NonDawg Tyreek Hill bodycam video

While this is half true, you can have your window rolled up so long as you can still communicated with them in Florida. But you absolutely can ignore them if you present your ID and have the window rolled down a reasonable amount, that’s where your right to remain silent comes in. (Yes I know Tyreek rolled his window all the way up which is illegal in Florida during a traffic stop best I can tell)
He does roll it down again about 1/4 of the way and I guess that infuriated him so much that now he just has exit the vehicle forcefully
Absolutely, and it likely would have had the driver not rolled his window back up and blatantly disobeyed the law enforcement officer’s request to leave the window down. If that were not Tyreek Hill and the driver had shot the officer through the tinted window, would people be saying the officer’s incompetence got him killed?

If it weren’t Tyreek Hill nobody would know. It would just be another cop treating a citizen that he is sworn to protect and serve like shit.
Should have rolled his window down so cops can see inside. Also, don't be a dumbass helps.
He did. It was partially rolled down, doesn’t have to be rolled all way down, and then cop proceeded to take him out of the car. Watch the bodycam. Cop was wrong here.
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You understand that this isn’t a defense of cops or policing right?

People are jerks in the place of employment of others all the time. I want you to imagine that if you went to McDonald’s and were even the slightest bit rude to the cashier that the entire staff could tackle you and handcuff you. Does that seem okay?

Sometimes at work my assistant doesn’t follow my directions but I don’t get to tase her (lord knows I might like to sometimes). Other attorneys are routinely assholes (and hey, I am sometimes too) but somehow we get through it without assaulting each other. Why are we adults and cops can’t be in your opinion since you think they can’t handle the slightest disrespect?

If you’re so thin skinned that the slightest disrespect makes you want to tackle someone out of their car, you shouldn’t be a cop.
I want to hear more about this magical place where we can get tackled, handcuffed, and fed burgers…
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He did. It was partially rolled down, doesn’t have to be rolled all way down, and then cop proceeded to take him out of the car. Watch the bodycam. Cop was wrong here.
Can't see in car w a cracked window. Why not just roll the window down? It wasn't raining. Comply and this doesn't happen. Cop could have been less of a jackass too.
Can't see in car w a cracked window. Why not just roll the window down? It wasn't raining. Comply and this doesn't happen. Cop could have been less of a jackass too.
He does not have to roll it all the way down.
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Can't see in car w a cracked window. Why not just roll the window down? It wasn't raining. Comply and this doesn't happen. Cop could have been less of a jackass too.
That's all that you are required to do. Enough to communicate and pass necessary documents to and from
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I do not.

Serious question for you or anyone - the last time you got pulled over, is this how you acted?

Of course it isn’t. Because you’re civilized.
Damn sad take when Pedro was determined to escalate the situation!🤔
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Not sure if serious or only talking about the police in this particular incident but anyone who thinks defunding police is a good idea is an idiot
I implied “these” bit I’ve had to face down the local tyrants before. You have to be willing to go to jail to stand for your rights. The modern police force is not your fathers police departments anymore.
Tyreek is far from an angel as we know but this was uncalled for. Think what would have happened if he got hurt and couldn’t play for the cities football team. If I were one of these cops I would probably leave town now…
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Damn at the ****ing boot lickers up in here.
Just shout "earmuffs" and then you can say anything you want on here.
will ferrell earmuffs GIF by Sub Pop Records
His window was partially down.
Pennsylvania v Mimms, and the other I don’t recall (it’s been awhile), allows law enforcement to lawfully remove drivers from the vehicle. The window was irrelevant at that point IMO. Having them exit the vehicle just takes the whole arguing back and forth about the window out of the equation.
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Just a some question. Why not roll your window down. Sit there patiently. Keep your Gator shut and take it like a man?
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Is it true he was doing 120 in a 40 too? I can't find what they pulled him over other than speeding and reckless driving.
Absolutely, and it likely would have had the driver not rolled his window back up and blatantly disobeyed the law enforcement officer’s request to leave the window down. If that were not Tyreek Hill and the driver had shot the officer through the tinted window, would people be saying the officer’s incompetence got him killed?
But that’s NOT what happened here is it?
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