Trump's getting bashed by the media for pardoning Arapio

Lets go back, here is your post in my statement about the hypocrisy of the left.

"Okay, so we've had republicans motoring around with "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For Bush" bumper stickers before Clinton was even sworn in. Sixteen years later, the speaker of the house made a pact with his team to fight Obama at every turn, aimed at making the Democrat a one-termer.

But yeah, the "hypocrisy" of Democrats to question Trump's temperament, and watch 45's lying, day after day and lie after lie (into the thousands now). The vileness of the left to have outrage over the Trump campaign's successful attempt to collude with Russia?

Bunch of rabid right-wing Snowflakes for Trump."

I think it is more than appropriate based on your statements above about lying and your continued lie and belief in a lie and following liars to hell to bring up the witches lying and odumas lying. You have not named a specific lie.. you just said he has lied thousands of times... No facts just a statement.. I on the other hand have given you just a handful of the millions of lies told by your dear leaders. You keep saying he colluded yet we are a year in and NOTHING!!!!!!!! IF it had happened It would be out there now. NO DOUBTS... but you have nothing. You know, trim,,, you can try to deflect all you want... I don't care. I will never let you lefties post your hypocritical lies without stuffing it back down your lying throat... Now on the other hand,,, If you said,,, we have nothing but a bunch of liars in DC,, including killary and odumbo,,, well I would stay out of it. AS I said previously, I was not for Trump until the general election.. but at that point he became a billion !!!!!!!!!!!!! times better than the dimorat yall put forth... Difference between me and you, I know all pols are skunks, but some of them just don't smell as bad as others. I hold my nose to vote for any of them. You have idols to the commie leaders of the left.

Go ahead grade my grammar and typos and whatever else you want... Means not a thing.. I know people that only got to go to the 6th grade because of the need to work for a large family. If I need advise on life or world events or you name it, I will go to them. Never you or any other dim. You cannot think for yourself and if you had to use common sense to stay alive,,, you would be dead... they make you look like the cop killing little punk self loving little prick you are. Also, I feel great. Its fun to slap you "know it all's" with facts that cause you to reveal the true you... the one that can only attack the other individual but has NOTHING to actually say.. Now you and trim,, if you are not trim,,, go back to mommy's basement, and read some huff po or something.

Your inability to use grammar correctly relates directly to your education and intelligence. The fact you think it means "nothing" exemplifies a lazy sloth. Judging from your work ethic, that assertion would certainly be valid.

On Trump the National Liar, the WaPo keeps a running tally, last updated September 3rd. You can read all about it...

In 227 days, President Trump has made 1,114 false and misleading claims
Your inability to use grammar correctly relates directly to your education and intelligence. The fact you think it means "nothing" exemplifies a lazy sloth. Judging from your work ethic, that assertion would certainly be valid.

On Trump the National Liar, the WaPo keeps a running tally, last updated September 3rd. You can read all about it...

In 227 days, President Trump has made 1,114 false and misleading claims

Couple of things Ms. grammar queen. I did not say that I didn't care about it. I said I do not car what you say about it. I don't care if you have multiple graduate degrees. YOU are a dumb as crap moron when it comes to politics and life in general. You are lead around by the elitist media and your misguided belief that your education makes you superior. You remind me of a fella I once worked with. He had passed the bar exam and cpa exam by the time he graduated college, but, he couldn't come in out of the rain. You may know grammar and spelling but you are as dumb as a box of rocks about life and politics.

2. I have an education. I have a good job. Works out that I can get on for a few minutes during the day. Thing is by you and you little butt buddy being so upset by that tells me, you either don't work or, if you do, you are just being a hypocrite about that just like you are about politics. It's one are the other. I tend to think you don't work, you have to me a little wet behind the ears punk with no real life experience. You are too easily taken by the left to have education and real life experience.

3. Because of the job and because, I will readily admit. I don't normally type for myself, I tend to type in stream rather than worry about all the formalities of spelling and grammar. After all, this is a football message board. I also don't proof read because I am on and off as fast as possible. I am not worried that you get you panties in a wad because I am not writing in proper form to you. If you don't like it. Stop reading what I write and stop responding. I think you can't handle someone putting it back to you so you have to pick at things that do not matter on here... If I was writing for a grade yes, but I am not.

4. I read some of that crap from WaPo. LOL,,, had they kept an honest list for odumuss and killary it would have been 5000000 times longer. Most of that stuff is just being expressive. Kind of like killary saying she landed in Kosovo under sniper fire etc etc etc... but go on,,, you keep on being led around by the msm. You aren't smart enough to know better anyway. Keep on living in your dream world of a socialist utopia. Go back to the basement and read some more fantasy, Harry Pothead maybe.

5. Try picking some real lies. Things that are absolutely untrue. Where he promised something say like, "your families premiums will go down $2500 a yr. or I never emailed classified material etc etc etc.

I will be glad to say yeah that's a lie. The problem is, you hypocrites on the left act allllllll sanctimonious and holy like your guys never ever embellish or lie. HYPOCRITES TO THE MILLONTH place. The left owns lying to the people.. You can't promise everything is free and you have to be an idiot kid or a pot smoking hippie to believe it can be.
Lol, you think a wall will stop drugs? If you think that is a solution then you are wrong.
It certainly won't help the drug problem. Make it harder to get in the drugs will have to find another way to enter, as will the ILLEGAL aliens. That is the whole point of the wall, kind of like doors on your house. Do you lock the doors on your house before you go to sleep?
Couple of things Ms. grammar queen. I did not say that I didn't care about it. I said I do not car what you say about it. I don't care if you have multiple graduate degrees. YOU are a dumb as crap moron when it comes to politics and life in general. You are lead around by the elitist media and your misguided belief that your education makes you superior. You remind me of a fella I once worked with. He had passed the bar exam and cpa exam by the time he graduated college, but, he couldn't come in out of the rain. You may know grammar and spelling but you are as dumb as a box of rocks about life and politics.

2. I have an education. I have a good job. Works out that I can get on for a few minutes during the day. Thing is by you and you little butt buddy being so upset by that tells me, you either don't work or, if you do, you are just being a hypocrite about that just like you are about politics. It's one are the other. I tend to think you don't work, you have to me a little wet behind the ears punk with no real life experience. You are too easily taken by the left to have education and real life experience.

3. Because of the job and because, I will readily admit. I don't normally type for myself, I tend to type in stream rather than worry about all the formalities of spelling and grammar. After all, this is a football message board. I also don't proof read because I am on and off as fast as possible. I am not worried that you get you panties in a wad because I am not writing in proper form to you. If you don't like it. Stop reading what I write and stop responding. I think you can't handle someone putting it back to you so you have to pick at things that do not matter on here... If I was writing for a grade yes, but I am not.

4. I read some of that crap from WaPo. LOL,,, had they kept an honest list for odumuss and killary it would have been 5000000 times longer. Most of that stuff is just being expressive. Kind of like killary saying she landed in Kosovo under sniper fire etc etc etc... but go on,,, you keep on being led around by the msm. You aren't smart enough to know better anyway. Keep on living in your dream world of a socialist utopia. Go back to the basement and read some more fantasy, Harry Pothead maybe.

5. Try picking some real lies. Things that are absolutely untrue. Where he promised something say like, "your families premiums will go down $2500 a yr. or I never emailed classified material etc etc etc.

I will be glad to say yeah that's a lie. The problem is, you hypocrites on the left act allllllll sanctimonious and holy like your guys never ever embellish or lie. HYPOCRITES TO THE MILLONTH place. The left owns lying to the people.. You can't promise everything is free and you have to be an idiot kid or a pot smoking hippie to believe it can be.

Right, so we're back to the sky isn't blue, it's green. Day is night, night is day. Facts are only what bwarmer makes them out to be.

Feel free to get the last word, as your drivel's no longer worth my time.
It certainly won't help the drug problem. Make it harder to get in the drugs will have to find another way to enter, as will the ILLEGAL aliens. That is the whole point of the wall, kind of like doors on your house. Do you lock the doors on your house before you go to sleep?
No, i live in a nice neighborhood. Don't lock the doors when i leave either but i also have a nice big german shepard that kinda keeps a eye on things.
with Hurricane Harvey bearing down on Texas; however, CNN's been focused on the pardon for over an hour now. Talk about focusing on bulls**t, instead of headline news!
I am glad he did the hell with CNN
No 1 may happen but when you increase tariffs Mexico increases price of product which in turn Americans pay for.
#2 the same as 1.
#3 the same as 1.
#4 nope
#5 if you do that for Mexico you'll have to do that for Canada also.

Don't forget that sending people back will also cost Mexico and save us $$$$s. He won't send a lot of the dreamers back but just the fact immigration is down 46% is saving us a lot of money. Believe it or not, we offer these immigrants entitlements. Entitlements that I can't get. Between food stamps, welfare, healthcare... and any other benefits will cost Mexico. You know Mexico doesn't want that cost if you have the ex-President of Mexico talking about how bad it was for the Dreamers that Trump is putting a timetable on it.
Then don't forget NAFTA falling apart. The renegotiation of NAFTA will cost them dearly.
Then don't forget Ford pulled their plans of expansion in Mexico and will build in America instead. So did the air conditioning company.

I promise you, directly and indirectly, they will pay for a lot of it.
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Great idea, so in conjunction with a wall we have German Shepard guard dogs and heavily armed border patrol. That is how you secure a border.
I said nothing about a wall. You asked me if i locked my doors and i told you my answer. Sorry if it didn't coincide with what you thought would be my answer. Not really sure how you can justify a house and a border wall in the first place. Two different things
If you want to make that analogy, maybe you should ask about a fence around the house. Makes more sense doesn't it?
Don't forget that sending people back will also cost Mexico and save us $$$$s. He won't send a lot of the dreamers back but just the fact immigration is down 46% is saving us a lot of money. Believe it or not, we offer these immigrants entitlements. Entitlements that I can't get. Between food stamps, welfare, healthcare... and any other benefits will cost Mexico. You know Mexico doesn't want that cost if you have the ex-President of Mexico talking about how bad it was for the Dreamers that Trump is putting a timetable on it.
Then don't forget NAFTA falling apart. The renegotiation of NAFTA will cost them dearly.
Then don't forget Ford pulled their plans of expansion in Mexico and will build in America instead. So did the air conditioning company.

I promise you, directly and indirectly, they will pay for a lot of it.
Unless China is a city in the USA then you're wrong.
Right, so we're back to the sky isn't blue, it's green. Day is night, night is day. Facts are only what bwarmer makes them out to be.

Feel free to get the last word, as your drivel's no longer worth my time.

Sure I will take this last opportunity to remind you how you dims try to turn things around and accuse those you disagree with of doing the very thing you are doing. I have posted actual known lies. You have posted a left wing news papers dissection of every word used by Trump. I say again, IF someone honestly kept track of all the bs that came out of the left, there wouldn't be enough paper in the world to write it all down.

You again have proven my point. Leftist little socialist boys like you can't talk with facts. You spew everything the msm says and call it a day. My drivel crushes your lies. Facts are FACTS! Why don't you try them sometime instead of the hypocritical whining of the left wing propaganda artist. You would be happier. Now go back to mommy's basement and cuddle up with your copy of the communist manifesto. Loser.
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I said nothing about a wall. You asked me if i locked my doors and i told you my answer. Sorry if it didn't coincide with what you thought would be my answer. Not really sure how you can justify a house and a border wall in the first place. Two different things
If you want to make that analogy, maybe you should ask about a fence around the house. Makes more sense doesn't it?

It is a great analogy.You must understand that both a home and a country's borders need protection from unwanted visitors. Hence the door locking question. I live in Decatur which is next door to Atlanta, so not locking my door would insure I would have to shoot someone to protect my domain, It is the same as the United States border, it needs to be protected from Illegal entry.
I know you understand the concept, but you just need a little help sometimes.
I really agree with your idea to use German Shepherds as well, Kudos on that one. I will give credit where it is due. A house does not need a fence if the borders are protected so that is not an apples to apples comparison. I know you must be thinking of the clinton compound, because it has a large wall around the perimeter. The left wants a protective wall around their homes, but not our country, what's up with that? Ponder on those items for a while and get back to me. Good night.
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It is a great analogy.You must understand that both a home and a country's borders need protection from unwanted visitors. Hence the door locking question. I live in Decatur which is next door to Atlanta, so not locking my door would insure I would have to shoot someone to protect my domain, It is the same as the United States border, it needs to be protected from Illegal entry.
I know you understand the concept, but you just need a little help sometimes.
I really agree with your idea to use German Shepherds as well, Kudos on that one. I will give credit where it is due. A house does not need a fence if the borders are protected so that is not an apples to apples comparison. I know you must be thinking of the clinton compound, because it has a large wall around the perimeter. The left wants a protective wall around their homes, but not our country, what's up with that? Ponder on those items for a while and get back to me. Good night.
How about Canada? Do you lock your back door at night?
How about Canada? Do you lock your back door at night?

Funny you ask. I lock all the doors to my house. The border of Canada is also a point of entry for illegal entry into the US. The border on the south is obviously more of a priority due to the drugs, gangs and illegal activity going on and entering the US. Do you look both ways when navigating traffic?
I would hope you do, kind of the same idea cover all your bases and proceed with caution.
You're not exactly up on current events are you where ford is moving from Mexico to China.

The article did state that part of the decision was due to the Pro business climate Trump was showing with his plans. That alone shows the previous liberal mindset was hurting American business and workers, and Trump was implementing policies to reverse that trend. Thanks for pointing that out, with the link you provided. We still need to keep the jobs here that Americans can thrive in, and I think Trump is trying to do that across the spectrum of business and production.
The article did state that part of the decision was due to the Pro business climate Trump was showing with his plans. That alone shows the previous liberal mindset was hurting American business and workers, and Trump was implementing policies to reverse that trend. Thanks for pointing that out, with the link you provided. We still need to keep the jobs here that Americans can thrive in, and I think Trump is trying to do that across the spectrum of business and production.
That's fantastic. When do you think he will move his clothing line to the USA instead of overseas?
Funny you ask. I lock all the doors to my house. The border of Canada is also a point of entry for illegal entry into the US. The border on the south is obviously more of a priority due to the drugs, gangs and illegal activity going on and entering the US. Do you look both ways when navigating traffic?
I would hope you do, kind of the same idea cover all your bases and proceed with caution.
well good gosh, we need to build that wall on the Canadian border and make the Canadians pay for it.
You're not exactly up on current events are you where ford is moving from Mexico to China.
Actually I am. The small car is going to China. NO JOBS lost in the Detroit plant as they will start making smaller trucks there. Had they moved operations to Mexico all jobs would have been lost. The cars made in China will (for the most part) stay in China as Ford will still export more to China than import from there. So, ultimately, Mexico pays/lost.
Actually I am. The small car is going to China. NO JOBS lost in the Detroit plant as they will start making smaller trucks there. Had they moved operations to Mexico all jobs would have been lost. The cars made in China will (for the most part) stay in China as Ford will still export more to China than import from there. So, ultimately, Mexico pays/lost.
He's the jobs president. Why can't he bring those from Mexico to the USA? Why can't he get his clothing line manufactured in the USA? He could start there.
He's the jobs president. Why can't he bring those from Mexico to the USA? Why can't he get his clothing line manufactured in the USA? He could start there.
He could also tell weak minded and weak body men to exit the great United States, but he will refrain and not hurt any more feelings. Our forefathers weep at the wussies this nation produces that bitch about being offended.
He could also tell weak minded and weak body men to exit the great United States, but he will refrain and not hurt any more feelings. Our forefathers weep at the wussies this nation produces that bitch about being offended.
So no response about his clothing line made overseas. Pretty much what i expected since you really can't come up with a response to defend it.
He's the jobs president. Why can't he bring those from Mexico to the USA? Why can't he get his clothing line manufactured in the USA? He could start there.

He should. I agree.

But for me, I want him to shake things up. I want all those establishment congressmen/women that think they can walk around talking about who needs to be investigated and who has said the most ridiculous things...well I want them gone. I want them embarrassed. Working with the Dems the other day has put major egg on Ryan and McConnell. Not to mention he has proved that he will work with the Dems if it means getting things passed. Seriously after the healthcare debacle where McCain put his thumb down because his feelings had gotten hurt - how could working with the Dems be any worse? I love the message he is sending. Dem or 'Pub, we all have to be tired of Congress. They are living a dream. Making a ton of cash. Never spending their own money. Creating drama to keep being re-elected. All while we are paying taxes out our a$$ and really don't have much to show for it. Put them on the grill, let's see them sweat a bit.
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So no response about his clothing line made overseas. Pretty much what i expected since you really can't come up with a response to defend it.
I will not defend him using non-American labor. I hope he brings his product line and many more jobs back to the US like he started off in his first month. Unlike obama that killed jobs for Americans and mocked the people of the US that did not agree with him. F that POS. Trump is 100 times the man obama wishes he could be. Obama is the biggest lying, Wussie to ever occupy the White House.
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I will not defend him using non-American labor. I hope he brings his product line and many more jobs back to the US like he started off in his first month. Unlike obama that killed jobs for Americans and mocked the people of the US that did not agree with him. F that POS. Trump is 100 times the man obama wishes he could be. Obama is the biggest lying, Wussie to ever occupy the White House.
You actually got that wrong, it was bush who killed jobs and Obama brought them back. Get your facts straight.
You actually got that wrong, it was bush who killed jobs and Obama brought them back. Get your facts straight.
You are insane, unemployment was at an all time high under your false god. If you weren't working during Bush's first six years you didn't want to work. The last two years were on the dems as they retook congress, and really caused the economic downturn. There are the facts.
You are insane, unemployment was at an all time high under your false god. If you weren't working during Bush's first six years you didn't want to work. The last two years were on the dems as they retook congress, and really caused the economic downturn. There are the facts.
So congress determines the state of the economy and the president has no say so? If that's your opinion, then the state of the economy and unemployment would be the reps fault in congress while Obama was in office. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Gotta say, that's quite idiotic.
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So congress determines the state of the economy and the president has no say so? If that's your opinion, then the state of the economy and unemployment would be the reps fault in congress while Obama was in office. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Gotta say, that's quite idiotic.
That is the state of affairs when Bush concedes to every attempt of the dems to disrupt his bills or plans. That is when the wheels officially feel off for the US economy. I lived it ,was laid off and started my own business. Bush was way to easy in caving to the crooks in the democratic congress. The pubs are also crooks to be fair, just a little kinder in the way they rob their constituents. Bush did not fight back like Trump is doing.Bush gave in and the Dems took all the credit for anything that looked good to the sheep of America.
That is the state of affairs when Bush concedes to every attempt of the dems to disrupt his bills or plans. That is when the wheels officially feel off for the US economy. I lived it ,was laid off and started my own business. Bush was way to easy in caving to the crooks in the democratic congress. The pubs are also crooks to be fair, just a little kinder in the way they rob their constituents. Bush did not fight back like Trump is doing.Bush gave in and the Dems took all the credit for anything that looked good to the sheep of America.
Lol...ok. You have s unique view that's for sure.