Warnock/ Walker Runoff - very interesting….

Kemp is a conservative who puts his constituents first and has accomplished many things that benefit the entire state.

Walker would have zero influence in the Senate. If elected he would accomplish nothing for our state, other than being a continued embarrassment.

This is why I, along with so many others, voted Kemp and held our nose while voting Warnock. As has been stated, all the R party had to do was give us a serious candidate.
You Shonuff253 and CoCO nut are two of a kind. Neither of you know what you are talking about. I wonder if you think it’s ok for your son to be smoking a bong, or whatever you call it, in your underwear. They have been crooked since birth, it runs in their family.
You Shonuff253 and CoCO nut are two of a kind. Neither of you know what you are talking about. I wonder if you think it’s ok for your son to be smoking a bong, or whatever you call it, in your underwear. They have been crooked since birth, it runs in their family.
That’s pretty constructive.
First off, national pundits and politicians on both sides do not understand the south or the state. DeSantis is from this neck of the woods, but what the Democrats did so well in the 2020 runoffs is all these people wanted to flock into GA. Everyone in charge of those campaigns said "No" other than Biden came once and maybe Obama. GA does not like outsiders coming in and telling them how to vote. Trump is such a narcissist he couldn't help himself and it hurt the GOP. They got tied to him.If he comes down again it will hurt Walker. Trump is kryptonite here. If he runs in 2024 he will lose the state again.
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I don't say this cause I'm a democrat and Warnock would have won re-election without the rule, but this runoff rule needs to be done away with. It hurt the GOP in 2020, hurting Warnock now. It's divisive and all the ads and attention are unbearable. Surely there is bipartisan support to do away with this stupid rule