Trump's getting bashed by the media for pardoning Arapio

So far , the prior presidents are the ones who have pardoned the real law breakers , the sheriff was enforcing the law !
I support Arpaio's belief 110%, and I'm fine with the pardon. But, he disobeyed a Court Order. Anyone OK with that is a hypocrite. We are a nation of laws. Sheriff Joe had other options. He could have appealed the Order, which acts as an automatic stay of the Order. Then, he could have continued without being in contempt. Acceptable civil disobedience expires when it defies a specific law.
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I support Arpaio's belief 110%, and I'm fine with the pardon. But, he disobeyed a Court Order. Anyone OK with that is a hypocrite. We are a nation of laws. Sheriff Joe had other options. He could have appealed the Order, which acts as an automatic stay of the Order. Then, he could have continued without being in contempt. Acceptable civil disobedience expires when it defies a specific law.
I respect this response. He broke the law. And knowingly continued to do so.
Even the prosecutions expert witnesses could not explain the law in court. The only hypocrisy here is on the left.
I have mix feelings about this to be honest . I think the tent city is a civil rights violation and also think he enforced laws that are on the books that are not popular.

I think the fair thing would have been let him get sentenced and reduced the sentence depending on what the judge gave him . I think he shouldn't done anymore than two years .

I think a full pardon is really not the answer. That just just my opinion.
full pardon is the only answer imo...we can talk about other presidential pardons of the past at another time.
I respect this response. He broke the law. And knowingly continued to do so.


I suppose u would then also agree that any person who, knowing that an alien has come to the U.S. in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection such alien in any place, including any building shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years.” (8 U.S. Code, section 1324)

Therefore, President Trump should charge city and county officials with a felony for shielding an alien and furthermore, if someone dies because a city official decided not to comply with federal law, as in the Kate Steinle case, the maximum penalty is life behind bars.

I suppose u would then also agree that any person who, knowing that an alien has come to the U.S. in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection such alien in any place, including any building shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years.” (8 U.S. Code, section 1324)

Therefore, President Trump should charge city and county officials with a felony for shielding an alien and furthermore, if someone dies because a city official decided not to comply with federal law, as in the Kate Steinle case, the maximum penalty is life behind bars.
I agree with your first paragraph. The second paragraph I'm not so sure. Not saying you're wrong. I just don't agree completely

I suppose u would then also agree that any person who, knowing that an alien has come to the U.S. in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection such alien in any place, including any building shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years.” (8 U.S. Code, section 1324)

Therefore, President Trump should charge city and county officials with a felony for shielding an alien and furthermore, if someone dies because a city official decided not to comply with federal law, as in the Kate Steinle case, the maximum penalty is life behind bars.

LOL,,,not just the officials but the actual ILLEGAL alien... big may answer you, he seems to be the most reasonable lefty on this site. However,,, trim will just call you names,,, he can't handle a simple question when it smokes his point of view. He will just have to call you names,,, he can't deal with this simple logic that exposes the hypocrisy of the left AGAIN.
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LOL,,,not just the officials but the actual ILLEGAL alien... big may answer you, he seems to be the most reasonable lefty on this site. However,,, trim will just call you names,,, he can't handle a simple question when it smokes his point of view. He will just have to call you names,,, he can't deal with this simple logic that exposes the hypocrisy of the left AGAIN.
I'm living rent free in your mind.
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See I disagree with all pardons unless there's some consensuses for over sentencing. Other than that no pardons

I suppose u would then also agree that any person who, knowing that an alien has come to the U.S. in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection such alien in any place, including any building shall be imprisoned not more than 5 years.” (8 U.S. Code, section 1324)

Therefore, President Trump should charge city and county officials with a felony for shielding an alien and furthermore, if someone dies because a city official decided not to comply with federal law, as in the Kate Steinle case, the maximum penalty is life behind bars.
i'd go further...prosecute the judges, county, city, state officials that knowingly allow illegals safe haven.if one comes across the border illegally they have broken the law. What imbeciles voted a law in that you cant hold a person who came across the border illegally until he/she breaks another law once he/she is here. The sad thing is even after breaking laws (not counting illegally coming into the country) you still have people doing their open border mentality to keep them here and having the tax payers foot the bill.
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i'd go further...prosecute the judges, county, city, state officials that knowingly allow illegals safe haven.if one comes across the border illegally they have broken the law. What imbeciles voted a law in that you cant hold a person who came across the border illegally until he/she breaks another law once he/she is here. The sad thing is even after breaking laws (not counting illegally coming into the country) you still have people doing their open border mentality to keep them here and having the tax payers foot the bill.

I would also like to see e-verifiy enforced, something like Kate's law passed, and end birthright citizenship.
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maybe everyone should have to carry papers. We can't have any illegal Canadians either.

Lets see, you want Sheriff Joe in jail because he enforces laws against ILLEGAL immigration, yet you make a snide remark about those of us pointing out you extreme hypocrisy over saying nothing about all the lib commies that break the law over and over by shielding those here illegally... YOU are a great dim.. Lie, twist, deflect, ignore facts, defy logic and call names. I hope if your side wins and we end up with no borders, that your welfare and social security check are the first ones cut off so we can pay for all the illegals benefits.
Lets see, you want Sheriff Joe in jail because he enforces laws against ILLEGAL immigration, yet you make a snide remark about those of us pointing out you extreme hypocrisy over saying nothing about all the lib commies that break the law over and over by shielding those here illegally... YOU are a great dim.. Lie, twist, deflect, ignore facts, defy logic and call names. I hope if your side wins and we end up with no borders, that your welfare and social security check are the first ones cut off so we can pay for all the illegals benefits.
See your first sentence was wrong and what you think you know about me you don't. He should be in jail because he broke the law and he was repeatedly warned about it but chose to ignore it so i really don't have any sympathy for his cause.
I'm am kind of curious though, how could someone have a welfare check and social security check at the same time. I know what i could do, i could get a fake 2nd job like you.
See your first sentence was wrong and what you think you know about me you don't. He should be in jail because he broke the law and he was repeatedly warned about it but chose to ignore it so i really don't have any sympathy for his cause.
I'm am kind of curious though, how could someone have a welfare check and social security check at the same time. I know what i could do, i could get a fake 2nd job like you.

So according to you ILLEGAL's are doing nothing wrong?
I figure you for a double dip scammer,,, you are to lib to be honesty working, or drawing just one check.. i'm sure you think it's owed to you... and as ive told you before.. we all just wish you would get any kind of job and get off the taxpayer teat.... cop killer
So according to you ILLEGAL's are doing nothing wrong?
I figure you for a double dip scammer,,, you are to lib to be honesty working, or drawing just one check.. i'm sure you think it's owed to you... and as ive told you before.. we all just wish you would get any kind of job and get off the taxpayer teat.... cop killer
Tell me ding dong, where did i say illegals are doing nothing wrong. But before going further, i believe it was your rep god ronnie reagan who first opened the doors for all of the illegals when he was the first to give then amnesty.
By the way, i love how i just mind f*** you all the time. You get all restless and your blood pressure starts to rise and even your fake boss asks you why you have that little bread of sweat on your forehead.
Tell me ding dong, where did i say illegals are doing nothing wrong. But before going further, i believe it was your rep god ronnie reagan who first opened the doors for all of the illegals when he was the first to give then amnesty.
By the way, i love how i just mind f*** you all the time. You get all restless and your blood pressure starts to rise and even your fake boss asks you why you have that little bread of sweat on your forehead.

Man you live in a dream world. You think wayyyyyyy more highly of yourself than you should. You don't bother me in the least. I feel sorry for you. It has to be tough to be wrong so much. You are a dimwit lib. You all want open boarders. You don't have to say it. You have shown what you are by not denouncing the idiot antifa, and by being an odumbo and killary supporter. You don't have to say anything else. You are an anti American little commie cop killer. You are lower than dirt on the bottom of my shoe. You are to be pitied. You are the one that keeps responding with the same tired lying hypocritical talking points. LOL you are a blast. BTW, I disagreed with Pres. Regan on that move. See, unlike you, a pub will admit when his/her party messes up.. you lib dims on the other hand are brain washed little minions.
Now go back to your basement and curl up in the corner and wait on orders about what to think. one last thing,,, the only way some one is getting f***** in our back and forth is by me stuffing your pathetic dim talking points down your throat. Loser.
Man you live in a dream world. You think wayyyyyyy more highly of yourself than you should. You don't bother me in the least. I feel sorry for you. It has to be tough to be wrong so much. You are a dimwit lib. You all want open boarders. You don't have to say it. You have shown what you are by not denouncing the idiot antifa, and by being an odumbo and killary supporter. You don't have to say anything else. You are an anti American little commie cop killer. You are lower than dirt on the bottom of my shoe. You are to be pitied. You are the one that keeps responding with the same tired lying hypocritical talking points. LOL you are a blast. BTW, I disagreed with Pres. Regan on that move. See, unlike you, a pub will admit when his/her party messes up.. you lib dims on the other hand are brain washed little minions.
Now go back to your basement and curl up in the corner and wait on orders about what to think. one last thing,,, the only way some one is getting f***** in our back and forth is by me stuffing your pathetic dim talking points down your throat. Loser.
Lol...i slept kinda nice in your mind last night. It's nice knowing that you think of me when you go to bed and immediately when you get up. So much that you have to write a book when you get up. Are you even married?
Lol...i slept kinda nice in your mind last night. It's nice knowing that you think of me when you go to bed and immediately when you get up. So much that you have to write a book when you get up. Are you even married?

I have to write books because you have such limited cognitive skills I have to write every thing out in great detail in hopes that you can understand. Believe me, I give no thought to you until I come to the chats and see you have made another hypocritical left wing liberal statement. Been married 38 yrs to the same beautiful talented woman. Now tell me,, do you use one hand or are you ambidextrous ?
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MS13 gangs, illegal drugs, and people smuggling coming over the Southern Border. Unfortunately u and your party have no solution to any of our nation's problems.
Lol, you think a wall will stop drugs? If you think that is a solution then you are wrong.
I have to write books because you have such limited cognitive skills I have to write every thing out in great detail in hopes that you can understand. Believe me, I give no thought to you until I come to the chats and see you have made another hypocritical left wing liberal statement. Been married 38 yrs to the same beautiful talented woman. Now tell me,, do you use one hand or are you ambidextrous ?
Ooh i get it. She lets you spend all the time you want on chat so you won't bug her. You're right she is smart.
Lol, you think a wall will stop drugs? If you think that is a solution then you are wrong.

The wall would be a tool to use among other things. We're talking about a wall in strategic locations which then helps the Border Patrol agents do their job better. I fail to see why you wouldn't be for that unless u want open borders.
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The wall would be a tool to use among other things. We're talking about a wall in strategic locations which then helps the Border Patrol agents do their job better. I fail to see why you wouldn't be for that unless u want open borders.
Are we walling up Canada. Do you actually believe Mexico will pay for the wall?
Are we walling up Canada. Do you actually believe Mexico will pay for the wall?[/QUOTE

We don't have the same problems with the Canadian border. Mexico won't write a check but Trump has several options to get Mexico to pay for the wall as follows:

1. Raising tariffs on imports. 2.Taxes on Remittances. 3. Levying a "border adjustment" tax. 4. Increasing travel visa fees

5. increase border crossing fees for countries that have a bad record on illegal immigration

And really, if u think about it, Mexico should pay for the wall since most illegals come from there and they do little to help stem the tide.
Are we walling up Canada. Do you actually believe Mexico will pay for the wall?

We don't have the same problems with the Canadian border. Mexico won't write a check but Trump has several options to get Mexico to pay for the wall as follows:

1. Raising tariffs on imports. 2.Taxes onRemittances. 3. Levying a "border adjustment" tax. 4. Increasing travel visa fees

5. increase border crossing fees for countries that have a bad record on illegal immigration

And really, if u think about it, Mexico should pay for the wall since most illegals come from there and they do little to help stem the tide.
We don't have the same problems with the Canadian border. Mexico won't write a check but Trump has several options to get Mexico to pay for the wall as follows:

1. Raising tariffs on imports. 2.Taxes onRemittances. 3. Levying a "border adjustment" tax. 4. Increasing travel visa fees

5. increase border crossing fees for countries that have a bad record on illegal immigration

And really, if u think about it, Mexico should pay for the wall since most illegals come from there and they do little to help stem the tide.
No 1 may happen but when you increase tariffs Mexico increases price of product which in turn Americans pay for.
#2 the same as 1.
#3 the same as 1.
#4 nope
#5 if you do that for Mexico you'll have to do that for Canada also.
No 1 may happen but when you increase tariffs Mexico increases price of product which in turn Americans pay for.
#2 the same as 1.
#3 the same as 1.
#4 nope
#5 if you do that for Mexico you'll have to do that for Canada also.

#2, would not raise prices for US consumers
$5, would target countries who have a bad record on illegal immigration like Mexico and Central American countries like El Salvador.
#2, would not raise prices for US consumers
$5, would target countries who have a bad record on illegal immigration like Mexico and Central American countries like El Salvador.
#2 would if you have farmer's who depend on Mexican labor to pick their fruits and vegetables. If it's going to cost the migrant laborers more to send money back home the farmer's are going to have to pay them more which drives up the cost of fruits and vegetables.
I'm glad you did admit the others we will have to pay for though.
#2 would if you have farmer's who depend on Mexican labor to pick their fruits and vegetables. If it's going to cost the migrant laborers more to send money back home the farmer's are going to have to pay them more which drives up the cost of fruits and vegetables.
I'm glad you did admit the others we will have to pay for though.

Good luck on migrants negotiating a wage increase based on a tax on remittances. If the Feds implemented a tax to pay for the Hurricane Harvey damage, try using that to negotiate a wage increase with your employer.

Also, on further thought, I don't think #4 would be paid by US citizens either.

No way am I admitting others in the USA will have to pay for the wall. You started out implying there is no way that Mexico would pay for a wall. Now at least u see there are ways to get them to do it.
Good luck on migrants negotiating a wage increase based on a tax on remittances. If the Feds implemented a tax to pay for the Hurricane Harvey damage, try using that to negotiate a wage increase with your employer.

Also, on further thought, I don't think #4 would be paid by US citizens either.

No way am I admitting others in the USA will have to pay for the wall. You started out implying there is no way that Mexico would pay for a wall. Now at least u see there are ways to get them to do it.
Quite frankly i don't see a way to make then pay. No way in hell a tariff would work and i think you know that you just don't want to disagree with the president orange.