisions.

I agree with the last sentence. Need to do more of the same myself. All but the blues harp. I am Not musically talented in any way. People were better off under trump. That is the easiest way to put it. You don’t like the guy. I don’t either. But I want someone running the country who will break a few eggs. Not say all is well when it isn’t.
Biden has hired better people so why fire them? But, yeah some have to go. It's a matter of numbers. It wasn't a case of Trump pissing people off. They just saw up close and personal his incompetence. How many folks from his staff over four years are in, or, went to prison. How many defend him now?

Biden made the toughest decision a politician can make. Honestly, what do you think the chances are Trump would do the same. People like me to play harp cause it keeps me from singing. other like me to sing to keep me from playing. Sometimes I throw them a curve and do both.

Don't sell yourself short know some hoops.
Biden has hired better people so why fire them? But, yeah some have to go. It's a matter of numbers. It wasn't a case of Trump pissing people off. They just saw up close and personal his incompetence. How many folks from his staff over four years are in, or, went to prison. How many defend him now?

Biden made the toughest decision a politician can make. Honestly, what do you think the chances are Trump would do the same. People like me to play harp cause it keeps me from singing. other like me to sing to keep me from playing. Sometimes I throw them a curve and do both.

Don't sell yourself short know some hoops.
I appreciate the last sentence brother in hoops diehardness. :). (Yours earned on the court) Biden didn’t want to go. He was given the option of being removed from office and legacy gone, or leave the election. That came from pelosi. He was given an offer he couldn’t refuse. They were also going to cut off the funding. Those are facts

I agree that Trump pissed so many off I am not surprised he had people calling him incompetent. Watching the incompetence of Biden’s cabinet, the alternative is way worse. To a man, woman or trans he has appointed, they have all had some major issues doing their job well. The secret service issues get worse by the day. The border and secretary of transportation were terrible. We have wars all over the world. We will find out for sure, but I have no doubts Kamala will fall flat on her face. She has never done any job well. Including again being the worst vp approval wise in the history of our country.
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I appreciate the last sentence brother in hoops diehardness. :). (Yours earned on the court) Biden didn’t want to go. He was given the option of being removed from office and legacy gone, or leave the election. That came from pelosi. He was given an offer he couldn’t refuse. They were also going to cut off the funding. Those are facts

I agree that Trump pissed so many off I am not surprised he had people calling him incompetent. Watching the incompetence of Biden’s cabinet, the alternative is way worse. To a man, woman or trans he has appointed, they have all had some major issues doing their job well. The secret service issues get worse by the day. The border and secretary of transportation were terrible. We have wars all over the world. We will find out for sure, but I have no doubts Kamala will fall flat on her face. She has never done any job well. Including again being the worst vp approval wise in the history of our country.
I doubt you know what happened in the inner circle of the Dem party. No doubt pressure was applied, as it should have been. But, he still could have stayed. People called Trump, moron etc not because he pissed them off, but because he is. The people in the SS have stayed pretty much the same for years. Directors may change. There are always wars all over the world...nothing new there. Cheney had a lower rating. The border problem would have been significantly improved by the bi-partisan blil endorsed by the border agencies that Trump had killed. The influx of migrants has gone down over the last three years to now, it's lowest in many years.

Here's a fact. Trump said today he would have had the Marine released immediately upon election,. The guy was a prisoner for almost two years during Trumps term.

I'm done with this. Factchecking true believers is just impossible . I have better stuff to do
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One president had no wars

The bill would have allowed a maximum of five thousand migrants a day. It would have been a total victory for the Dems. It also would have included funding for the Ukraine. Which every lefty on the board admits this is the only reason a border bill was introduced that had a chance to pass. This is why the left wanted to pass it so bad and the gop members who supported now are embarrassed. It made Biden slow the flow down when it wasn’t passed. Which he could have done at anytime. He didn’t need Congress. Another lie from the left. The polls plus Governors in New York and other states told Biden to slow the flow or they will go look for another president

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I've read several times today that Harris has not yet answered any questions - just read prepared statements - since becoming the presumptive Democrat nominee. Is that true?

Wonder when she will face a hostile press without notes and take unscreened questions for any significant length of time? The next president will need to deal with a lot worse.
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I would say more than half. I dont think any politician who gets to the top level is a good person. They would all screw over their kids for more power.

Trump has a way of being more outward about it. And saying he DGAS maybe true. But it costs him. He not caring shows he is a moron.

Im not arguing if he is a better person than Kamala or Biden. They are all bad. Trump is just a lot less savvy about it and turns off the undecideds and motivates the lazies on the left who don't vote to vote
He’s not a polished politician. He is what he is. The smiling grease balls luke Schumer et al that fool the foolish into believing they are nice and care about people are the ones to run from.
That shit is hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂

In all honesty I didn’t think he was that much of a bitch, but I love it. How you dumb ****ers feeling bout it? 😘😘😘😁😁😁😂😂😂😂
afraid? lol
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Harris is a true moron. Trump pissed people off along the way. Guess what? He told you he was going to piss people off and shake up the system. At least he fired guys. Biden hasn’t fired a damn soul. How has that worked out us? Mayorkas is still employed. The ss leader had to resign. That isn’t how you handle being in charge. You have to make tough decisions.

I agree with the last sentence. Need to do more of the same myself. All but the blues harp. I am Not musically talented in any way. People were better off under trump. That is the easiest way to put it. You don’t like the guy. I don’t either. But I want someone running the country who will break a few eggs. Not say all is well when it isn’t.
It’s hilarious..a month ago the Dems were discussing how she will hurt Biden’s ticket and possibly bringing in a new VP candidate..but this would have pissed all the DEI tards off…but now she’s the second coming of Jesus…LOL..You can’t make this shi+up..only Dems!!
No it doesn’t
If you actually believe that, which hopefully isnt true, then you should not be allowed to vote. Harris is a moron. Harris is unqualified. Harris is a laughing stock of her own party (until now of course). Just say you hate Trump and it doesnt matter who is running against him, that person gets your vote. Its at least defendable.
I’m not going back to all 3,400 responses, but I see you know what is about to happen. Y’all are scared shitless and it shows. 😂

I’m here for it.
If you actually believe that, which hopefully isnt true, then you should not be allowed to vote. Harris is a moron. Harris is unqualified. Harris is a laughing stock of her own party (until now of course). Just say you hate Trump and it doesnt matter who is running against him, that person gets your vote. Its at least defendable.
Dude I’m on your side. Was saying any vote for Kamala no matter the reason does not make one look smart in anyway.
He ain’t afraid
He would tear her a new one
But it needs to be on Fox not abc
ABC will pull the same shot as last time giving Kamala the questions ahead of time plus they would stack questions about BS like abortion and green crap.
If Kamala wins our country is on a quick path to non existence.
She's a lazy and recently turned Black woman who got hired due to DEI. It doesn't need to be fair. Genius former Prez with great ideas for fighting COVID would easily whip her. Sad that his so called supporters think he needs FOX to do it. Where's the confidence? Dude got 46% of the vote in two elections and won by landslides if not for the cheating.
She's a lazy and recently turned Black woman who got hired due to DEI. It doesn't need to be fair. Genius former Prez with great ideas for fighting COVID would easily whip her. Sad that his so called supporters think he needs FOX to do it. Where's the confidence? Dude got 46% of the vote in two elections and won by landslides if not for the cheating.

Just as a side note to topic and I don’t mean this to be negative in any sense but I’m just curious how old are you? No need to exacts but just like a 4 year range if you don’t mind. I’m always just generally curious given the old saying you know….”if you’re not a liberal when you’re young you have no heart”
Just as a side note to topic and I don’t mean this to be negative in any sense but I’m just curious how old are you? No need to exacts but just like a 4 year range if you don’t mind. I’m always just generally curious given the old saying you know….”if you’re not a liberal when you’re young you have no heart”
Yeah, how does the rest of that go?

How bout now? 😁😂
Looks like she’s chicken shi+ for the other two debates, want step up tp the challenge? How bout that?
Gotta stay close to where her bestee is over the ABC proceedings, need some coddling and protection….And she wants to be President…LMAO
China and Russia are licking their chops…the fear that the chicken shi+DEI Queen must put in their eyes