Trump says Putin meeting will be easiest of the week

Shower monster sees all and agrees.

Just because someone says they wash off, doesn’t mean they are clean.

As always the shower monster is watching.
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Liberals are hilarious. Call Trump an idiot and a buffoon, but he's an evil genius who masterminded colluding with Russia and was so masterful at it there isn't a shred of evidence to prove it.

Liberals are hilarious. Call Trump an idiot and a buffoon, but he's an evil genius who masterminded colluding with Russia and was so masterful at it there isn't a shred of evidence to prove it.


Indeed, and all the while he is blasting nato for their dealings with Russia. Its so funny, they are so brain washed.. they all need to be institutionalized. Brains have ceased working. They can't even see how ridiculous their statements are. Say 1 thing now something totally opposite in the next breath.
Indeed, and all the while he is blasting nato for their dealings with Russia. Its so funny, they are so brain washed.. they all need to be institutionalized. Brains have ceased working. They can't even see how ridiculous their statements are. Say 1 thing now something totally opposite in the next breath.

Has to be Nazi like propaganda right? Or, Trump is just doing what Putin wants in weakening NATO right? News flash libs, NATO is a crock of shit. NATO didn't do shit to stop Putin annexing Crimea. That was mostly due to limp wristed Obama, but I digress.

No one is saying trump is smart.
What people have a problem with is how trump says he believes putin when our intelligence says he is lying?

Also did you saw his ramblings about Elton john and his musical mouth and important brain. Yikes guy.

As always shower monster disagrees with people who don’t shower.
No one is saying trump is smart.
What people have a problem with is how trump says he believes putin when our intelligence says he is lying?

Also did you saw his ramblings about Elton john and his musical mouth and important brain. Yikes guy.

As always shower monster disagrees with people who don’t shower.

"No one is saying Trump is smart". I'm saying Trump is smart. How do you explain how he built a business empire, created a television show that was a huge success that ran for over 10 years, and on a lark, decided to run for President where he defeated a field of 16 to gain the nomination and then beat "the most qualified person to ever run" To become POTUS? Pretty crafty dummy, huh?
Trump and the word genius in a sentence is the biggest Oxymoron of all time.

Trump and evil, not so much.

Because the MSM says so or because of the butthurt? How convenient to forget that Trump was once a democrat rubbing elbows with the Clintons. But he wasn't a bad guy back then I suppose.
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Trump and the word genius in a sentence is the biggest Oxymoron of all time.

Trump and evil, not so much.

Trump confronted Merkel with the fact that she recently negotiated a pipeline from Russia directly to Germany w/o the knowledge of her NATO allies. Estimated Germany will get 70% of LNG from Russia. Trump wants to export LNG to Europe. We are already doing that in Spain and Portugal. Trump would like to isolate Russia economically. Merkel is doing what is best for Merkel except it makes their country more dependent on Putin they consider to be an enemy.
So Dawgfood, does that sound like Trump is in Putin's pocket?
I don't see a lot of cleverness in a lot of the stuff Trump says. Kinda juvenile most of the time. But he nailed it when accusing Germany of letting the US spend more than our share in "protecting them from Russia", and then taking those savings and spending it on a pipeline to Russia, to keep from buying their energy from the ones "protecting" them. From what? That massive land invasion Putin is planning. LOL

I think I read Russia spends only 13% of NATO's military budget. If so, and NATO is still scared of Putin, they must be spending their money on the wrong things.

How about video of trump actually saying it? Probably didn't say it though right? @RumphSquatch and @benchwarmerdawg

Hit the showers buds.

You don't read too good to you? Shower must be fogging up.

Truthfully, that was an awful attempt at an analogy by Trump. But doesn't this prove the point that Trump isn't some evil genius that colluded with Russia? Oh and I'll see your Trump clip and raise you this one:

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I agree, how hard is it to say:

Yes Vlad.

I'll do it Vlad.

No problem Vlad.

Of course I'll suck that.

He doesnt try to hide his affection for Putin. He goes out of his way to insult allies, but Russia?!??? .....

Here's your Putin lapdog at work. Not rhetoric, not talking points from MSNBC/CNN/Twitter, but actual events and policies in the real world.

Meanwhile our "allies" ask us to continue defending their nations from the Russian threat while at the same time engaging in energy deals with Russia, which puts the very "allies" we're defending from the Russian threat further under the political & financial control of Russia.

How about video of trump actually saying it? Probably didn't say it though right? @RumphSquatch and @benchwarmerdawg

Hit the showers buds.

What is your point? What does any of that have to do with any important issue? What about that makes him divisive? The fact is you guys have nothing and you hunt for some hokey something a hold on to that trying to comfort yourselves. Trying to make believe you have nailed him... Here is a fact for you> Odumba was at least tied for worst president in the history of our country and Trump is proving to be one of the best. He has done more for minorities than O ever dreamed of doing... All O ever did was organize a riot, drove more minorities into poverty, and divide America.
What is your point? What does any of that have to do with any important issue? What about that makes him divisive? The fact is you guys have nothing and you hunt for some hokey something a hold on to that trying to comfort yourselves. Trying to make believe you have nailed him... Here is a fact for you> Odumba was at least tied for worst president in the history of our country and Trump is proving to be one of the best. He has done more for minorities than O ever dreamed of doing... All O ever did was organize a riot, drove more minorities into poverty, and divide America.
Please, Please someone post Obutthole saying corpsssman over and over again, and how many states do we have according to him? 57? lol butthurt.
What is your point? What does any of that have to do with any important issue? What about that makes him divisive? The fact is you guys have nothing and you hunt for some hokey something a hold on to that trying to comfort yourselves. Trying to make believe you have nailed him... Here is a fact for you> Odumba was at least tied for worst president in the history of our country and Trump is proving to be one of the best. He has done more for minorities than O ever dreamed of doing... All O ever did was organize a riot, drove more minorities into poverty, and divide America.

Trump hasn't done anything except get rid of regulations people put in place before him. You my friend need to nozzles for your shower.

As always the sower monster is smarter than you.
Indeed, and all the while he is blasting nato for their dealings with Russia. Its so funny, they are so brain washed.. they all need to be institutionalized. Brains have ceased working. They can't even see how ridiculous their statements are. Say 1 thing now something totally opposite in the next breath.

Now, now benchwarmer, don't be so hard on them....they are sensitive and highly emotional. Besides, there's nothing wrong with our numbnut, 'RAT friends that learning to read and going a little deeper into the hogwash propaganda they are fed wouldn't cure.
Once they know the real story, that Trump kicked their NATO asses for:
1) freeloading off of us and NEVER meeting their financial commitment to THEIR OWN defense (not ours).
2) making an agreement with RUSSIA to build a pipeline (it's almost finished) into Europe thereby becoming energy dependent on their own enemy (geniuses they are).
Of course once our 'RAT contingent understands that, they surely have enough sense to figure out that they fell for yet another bullshit stinky CNN doughball with a hook in it....right? I said......right?
Truthfully, that was an awful attempt at an analogy by Trump. But doesn't this prove the point that Trump isn't some evil genius that colluded with Russia? Oh and I'll see your Trump clip and raise you this one:

You throw a pecker in front of him and he would tear it up. He would be right at home and no stumbling through that. Bathhouse barry, or is it the shower monster?
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Trump confronted Merkel with the fact that she recently negotiated a pipeline from Russia directly to Germany w/o the knowledge of her NATO allies. Estimated Germany will get 70% of LNG from Russia. Trump wants to export LNG to Europe. We are already doing that in Spain and Portugal. Trump would like to isolate Russia economically. Merkel is doing what is best for Merkel except it makes their country more dependent on Putin they consider to be an enemy.
So Dawgfood, does that sound like Trump is in Putin's pocket?

Actually Hoffman, its only around nine percent, (Trump completely made up the 70% number), but who cares about facts when you are a Trumper.
Actually Hoffman, its only around nine percent, (Trump completely made up the 70% number), but who cares about facts when you are a Trumper.
That is not correct. Germany currently gets 40% of its LNG from Russia BEFORE the additional pipeline. From the Wasington Post: “In a 2017 Bloomberg article titled “Germany is Addicted to Russian Gas,” an expert noted that “[t]here are not many other places apart from Russia where Germany can get a lot of gas quickly.” That article also noted that 40 percent of the country’s natural gas came from Russia — with another pipeline from Russia under construction.”

However, LNG makes up a small percentage of Germany’s total energy use. So the 70% figure might be correct. Your 9% number probably is correct regarding the potential of TOTAL energy used in Germany coming from Russia LNG. Trump is concerned about the percentage of LNG only because he’d like to export more of our LNG to them, like any GOOD American president would want.
Actually Hoffman, its only around nine percent, (Trump completely made up the 70% number), but who cares about facts when you are a Trumper.

Wait, now which is it for you? You begin this thread with a silly attack regarding our president and your perceived notion that he’s a Putin puppet. One of your favorite things to dangle out here.

Now you’re seemingly upset that our president is concerned that an ally of ours, who we spend billions with in defense from Russia is in fact headed towards an energy deal that not only further enriched Russia but gives them leverage over one of our allies we are paying to protect.

So, is Russia a threat or not?

And is our president within his rights to call them out or not?

What do you really support? Our national interest and the interests of our allies or the interests of Russia?
Actually Hoffman, its only around nine percent, (Trump completely made up the 70% number), but who cares about facts when you are a Trumper.

Wow you are some more financial genius. You need to listen to something other than msnbc,,, makes you dumber everyday

I use the daily mail so you can't say fox is lying for Trump... Your news lies to you every other breath and every breath on some things. SMH
Wow you are some more financial genius. You need to listen to something other than msnbc,,, makes you dumber everyday

And that’s currently. With the second planned pipeline they add an additional 55bcm while at the same time giving up more coal & nuclear energy increasing thier dependence on Russia even more.

I can’t believe POTUS now has the left defending Russian influence over our allies.
You are correct, it is 70% of gas, nine percent of total energy.

Guess after posting for ten years, I had to screw one up sometime
Why read real news when you can watch fox n friends and Hannity! It’s all a giant conspiracy except Fox News. Even though those are “entertainment” shows and not actually news according to Fox. Weird.

Story like that has go to be true.

As always I’ll be watching you struggle in the shower.
Why read real news when you can watch fox n friends and Hannity! It’s all a giant conspiracy except Fox News. Even though those are “entertainment” shows and not actually news according to Fox. Weird. mo

Story like that has go to be true.

As always I’ll be watching you struggle in the shower.

You and the 2 likes you have don't have 3 brain cells between you. You keep on believing whatever lies you want. Trump is MAGA and you will be able to benefit from it as well.. He saved you morons from being servants to the ruling class. See, in socialism, the ruling class is ultra rich and lives in luxury while the masses are left to starve. You idiots don't even realize that. You want to be a good little comrade...

I specifically didn't use fox so you wouldn't be able to throw off on the post. But you still went after fox. YOU dims are sick puppies...

Kill babies, protect MS 13, punish Christians, have orgies with gays, hate the police, love elitist politicians, hate America, celebrate socialism, you name it, you fella are bassackwards.

You and the 2 likes you have don't have 3 brain cells between you. You keep on believing whatever lies you want. Trump is MAGA and you will be able to benefit from it as well.. He saved you morons from being servants to the ruling class. See, in socialism, the ruling class is ultra rich and lives in luxury while the masses are left to starve. You idiots don't even realize that. You want to be a good little comrade...

I specifically didn't use fox so you wouldn't be able to throw off on the post. But you still went after fox. YOU dims are sick puppies...

Kill babies, protect MS 13, punish Christians, have orgies with gays, hate the police, love elitist politicians, hate America, celebrate socialism, you name it, you fella are bassackwards.

Just because you didn’t use Fox News doesn’t mean you don’t only watch Fox News.

You sound like you hate free speech and the freedom of others to make their own decisions. Punish Christians? Orgies with gays? Hate America? Kill babies? I don’t know what any of this is about guy.

Awesome rant you just went on there. No facts of any kind. Enjoy the trade war. I’m sure that will help the “masses left to starve.”

Also MAGA. Do you not care that the trumps companies are not in America? MAGA!

Trump is definitely MAGA’ing hard by having his, Melania, and Ivankas companies overseas.

As always the shower monster lives to watch another day. Including the crazy and the close minded. Winky face for you my friend.
Why read real news when you can watch fox n friends and Hannity! It’s all a giant conspiracy except Fox News. Even though those are “entertainment” shows and not actually news according to Fox. Weird.

Story like that has go to be true.

As always I’ll be watching you struggle in the shower.

You are correct, it is 70% of gas, nine percent of total energy.

Guess after posting for ten years, I had to screw one up sometime


U don't get off that easy. U have been posting conspiracy theories for several years all of which always end with your theory that Trump is a puppet of Putin. Since DT is openly trying to hurt Putin's economy by replacing their LNG business in Europe, U obviously are wrong. What say u?

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