NonDawg Tyreek Hill bodycam video

If you’re that much of a thin skinned little bitch maybe police work isn’t right for you. Angel Hernandez’s retirement has cleared a path for that guy to be an MLB umpire which is probably a more reasonable career path for that officer. He can be as much of a prick as he wants to be there without being able to assault folks
No idea what he supposedly did to get pulled over but wouldn’t it have been much easier to give the officer his license and registration? That’s what I’ve always done when I get pulled over.
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Also, do not come in this thread with your takes about logic and not being a foul-mouthed punk to police.
You are not allowed to post that or this will immediately get moved to the chat.

Also, do not come in this thread with your takes about logic and not being a foul-mouthed punk to police.
Stop. Good grief. He obviously should've given his license. With that said, you don't think that got out of hand on the officer's side?
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Also, do not come in this thread with your takes about logic and not being a foul-mouthed punk to police.

The logic is that Hill appeared to give the officer his license as soon as the officer walked up and the window was rolled down.

And then the officer started trying to pick a fight about the seatbelt.

Not sure how anyone could watch that bodycam footage and side with the law enforcement….
Just as I suspected. A bunch of small dick losers acting like they're in Afghanistan going door to door looking for taliban fighters.

Yeah he should have rolled his window down but these f-ing loser went from 0 to 100 when he didn't immediately bow down to them. These are the type of guys that are the problem. They escalate EVERY situation in hopes they can impose their will on citizens. They do not deserve any respect.

"But Donut they have a dangerous job". Yeah they do. So why the fk do they make it even MORE dangerous by treating every encounter as a chance to beat, manhandle, or even shoot someone?
Stop. Good grief. He obviously should've given his license. With that said, you don't think that got out of hand on the officer's side?
For sure. Unnecessary IMO on that backup officer. If you want to do that after another minute of him doing the whole “I’m not getting out of the car” act, fine. But that was far too quick on the trigger for me.

Obviously Hill did himself no favors but that whole mess should have been avoided.
That’s is the definition of

The entire situation could’ve been handled much better by both parties; however, the LEOs shoulder more responsibility on how this situation was handled than Hill does in my opinion. And that’s coming from a former cop.
Yeah because they have a license to kill. Like it or not, that’s what it turns into practically. In theory, everyone should be better people but in reality it has become more commonplace for the people with authority to carry and use guns to escalate, not de-escalate. I understand they are underfunded and trained but training starts between the ears. Not directed at you just my two pennies.
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