Warnock/ Walker Runoff - very interesting….

Kemp has stated he is working with the Walker campaign already and will give them all the resources they need.

Kemp is loyal to the Republican Party. He'll say what needs to be said. He will indeed help. But this is Trump's hand picked man and Trump made it his mission to to end Kemp's career. Make no mistake, there are rivalries within the parties. They are real. Kemp will do what he can to help without helping to much or as enthusiastically as he possibly could if he and Trump hadn't become enemies within the Party.

Kemp has proven to be a very shrewd politician from his first day in office. He has fought off every attack from Trump with little effort because he has stuck to true conservative values which the real power brokers in this state like. Again, he'll help Walker to some degree I have no doubt. But being the shrewd politician he is he is not going to risk his own political capital by lending to much support to Walker and all his baggage because if he did he'll have to answer for it politically in the future. He certainly wont risk much to help Trump. That is for certain.
Kemp is loyal to the Republican Party. He'll say what needs to be said. He will indeed help. But this is Trump's hand picked man and Trump made it his mission to to end Kemp's career. Make no mistake, there are rivalries within the parties. They are real. Kemp will do what he can to help without helping to much or as enthusiastically as he possibly could if he and Trump hadn't become enemies within the Party.

Kemp has proven to be a very shrewd politician from his first day in office. He has fought off every attack from Trump with little effort because he has stuck to true conservative values which the real power brokers in this state like. Again, he'll help Walker to some degree I have no doubt. But being the shrewd politician he is he is not going to risk his own political capital by lending to much support to Walker and all his baggage because if he did he'll have to answer for it politically in the future. He certainly wont risk much to help Trump. That is for certain.
They are both UGA alumni so we shall see.
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Herschel will have threatened to shoot or have impregnated and paid for abortions for 50% of the population of the state by the time the attack ads stop.

Whatever anybody thinks of Herschel's past or if he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, remember Pennsylvania just elected a human door stop. I don't know if that guy could spell Harvard after the stroke. This one is nothing more than which side of the aisle controls the Senate. Intelligence and oratorical skills are a bonus. You want Biden and Harris with the deciding vote for two more years, then Warnock is your guy. Everything else is just noise and a distraction.

My opinion is that Donald is going come to the rescue and that will put a fork in Herschel the minute he sets foot in this state.
Kemp is a conservative who puts his constituents first and has accomplished many things that benefit the entire state.

Walker would have zero influence in the Senate. If elected he would accomplish nothing for our state, other than being a continued embarrassment.

This is why I, along with so many others, voted Kemp and held our nose while voting Warnock. As has been stated, all the R party had to do was give us a serious candidate.
His only job is to vote. If you like conservative legislation, x vote for someone who willl vote accordingly.
I disagree. Whether you like Kemp's policies or not, he is a reasonably competent person. Herschel is very flawed and so in over his head in running for the Senate. Electing HW will be a serious embarrassment for the state of Georgia. But I will admit he was my favorite ever football player.
Much less embarrasing than Warnock, Omar Wallace, Schumer, the complete bozo in PA and the like. He Won’t be embarrassing at all. Warlocks policies are a disgrace. And Warnock has made many racist statements and masquaraides as a man of the cloth while his wife says he’s an abuser. Interesting. However many people agree with his miserable policies which is why we are where we are in this country. All HW has to do is vote yes or no.
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People need to vote not necessarily FOR Walker but rather AGAINST Warnock. His agenda is the same as Abrams. If you don’t think she’s good for Ga then why would you think Warnock is? It’s hard for me to understand the logic.
But but but we gotta keep Drumpf out herr derr…
Kemp is a conservative who puts his constituents first and has accomplished many things that benefit the entire state.

Walker would have zero influence in the Senate. If elected he would accomplish nothing for our state, other than being a continued embarrassment.

This is why I, along with so many others, voted Kemp and held our nose while voting Warnock. As has been stated, all the R party had to do was give us a serious candidate.
So, tell me what Warnock has done for you?
The good news for Walker in The runoff is that this is no longer about Walker or Warnock, this one vote becomes about supporting or rejecting the Biden agenda.

lots of talk about the Kemp/Warnock split vote - and I think one of the rationalizations those split-voters used is “well, there is Pennslyvania, there is AZ, there is, there is… some other way to stop Biden”. Now there is no “there is” - acceptance or rejection of the Biden agenda falls squarely on Georgia voter. Period, full stop. You are not voting for herschel Walker or Raphael Warnock. You are voting on the Biden agenda,

If you do anything other than vote for Walker (including not voting) - then you unequivocally support Joe Biden’s agenda. there is no other rationalization in this runoff
The people who keep voting for MTG are definitely trying to destroy the country. There’s no doubt
Kemp is loyal to the Republican Party. He'll say what needs to be said. He will indeed help. But this is Trump's hand picked man and Trump made it his mission to to end Kemp's career. Make no mistake, there are rivalries within the parties. They are real. Kemp will do what he can to help without helping to much or as enthusiastically as he possibly could if he and Trump hadn't become enemies within the Party.

Kemp has proven to be a very shrewd politician from his first day in office. He has fought off every attack from Trump with little effort because he has stuck to true conservative values which the real power brokers in this state like. Again, he'll help Walker to some degree I have no doubt. But being the shrewd politician he is he is not going to risk his own political capital by lending to much support to Walker and all his baggage because if he did he'll have to answer for it politically in the future. He certainly wont risk much to help Trump. That is for certain.
@BeachDawg who are the power brokers?
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Much less embarrasing than Warnock, Omar Wallace, Schumer, the complete bozo in PA and the like. He Won’t be embarrassing at all. Warlocks policies are a disgrace. And Warnock has made many racist statements and masquaraides as a man of the cloth while his wife says he’s an abuser. Interesting. However many people agree with his miserable policies which is why we are where we are in this country. All HW has to do is vote yes or no.
Being Senator is much more than voting yes or no. The most important thing is representing the people of the state. Does he plan on bringing any jobs or funding here? Is he going to be working for the people daily or sitting around waiting for his handlers to tell him how to vote when it’s time?
Being Senator is much more than voting yes or no. The most important thing is representing the people of the state. Does he plan on bringing any jobs or funding here? Is he going to be working for the people daily or sitting around waiting for his handlers to tell him how to vote when it’s time?
Please name for me one job RW has brought to GA. Answer, 0. RW votes yes or no in Lockstep with JB and Schumer. RW is hateful and has no ideas except to vote with his misguided party. HW is not a slick politician for sure, but will represent voters of GA much better that RW. RW is a fraud, racist and and a joke IMO. I make these judgment based solely on his own words and actions.
Please name for me one job RW has brought to GA. Answer, 0. RW votes yes or no in Lockstep with JB and Schumer. RW is hateful and has no ideas except to vote with his misguided party. HW is not a slick politician for sure, but will represent voters of GA much better that RW. RW is a fraud, racist and and a joke IMO. I make these judgment based solely on his own words and actions.
Look man, whether you want to believe it or not, Warnock has been out working for the people of this state. He’s not sitting around waiting to be told what to do and what not to do. It’s an insult to even consider HW to represent the people of GA in D.C. This is all a dog and pony show on the part of the Repubs. A quick google search can do you wonders…

Kemp is loyal to the Republican Party. He'll say what needs to be said. He will indeed help. But this is Trump's hand picked man and Trump made it his mission to to end Kemp's career. Make no mistake, there are rivalries within the parties. They are real. Kemp will do what he can to help without helping to much or as enthusiastically as he possibly could if he and Trump hadn't become enemies within the Party.

Kemp has proven to be a very shrewd politician from his first day in office. He has fought off every attack from Trump with little effort because he has stuck to true conservative values which the real power brokers in this state like. Again, he'll help Walker to some degree I have no doubt. But being the shrewd politician he is he is not going to risk his own political capital by lending to much support to Walker and all his baggage because if he did he'll have to answer for it politically in the future. He certainly wont risk much to help Trump. That is for certain.
Kemp needs to forget his feud with Trump and do what's best for the country and help Walker. We wouldn't even be in this mess to begin with if he had nominated Doug Collins instead of Kelly Loeffler.
@BeachDawg who are the power brokers?

I don't literally know who Kemp's "power brokers" are... I'm referring to power brokers in the general sense. These are the people that fund Kemp's campaign, who backed him in the primary, the local politicians who rally their supporters to his cause throughout the state.

Like for example, on the democrat side. Stacey Abrams would be a power broker. She has a strong democratic political base that backs her. Biden needed her help to win Georgia. Other democrat politicians in Georgia need her influence if the hope to run in her areas or statewide.

Thats what I'm referring to when I say "power brokers" the people who wield influence in the state politically.... I'm not referring to some secret society thats pulling the puppet strings from behind a curtain or something like that.

Surely you don't doubt that Kemp has strong support from these types of people within the Republican Party here in Georgia, right?
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Kemp needs to forget his feud with Trump and do what's best for the country and help Walker. We wouldn't even be in this mess to begin with if he had nominated Doug Collins instead of Kelly Loeffler.

Perhaps if Trump had simply forgotten his feud with Kemp first we also wouldn't be in this mess... If Trump had simply not thrown a temper tantrum and worked with Kemp to begin with they could have put forth a candidate together that could have actually beaten a weak target like Warnock, and a candidate that Kemp wouldn't be embarrassed to campaign with.

You probably answered the question in your post as to how much help Kemp will give Trump and his choices... Trump wanted Collins, Kemp picked Loeffler.
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Look man, whether you want to believe it or not, Warnock has been out working for the people of this state. He’s not sitting around waiting to be told what to do and what not to do. It’s an insult to even consider HW to represent the people of GA in D.C. This is all a dog and pony show on the part of the Repubs. A quick google search can do you wonders…

He’s doing Nothing. Bipartisan effort. road the coat tails. Would have happened regardless. Discernment is yo friend.
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Look man, whether you want to believe it or not, Warnock has been out working for the people of this state. He’s not sitting around waiting to be told what to do and what not to do. It’s an insult to even consider HW to represent the people of GA in D.C. This is all a dog and pony show on the part of the Repubs. A quick google search can do you wonders…

Honestly, this is a Trump idea. Not Warnock’s
His only job is to vote. If you like conservative legislation, x vote for someone who willl vote accordingly.
I hear you but I don’t consider maga candidates to be part of my conservative mindset. Convinced that those extremes are too extreme. Don’t want to fuss about it - I know you disagree and I know why. It’s all a pile of shit.
Honestly, this is a Trump idea. Not Warnock’s
Not so. Trump would’ve had his name all over it. You just have to give Warnock some credit for the work he’s doing in GA. He’s not going to be somewhere shucking and jiving with his handlers. He’s actually trying to improve the standard of living for the people of GA. Not just a puppet that’s in D.C. to vote along partisan line.
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Not so. Trump would’ve had his name all over it. You just have to give Warnock some credit for the work he’s doing in GA. He’s not going to be somewhere shucking and jiving with his handlers. He’s actually trying to improve the standard of living for the people of GA. Not just a puppet that’s in D.C. to vote along partisan line.
Complete BS bro. He is the epitome of a shuck jiving phony preacher man. HW is the Antithesis of that.
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I do thank Kemp. He was instrumental. As was Warnock. If you say otherwise, you are talking bullshit. I know.
Nah. The bullshit is that Warnock had anything to do with Hyundai. Those execs could give a shit about the slick Baptist preacher man. They actually look down on him with disdain. Deal was already done like Rivian. He shucked and jived In the background with his nice suite and goofy wanabee intellectual specs. He’s a pretender as are your misguided assertions of his relevance. He is a slick boy. That’s it - zero Bs. Straight truth. He happens to be in a state where it is woke to vote for him. He offers nothin. Sorta like these gems : Fetterman , Cortez, Wallace , Omar JB and the worst of all Kamala . When losers like this are elected a civilization is in decline.
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And Warnock is voting with Biden and we are losing a lot of money because of them but I guess stuff like that just doesn’t bother you. I miss the days of filling up a vehicle with a lot less of money and going to the grocery store now is God Awful but Trump is such a bad man.
He wanted him in that seat because he thought he would be a true conservative voter. If you think Warnock has done this state any favors you are wrong. He has voted 100 percent liberal views, but, if that is what you believe in good luck with educating your children or grandchildren with WOKE values.
What makes you say that? Stacy/Warnock voters are much more aligned than Kemp/Walker voters. There will be massive turnout equal to this election for Warnock, can't say the same for HW
Are you crazy or just trying to drum up votes for Warnock. He voted 100 percent liberal.
I disagree. Whether you like Kemp's policies or not, he is a reasonably competent person. Herschel is very flawed and so in over his head in running for the Senate. Electing HW will be a serious embarrassment for the state of Georgia. But I will admit he was my favorite ever football player.
You must not think fake preacher man, slick talking, expensive suit is an embarrassment then you need to learn a little more about his values. You have watched too much msnbc etc.
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Nah. The bullshit is that Warnock had anything to do with Hyundai. Those execs could give a shit about the slick Baptist preacher man. They actually look down on him with disdain. Deal was already done like Rivian. He shucked and jived In the background with his nice suite and goofy wanabee intellectual specs. He’s a pretender as are your misguided assertions of his relevance. He is a slick boy. That’s it - zero Bs. Straight truth. He happens to be in a state where it is woke to vote for him. He offers nothin. Sorta like these gems : Fetterman , Cortez, Wallace , Omar JB and the worst of all Kamala . When losers like this are elected a civilization is in decline.
This sounds like Russian propaganda
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I disagree. Whether you like Kemp's policies or not, he is a reasonably competent person. Herschel is very flawed and so in over his head in running for the Senate. Electing HW will be a serious embarrassment for the state of Georgia. But I will admit he was my favorite ever football player.
A vote for Warnock is a vote for fetterman and a vote for the Biden agenda. Walker neutralizes anything the likes of fetterman can accomplish. It’s rather simple.
I do the food shopping during the week for us, and when I went to the local ingles last evening a loaf of bread cost $5.67. FOR A LOAF OF FN BREAD. Democrats have enabled this, and yes companies have jumped in with plenty of excuses to make obscene profits, but at the end of the day it’s the Democrats that opened the door. I guess they’ll have to raise the food stamp allowance, and on and on it goes.
I do the food shopping during the week for us, and when I went to the local ingles last evening a loaf of bread cost $5.67. FOR A LOAF OF FN BREAD. Democrats have enabled this, and yes companies have jumped in with plenty of excuses to make obscene profits, but at the end of the day it’s the Democrats that opened the door. I guess they’ll have to raise the food stamp allowance, and on and on it goes.
That's the tricky thing when it comes to inflation, how do you bring it down when prices begin to overheat and still remain free market.
HW won outright. It took a late night very questionable ballot dump to send to a runoff. Will a dem explain this anomaly?

I do the food shopping during the week for us, and when I went to the local ingles last evening a loaf of bread cost $5.67. FOR A LOAF OF FN BREAD. Democrats have enabled this, and yes companies have jumped in with plenty of excuses to make obscene profits, but at the end of the day it’s the Democrats that opened the door. I guess they’ll have to raise the food stamp allowance, and on and on it goes.

Apparently, the majority of the country cares more about abortion, climate change, and MAGA Republicans.

Who cares what things cost? We will get the government to pay for it.
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