NonDawg Tyreek Hill bodycam video

Just as I suspected. A bunch of small dick losers acting like they're in Afghanistan going door to door looking for taliban fighters.

Yeah he should have rolled his window down but these f-ing loser went from 0 to 100 when he didn't immediately bow down to them. These are the type of guys that are the problem. They escalate EVERY situation in hopes they can impose their will on citizens. They do not deserve any respect.

"But Donut they have a dangerous job". Yeah they do. So why the fk do they make it even MORE dangerous by treating every encounter as a chance to beat, manhandle, or even shoot someone?
We all know the type that walk around looking for a fight. Maybe we shouldn’t give them guns and badges…
it shouldn’t matter that the police were dealing with professional football players, one being a super star.

But you would think one of the dumb officers would have realized what they were doing was a really bad idea. There was no way it wasn’t going to be heavily scrutinized and then into a national story.
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If a police officer pulls you over in your car, they’ll likely approach your vehicle and gesture for you to roll down your window. This is so they can both speak to you and see you clearly. Most often, drivers comply and roll their window down all the way. However, this is not a legal requirement. During a traffic stop, drivers need only roll their window down far enough to verbally communicate and pass along requested documents, such as their driver’s license or vehicle registration. For instance, some folks only roll down their window ¼ or ½ of the way. This response is in their full legal right.

when hill rolled the window down 1/4 thats when the officer escalated to pulling him out of the car.

The logic is that Hill appeared to give the officer his license as soon as the officer walked up and the window was rolled down.

And then the officer started trying to pick a fight about the seatbelt.

Not sure how anyone could watch that bodycam footage and side with the law enforcement….
It’s really easy. Is Hill being a jerk? Yeah. But the officer has his license, and Hill has *does* roll his window down. It seems like at that point the plan wasn’t to arrest Hill but to write him a ticket

The officer is supposed to deescalate the situation. Unfortunately, he was picked on in high school and decided to show Hill just how big (lol) a man he was.

The officer should have just written the ticket, given it to Hill, and everyone could have gone on about their business. Instead he did the Eric Cartman “respect my authoritay!” routine
That's Jonnu Smith.

Jonnu Smith's son goes to school with. Y son and they play on the elementary flag football team. Jonnu is a really nice guy that is super calm.
Calais walked up from the back with his hands up. Him and Jonnu were both there. Crazy. I know personally from his time in Jax that there aren’t many people more polite than him.
No idea what he supposedly did to get pulled over but wouldn’t it have been much easier to give the officer his license and registration? That’s what I’ve always done when I get pulled over.
He did. Buddy got his vag hurt when he rolled the window up after giving it to him.
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It’s really easy. Is Hill being a jerk? Yeah. But the officer has his license, and Hill has *does* roll his window down. It seems like at that point the plan wasn’t to arrest Hill but to write him a ticket

The officer is supposed to deescalate the situation. Unfortunately, he was picked on in high school and decided to show Hill just how big (lol) a man he was.

The officer should have just written the ticket, given it to Hill, and everyone could have gone on about their business. Instead he did the Eric Cartman “respect my authoritay!” routine
I’ll offer a different perspective.

The originating officer never even got an opportunity to address the initial speeding/reckless driving because Hill was argumentative from the moment he walked up to the car and then shut his window…which looks incredibly tinted and was probably difficult to see through.

After refusing to put his window down so the officer could speak to him about WHY he stopped him and make sure the reckless nature of his driving wasn’t a result of DUI, etc. he asked him to step out of the vehicle. Which, as you know, is a completely lawful order according to the US Supreme Court and Hill is required to comply with. He did not immediately exit the vehicle. If cops just went back to their car to write a ticket every time a motorist decided they weren’t going to comply with lawful orders, there would be a whole lot more DUIs on the road. I’ve had to pull plenty out of the car myself.

It was only at this point that hothead throat-tat mcgee introduced himself to the event and unnecessarily escalated the whole situation.
He damn sure wouldn't have been jerkin my damn door open like that. If I were all of them, I'd sue the hell out of the department. Totally uncalled for. He rolled his window up cause the cop kept sticking his hands through the window badger him about the seatbelt.
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I’ll offer a different perspective.

The originating officer never even got an opportunity to address the initial speeding/reckless driving because Hill was argumentative from the moment he walked up to the car and then shut his window…which looks incredibly tinted and was probably difficult to see through.

After refusing to put his window down so the officer could speak to him about WHY he stopped him and make sure the reckless nature of his driving wasn’t a result of DUI, etc. he asked him to step out of the vehicle. Which, as you know, is a completely lawful order according to the US Supreme Court and Hill is required to comply with. He did not immediately exit the vehicle. If cops just went back to their car to write a ticket every time a motorist decided they weren’t going to comply with lawful orders, there would be a whole lot more DUIs on the road. I’ve had to pull plenty out of the car myself.

It was only at this point that hothead throat-tat mcgee introduced himself to the event and unnecessarily escalated the whole situation.
His window was rolled down until the idiot kept sticking his hands through the window badgering him about his seatbelt. He then rolled it up, then rolled it about 1/4 down which is perfectly legal. He's not required to fully roll the window down and then dude throws a temper tantrum and they all go on a power trip because they felt disrespected
Just as I suspected. A bunch of small dick losers acting like they're in Afghanistan going door to door looking for taliban fighters.

Yeah he should have rolled his window down but these f-ing loser went from 0 to 100 when he didn't immediately bow down to them. These are the type of guys that are the problem. They escalate EVERY situation in hopes they can impose their will on citizens. They do not deserve any respect.

"But Donut they have a dangerous job". Yeah they do. So why the fk do they make it even MORE dangerous by treating every encounter as a chance to beat, manhandle, or even shoot someone?
I’m usually with the cops. Not on this one.
When the police tell you to do something you need to do it, you can’t roll your window up and ignore them. He’s no body special
While this is half true, you can have your window rolled up so long as you can still communicated with them in Florida. But you absolutely can ignore them if you present your ID and have the window rolled down a reasonable amount, that’s where your right to remain silent comes in. (Yes I know Tyreek rolled his window all the way up which is illegal in Florida during a traffic stop best I can tell)
All you have to do when cops pull you over is act sad and do what they say. I’ve still yet to see a video where someone is pulled out of the car like this while doing what they are told to.
You understand that this isn’t a defense of cops or policing right?

People are jerks in the place of employment of others all the time. I want you to imagine that if you went to McDonald’s and were even the slightest bit rude to the cashier that the entire staff could tackle you and handcuff you. Does that seem okay?

Sometimes at work my assistant doesn’t follow my directions but I don’t get to tase her (lord knows I might like to sometimes). Other attorneys are routinely assholes (and hey, I am sometimes too) but somehow we get through it without assaulting each other. Why are we adults and cops can’t be in your opinion since you think they can’t handle the slightest disrespect?

If you’re so thin skinned that the slightest disrespect makes you want to tackle someone out of their car, you shouldn’t be a cop.
Correct, and then he told him to keep his deeply-tinted windows down so he can see inside the car. The driver refused, and was removed from the vehicle.
Deeply does not mean it's illegal.
For sure. Unnecessary IMO on that backup officer. If you want to do that after another minute of him doing the whole “I’m not getting out of the car” act, fine. But that was far too quick on the trigger for me.

Obviously Hill did himself no favors but that whole mess should have been avoided.
Absolutely, and it likely would have had the driver not rolled his window back up and blatantly disobeyed the law enforcement officer’s request to leave the window down. If that were not Tyreek Hill and the driver had shot the officer through the tinted window, would people be saying the officer’s incompetence got him killed?
He did. Buddy got his vag hurt when he rolled the window up after giving it to him.
It wasn’t even the cop he gave the license to that got super pissy. It really was neck tattoo bro. But we all knew that dude had mush between the ears based on the fact he has a neck tattoo.
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