There's ao much wrong with your post, I have no idea where to begin.
Hospitals are not tied up. Millions don't have severe sickness because of the virus. The "science" is not settled on this at all. In fact, it's strange the party of science believes, there are 52 genders, that men can have periods, and babies in the womb are nothing but a clump of cells until they emerge and miraculously become human. Somehow in the liberal world a drug safely used for 50 years and touted and used effectively for early treatment of covid had somehow become to dangerous to use and was banned. I actually don't care whether you or anyone else wears a mask my if you like it, do it. China and other Asian countries don't require them in spite of what is being reported. The "science" here is way too political. Explain to me why you should wear a mask in your car, on the beach, on the sidewalk, in a park, in your home, etc. Mask mandates aren't science based and you know it. As far whether I get it and wind up in a hospital, if that happens it happens. I'm 72, with a serious comorbidity. I have three children and ten grandchildren. I'm not going to stay locked up and not see them. If I get the virus and die, It'll be on my own terms and I won't regret one day that I "endangered" my life to see them. I know too many people with loved ones in nursing homes who aren't able to see them and they are so depressed an upset by these silly rules that it's wearing on their mental well being worse than any two week sickness could ever be. The "science" on this is political. And it also criminal.
Your whole argument is a long, long list of straw man arguments.
-Hospitals are, in fact, tied up.
-I never said millions have severe sickness due to the virus.
-science is never officially settled, as it is always studied. However, there are many factual conclusion that have already been made about all of this. And none of them involve disregarding masks.
-I have said nothing about genders, babies, or periods. But cool.
-what drug was banned that was effectively used for COVID? Hydroxychloroquine? You should do more research there.
-science is not political. Science is science. Just because you don’t want to wear a mask does not mean that the science is political. This is a WORLD problem. It goes way outside of the boundaries of the USA and political parties within.
-I never said someone should wear a mask in their car, beach, sidewalk, park, home, etc. If you’re alone, go for it. If you’re near others who do not live in your home, wear a mask. Simple.
-The mandate is, in fact, based off of scientific studies from all over the world.
-As for you saying “I’m 72...if it happens, it happens.” That’s fine for you to say about yourself. However, you’re putting OTHERS at risk. This is what it boils down to: people who are so adamant about not wearing masks give none of their fellow human beings any consideration. It comes down to your selfishness. Your selfishness is putting others in danger.