Trump sits down with Maria Bartiromo to discuss his economic plan and let's just say it's frightening how detached from reality he sounds....

Tariffs are a tax on American companies who then pass that cost onto the American people. It's not Mexico or China that's paying the tarrifs
but Americans.

I think everyone understands what tariffs are but Dems/progs seem to have an issue with the concept that making companies "pay their fair share" is nothing more than pass thru taxes to the consumer as well. Now, the tariffs Trump is talking about aren't really inflationary because he's talking about companies making products for Americans in the U.S. and not being able to profit by avoiding U.S. labor and environmental laws. It's not like the Chinese are producing cheap cars now in Mexico, flooding our markets and our consumers are accustomed to that pricing but that is what Trump is trying to discourage.

Iows, China won't be building auto factories in Mexico to provide the American consumer with cheaper prices, they will be using the savings to pad their bottom line while also having the ability to manipulate the market price making manufacturing in the U.S. a losing proposition from the start. Trump wants products manufactured in the U.S. and is looking to level the playing field by: 1. Forcing our trade partners to follow the same rules as our companies or collecting tariffs to eat into their margins. 2. By streamlining our permitting process, removing draconian regs and putting public pressure on our multi nationals to manufacture here rather than overseas. Think about a campaign to put pressure on companies like Apple and Nike to bring to light the atrocities they take advantage of in China while still charging premium prices for their products in our market.
It's amazing what you find on the internet with a little research. Appears that 7% number you're referring to is due to during the COVID pandemic low-wage workers were disporportiantlly laid off at a higher rate than higher wage worker.

"The Trump increase was due partly to low-wage workers being laid off disproportionately during the COVID-19 pandemic, the analysis said.

Economist Josh Bivens of the liberal Economic Policy Institute said the 7% figure goes back to Richard Nixon’s first term in 1969. He called the increase under Trump “artificial” because fewer low-income workers were employed, driving up the average."

Barack Obama Mic Drop GIF
Well, the Obama gif is cute. But don't lose sight that Obama has nothing to do with what we are talking about.....which is 'KAMALA" versus Trump.

For the sake of an argument which would likely be never-ending. I will just concede the article that the fellow from the "Liberal" Economic Policy Institute has some merit to it for now. I will just remove Covid as the reason why some think Trump's 7.1% number was so good (Real Wages).

Take a minute and look at the 37th month in the link that Trump was in office, which about when Covid started in the US. He still has the best numbers of all Presidents (Real Wages) and completely blows Biden out of water. You would think that Biden's numbers would be better if what this economist is saying is true, Biden dealt with Covid also.

Two things that most people are concerned about, border/safety & inflation/real wages. The democrats do not have a good argument for either from my seat.

Again, Trump is proven, and "KAMALA" is not. It will be the SOS or worse with her in she says she couldn't think of one thing that she would change that Biden did in office.

If 'KAMALA" makes you happy, by all for her.

You're right and results have shown those beginning Trump years were an extension of the Obama years.

Again: Actual results versus projections from "experts" or "economists"....from academia.

Note also that Biden's entire economic cabinet is made up solely of folks with a government and/or academia background. Almost no one with real world business success in leadership.

Put another way: How do you think Wall Street would respond to a Company CEO who posted a quarterly loss, when the Street expected $1 Billion of positive earnings.......if that CEO basically said:

"Hey, we wildly missed earnings, but that was because of the last CEO, who we know beat earnings every quarter, but here's the thing: our "economists" and "experts," including "81 PHD's" believe that earnings will be $2 Billion next quarter, and if you went back and hired that other CEO, earnings will be lower." That CEO would be fired on the spot, the share price would tank, and the Street would be discussing re-hiring the last CEO.

Sounds ridiculous, right? That is effectively the leap you are asking us to make with your argument, and it also explains the fact why smart Americans see right through the "experts" from academia and prefer someone with a track record of success.

Results matter.
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Two things that most people are concerned about, border/safety & inflation/real wages. The democrats do not have a good argument for either from my seat.
1) Bipartisan border security bill ready to go on day one...Trump doesn't have that

2) Survey of leading economist reviewed both Trump and Harris economic plans and determined Trump's would increase inflation and the debt/deficit faster than Harris's plan.

You need to move your seat closer to the front of the classroom if you can't see the white board full of facts infront of you.
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1) Bipartisan border security bill ready to go on day one...Trump doesn't have that

2) Survey of leading economist reviewed both Trump and Harris economic plans and determined Trump's would increase inflation and the debt/deficit faster than Harris's plan.

You need to move your seat closer to the front of the classroom if you can't see the white board full of facts infront of you.
That's BS
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Tariffs are a tax on American companies who then pass that cost onto the American people. It's not Mexico or China that's paying the tarrifs
but Americans.

This is a little simplistic. Trump used tariffs to keep and/or bring back American MFG jobs. It worked. He brought in high paying jobs which meant new taxes for the govt. and spurred the economy. If we send all of our jobs to China or Mexico it leaves you with economically dead towns, drugs, crime and a drain on our welfare system. Again, if tariffs are so bad why was Trump's economy so good and why didn't Biden/Harris remove the tariffs?
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1) Bipartisan border security bill ready to go on day one...Trump doesn't have that

2) Survey of leading economist reviewed both Trump and Harris economic plans and determined Trump's would increase inflation and the debt/deficit faster than Harris's plan.

You need to move your seat closer to the front of the classroom if you can't see the white board full of facts infront of you.
At the risk of repeating myself:

1) Trump’s proven……“KAMALA” and crew are the ones that let them in….now she has a plan to get them out??

If she does have one, don’t depend on it, her plans change like the wind.

Last I looked, the rate that they came in is 4X what Trump’s was….vetted or not.

And last I heard, Trump will close the border if need be and deport the undesirables. The ones that stay will have to go through the vetting process.

Sounds like a plan to me.

He’s not against immigration, he just wants them to come over legally… do I.

2) Trump will increase the inflation that Biden and crew created??

AGAIN, Trump is proven.

Would love to see the 68% breakdown of economists and their party affiliation. Color me skeptical.

I have no reason to believe he will increase inflation, his record says otherwise. Numbers don’t lie.

DDD was right about you… certainly do struggle.

AGAIN, vote for whoever makes you happy.
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This is a little simplistic. Trump used tariffs to keep and/or bring back American MFG jobs. It worked. He brought in high paying jobs which meant new taxes for the govt. and spurred the economy. If we send all of our jobs to China or Mexico it leaves you with economically dead towns, drugs, crime and a drain on our welfare system. Again, if tariffs are so bad why was Trump's economy so good and why didn't Biden/Harris remove the tariffs?
It is also a negotiating tactic. The threat of his ridiculously high tariffs are effective. Walking them back politically would undermine the negotiation. In reality, the point is to lead to more reciprocal trade deficits and more products / jobs domestically.
This is a little simplistic. Trump used tariffs to keep and/or bring back American MFG jobs. It worked. He brought in high paying jobs which meant new taxes for the govt. and spurred the economy. If we send all of our jobs to China or Mexico it leaves you with economically dead towns, drugs, crime and a drain on our welfare system. Again, if tariffs are so bad why was Trump's economy so good and why didn't Biden/Harris remove the tariffs?
Hell, even Obama used them.
Obama tarriff'd his own people in the interest of "paying their fair share,"....because after all....."if you have a business, you didn't build that!"
I don’t know how to explain this to them. But the tariffs turned out to be a good thing.

Even the dipstick in office agreed. Kamala would do the same. How people don’t understand this is beyond me. Even their own party realizes they are not a bad thing.
I don’t know how to explain this to them. But the tariffs turned out to be a good thing.

Even the dipstick in office agreed. Kamala would do the same. How people don’t understand this is beyond me. Even their own party realizes they are not a bad thing.
Tariffs protect US industry & have done so for (literally) 100+ years.

Among a ton of other positive effects, it encourages foreign companies to bring manufacturing here. My biggest fear is that simpletons will suddenly become "anti-tariff" simply because Trump wants to use it as a tool, again.

Losing Oh No GIF by Star Now
Tariffs protect US industry & have done so for (literally) 100+ years.

Among a ton of other positive effects, it encourages foreign companies to bring manufacturing here. My biggest fear is that simpletons will suddenly become "anti-tariff" simply because Trump wants to use it as a tool, again.

Losing Oh No GIF by Star Now
Thinks he means in a way they can understand.
Tariffs protect US industry & have done so for (literally) 100+ years.

Among a ton of other positive effects, it encourages foreign companies to bring manufacturing here. My biggest fear is that simpletons will suddenly become "anti-tariff" simply because Trump wants to use it as a tool, again.

Losing Oh No GIF by Star Now
"A recent study on U.S.-China trade concludes that Trump’s trade policies cost the U.S. economy nearly a quarter million jobs. But its obsolete understanding of trade flows ends up pointing trade policymakers in the wrong direction."

1) Bipartisan border security bill ready to go on day one...Trump doesn't have that

2) Survey of leading economist reviewed both Trump and Harris economic plans and determined Trump's would increase inflation and the debt/deficit faster than Harris's plan.

You need to move your seat closer to the front of the classroom if you can't see the white board full of facts infront of you.
“Leading economists” touting Kamala’s awesome business acumen = “experts” during Covid.

“Dont let those pesky actual economic results get in the way of our leading economists’ super smart projections about the Kamalonomics. They were wrong about Bidenomics but are right about this. Trust us”
"A recent study on U.S.-China trade concludes that Trump’s trade policies cost the U.S. economy nearly a quarter million jobs. But its obsolete understanding of trade flows ends up pointing trade policymakers in the wrong direction."

You completely missed both the point & managed to provide an almost-4 year old story that does not address the point I made:

Tariffs are not some inherently stupid tool. Literally every other administration has used it. Hell, Biden kept Trump's tariffs against China!

But sure, let's focus on Trumps desire to use them further and ignore how they've been used historically. If you want to argue specifics, sure. Go ahead. But, you're throwing the very concept of them under the bus in some misguided attempt to "get Trump".
Yet somehow the approval rating of his Presidency is now above 50 percent according to NBC. Higher than at any time during the Presidency. Furthermore, he polls close to 20 pts higher than Harris on the economy.

Could it be that low / middle income folks simply had more money to spend and that money went a lot further when Trump was President? And projections about differing policy falls on deaf ears when folks can simply think about their economic situation during Trump versus Biden / Harris?

Results matter.
Shhhh low, you’re making way too much sense for libs to understand.
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You completely missed both the point & managed to provide an almost-4 year old story that does not address the point I made:

Tariffs are not some inherently stupid tool. Literally every other administration has used it. Hell, Biden kept Trump's tariffs against China!

But sure, let's focus on Trumps desire to use them further and ignore how they've been used historically. If you want to argue specifics, sure. Go ahead. But, you're throwing the very concept of them under the bus in some misguided attempt to "get Trump".
You guys seem to forgot that 2019 before COVID wasn't all roses and the economy was already showing signs it had stalled.

- Bureau of Labor Statistics showed job-creation estimates had been off by about 20 percent. The data showed that about 2 million jobs were created between April 2018 and March 2019. That is 500,000 fewer jobs than the estimates had originally shown.

- The numbers for Gross Domestic Product were also revised down. Commerce Department, showed that U.S. economy grew at a 2.5 percent clip for 2018, rather than the 3.0 number that was first announced. That was a blow to the administration, which had celebrated the 3.0 number as a breakthrough not seen since 2005. The 2.5 number was lower than 2017’s 2.8 percent and also below annual figures for 2014 and 2013.

- Consumer sentiment had dropped 6 points to 92.1 from 98.4

- Manufacturing in Wi, Michael and Pa down 13K the first half of the year.

- Oh and the debt and deficit exploded under Trumps administration

And again Trump didn't bring back manufacturing as the data shows in 2019 alone, his policies wiped out any gains made during his first two years.

"In Trump’s first two years, the economy added 462,000 manufacturing jobs. But that growth leveled off in 2019. In fact, for the full year in 2019 — before the pandemic-fueled recession hit — there was a loss of 43,000 manufacturing jobs."

You guys seem to forgot that 2019 before COVID wasn't all roses and the economy was already showing signs it had stalled.

- Bureau of Labor Statistics showed job-creation estimates had been off by about 20 percent. The data showed that about 2 million jobs were created between April 2018 and March 2019. That is 500,000 fewer jobs than the estimates had originally shown.

- The numbers for Gross Domestic Product were also revised down. Commerce Department, showed that U.S. economy grew at a 2.5 percent clip for 2018, rather than the 3.0 number that was first announced. That was a blow to the administration, which had celebrated the 3.0 number as a breakthrough not seen since 2005. The 2.5 number was lower than 2017’s 2.8 percent and also below annual figures for 2014 and 2013.

- Consumer sentiment had dropped 6 points to 92.1 from 98.4

- Manufacturing in Wi, Michael and Pa down 13K the first half of the year.

- Oh and the debt and deficit exploded under Trumps administration

And again Trump didn't bring back manufacturing as the data shows in 2019 alone, his policies wiped out any gains made during his first two years.

"In Trump’s first two years, the economy added 462,000 manufacturing jobs. But that growth leveled off in 2019. In fact, for the full year in 2019 — before the pandemic-fueled recession hit — there was a loss of 43,000 manufacturing jobs."

hall of fame game missed the point GIF
When he's confronted with the fact that his tariffs would add $7.5 Trillion to the debt and his budget would increase the deficit faster than than Harris's he goes into a loop repeating the something sometiems doubling and tripling down on the size of the tariffs seemingly unaware of how tariffs, debt, deficit and the budget works. What about this is core conservatism? I see a lot of Ronal Reagan fans here but that can't be true if you're voting for this. Trump is seriously mentally unwell.

What liberals refuse to admit is that it's clear that Trump's intention with tariffs are to put America first and force Chinese companies to lower their price to compete OR force the Chinese government to further subsidize these businesses. It also encourages US companies to keep jobs and production in the US, which is sorely needed.

You don't get to be good at business because you're a rich idiot. He says silly bombastic things, but he isn't mentally unwell, or a racist, and he isn't a threat to democracy. That's all ridiculous lefty hyperbole.
You think that’s bad (I agree). How about cutting his town hall last night off early and standing on stage swaying to music for 39 minutes while people stand around wondering what in the hell is happening?

Thank you for the left wing anti-Trump propaganda take. Now here's the story from another left leaning outfit, ABC News.

"30 minutes in, two attendees suffered medical emergencies."

"The incidents shifted the mood, prompting Trump to cut the question short and instead play some of his favorite music."

"In certain quarters of social media, people had a field day with that. And I guess on the screens, it might have looked quite strange."

"Inside that hall, however, people were having a good time. What can I tell you? It did not seem out of the ordinary."

"It seemed almost intimate. And at the end, Trump did something he very rarely does. He came down off the stage and mingled with his supporters."

"He was signing autographs and shaking hands."

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When he's confronted with the fact that his tariffs would add $7.5 Trillion to the debt and his budget would increase the deficit faster than than Harris's he goes into a loop repeating the something sometiems doubling and tripling down on the size of the tariffs seemingly unaware of how tariffs, debt, deficit and the budget works. What about this is core conservatism? I see a lot of Ronal Reagan fans here but that can't be true if you're voting for this. Trump is seriously mentally unwell.

I think you are the one detached from reality. Listen to Trump’s interview today in Chicago. It went into detail on tariffs and why they would have only positive effects on our economy. Then tell me if Harris could answer even one question asked of Trump. She would babble words that mean nothing-that’s it. She is unintelligent. Maybe it’s what attracts you to her?
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Thank you for the left wing anti-Trump propaganda take. Now here's the story from another left leaning outfit, ABC News.

"30 minutes in, two attendees suffered medical emergencies."

"The incidents shifted the mood, prompting Trump to cut the question short and instead play some of his favorite music."

"In certain quarters of social media, people had a field day with that. And I guess on the screens, it might have looked quite strange."

"Inside that hall, however, people were having a good time. What can I tell you? It did not seem out of the ordinary."

"It seemed almost intimate. And at the end, Trump did something he very rarely does. He came down off the stage and mingled with his supporters."

"He was signing autographs and shaking hands."

I’ve watched the entire 39 minutes. Have you? The medical events caused a pause, correct. That’s not why he chose to stop the town hall entirely after four questions and run through 39 minutes of music while dancing awkwardly on stage.

I understand that the MAGA propaganda machine is blazing right now. Laura Ingraham told us last night what a triumph Trump’s interview with Bloomberg was. Did you watch it? It was embarrassing. His answer to how he is going to curtail spending was all about his negotiations for the Airforce One replacement. He doesn’t understand how tariffs (the foundation of his entire economic plan) work. He couldn’t answer the questions about the projected debt of his plan, in any way. It was a disaster, but MAGA will insist he killed it.

There’s no point in debating events, because we can’t even agree on the basic facts of what occurred.

Here’s a question for you. Trump is, again, claiming that the only way he can lose the election is election fraud. Do you agree? When Trump, again, attempts to disrupt the post election process, will what were lies about fraud in 2020 be accurate this time?
What liberals refuse to admit is that it's clear that Trump's intention with tariffs are to put America first and force Chinese companies to lower their price to compete OR force the Chinese government to further subsidize these businesses. It also encourages US companies to keep jobs and production in the US, which is sorely needed.

You don't get to be good at business because you're a rich idiot. He says silly bombastic things, but he isn't mentally unwell, or a racist, and he isn't a threat to democracy. That's all ridiculous lefty hyperbole.
And the fact that companies don't move manufacturing to countries with lax environmental and employment laws to SAVE the American consumer money. Any business is always seeking the maximum market price for their product and the lowest cost of producing, transporting and delivering their products to their consumer.

Iows, Apple and Nike still charge premium prices for their products even though they enjoy lower production costs. Their savings isn't passed on to the U.S. consumer, it's merely higher profit. If Trump embarrasses them into admitting that they are manufacturing in a country that abuses human rights, doesn't protect the environment in accordance with the companies' own public positions and imposes tariffs to level out the cost of production, it's not going to cost their customers a dime.
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I’ve watched the entire 39 minutes. Have you? The medical events caused a pause, correct. That’s not why he chose to stop the town hall entirely after four questions and run through 39 minutes of music while dancing awkwardly on stage.

I understand that the MAGA propaganda machine is blazing right now. Laura Ingraham told us last night what a triumph Trump’s interview with Bloomberg was. Did you watch it? It was embarrassing. His answer to how he is going to curtail spending was all about his negotiations for the Airforce One replacement. He doesn’t understand how tariffs (the foundation of his entire economic plan) work. He couldn’t answer the questions about the projected debt of his plan, in any way. It was a disaster, but MAGA will insist he killed it.

There’s no point in debating events, because we can’t even agree on the basic facts of what occurred.

Here’s a question for you. Trump is, again, claiming that the only way he can lose the election is election fraud. Do you agree? When Trump, again, attempts to disrupt the post election process, will what were lies about fraud in 2020 be accurate this time?
You watched the entire 39 mins?
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