NonDawg What are some random historical facts that most people dont know.

Christopher Columbus never got close to North America, yet is credited with its "discovery".
I'd venture that many here know that, but outside of cyberspace? It still surprises people. So much so, that they want to argue.
Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4, 1826 … 50 years, to the day, the Declaration of Independence was signed.
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The Cresent moon symbol for Islam comes from the old symbol of Constantinople. It was the flag that represented the idea the all were welcome in the city. When the Ottomans took over they just decided to keep it.

The white robes worn by the Knights Templar were originally meant to symbolize the vow of chastity the monks took when joining the order.

The Swastika was not just a Hindu symbol before getting co-opted by the nazis. It was a symbol that was used all around the world, even in the America's centuries before European arrived.

The first American war to not have women serving was WW1. This was due to medical examinations.

Probably the saddest of them all, Kim Kardashian has more followers on Instagram than all of the founding fathers combined.
The McLain family lived in Manasas, Va and the first major battle of the Civil War started in his back yard (with a cannon ball through his kitchen. Seeing the horrors of war, they moved to Appomattox, Va. Robert E Lee surrendered in his house. The McClains can legitimately say they witnessed the start and end of Civil War.
I stumbled onto a fact I had never heard a few weeks ago on a WWII podcast. The Soviet T-34 tank was based on the chassis and original design of US Engineer and inventory John Christie for the 1920’s. The US was not interested.

The Cresent moon symbol for Islam comes from the old symbol of Constantinople. It was the flag that represented the idea the all were welcome in the city. When the Ottomans took over they just decided to keep it.

The white robes worn by the Knights Templar were originally meant to symbolize the vow of chastity the monks took when joining the order.

The Swastika was not just a Hindu symbol before getting co-opted by the nazis. It was a symbol that was used all around the world, even in the America's centuries before European arrived.

The first American war to not have women serving was WW1. This was due to medical examinations.

Probably the saddest of them all, Kim Kardashian has more followers on Instagram than all of the founding fathers combined.
Actually…the crescent moon dates even further back. There was the Moon God worshipped before and during the Babylonian times. He had many names, one of which was “Sin” which is where we get that word from. That was the obelisk/monument that Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego refused to worship. The Babylonian king was trying to reintroduce their worship of the Moon God, replacing their primary god Marduch. This is what caused so much unrest with the Babylonian people, it made them an easy conquer for Cyrus and the Persian army. This led to the return of the Jews to their homeland.

But back to the Moon God…he was considered on par with the primary gods in many cultures…including gods like El whose name survives in many Hebrew words and names (Israel, Gabriel, Michael, etc.). In the true ancient split of the Jewish and what would (eventually…many years later) become the Muslim religion, Jews and Christians believe Isaac got Abraham’s blessing…the people of Islam believe it was Ishmael. Ishmael was protected and his people formed a different religious sect.

The alignment around the Moon God with many of the desert tribes/peoples began then. The Moon God was often referred to as Al-ilyeh…or THE Diety. And this is where the word/name Allah comes from. The seeds of this worship were retained in the basic believes of these people until Mohammed gave it a structure.

Now no one in the Muslim religion believes they worship the Moon God, just like the Jews don’t believe they worship El. This is just the surviving tidbits that make it through time. Like the word Easter, or other things in Christianity.

Apologies…I love this stuff. I’ll be quiet now.
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A pair of British cartographers were charged with calculating the height of Mount Everest around 1850 after six months work including calculating the curvature of the earth and atmospheric refraction they came up with 29,000 feet exactly. They knew they would be laughed out of the scientific community so they settled on 29,002 feet
today accommodating growth of a mountain It is believed that they were within 1 inch in their calculations.
Christopher Columbus never got close to North America, yet is credited with its "discovery".
I'd venture that many here know that, but outside of cyberspace? It still surprises people. So much so, that they want to argue.
I guess it depends on your definition on close. I'd say Cuba was pretty close to NA. Also, he was a war criminal and treated as such at the time.
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Kirby Smart has towels with the Tennessee and Georgia Tech logos hanging in one of his bedrooms
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Christopher Columbus never got close to North America, yet is credited with its "discovery".
I'd venture that many here know that, but outside of cyberspace? It still surprises people. So much so, that they want to argue.
Actually he landed on it! The Carribean is in North America.
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The Japanese Zeros that dropped bombs all over Pearl Harbor had Mitsubishi engines.
uh, that was the Germans dude!
A pair of British cartographers were charged with calculating the height of Mount Everest around 1850 after six months work including calculating the curvature of the earth and atmospheric refraction they came up with 29,000 feet exactly. They knew they would be laughed out of the scientific community so they settled on 29,002 feet
today accommodating growth of a mountain It is believed that they were within 1 inch in their calculations.
Factoring out “above sea level” the tallest mountain in the world is Mauna Kea in Hawaii. It’s about 4k feet taller than Everest.
The Cresent moon symbol for Islam comes from the old symbol of Constantinople. It was the flag that represented the idea the all were welcome in the city. When the Ottomans took over they just decided to keep it.

The white robes worn by the Knights Templar were originally meant to symbolize the vow of chastity the monks took when joining the order.

The Swastika was not just a Hindu symbol before getting co-opted by the nazis. It was a symbol that was used all around the world, even in the America's centuries before European arrived.

The first American war to not have women serving was WW1. This was due to medical examinations.

Probably the saddest of them all, Kim Kardashian has more followers on Instagram than all of the founding fathers combined.

FSU used to be a girls college and on 12/30/2023... UGA reminded them, that they are still a bunch of sissies...

There were 112 fatalities building the Hoover Dam, the first, and the last, were Father & Son, they both died on December 20, 13 years apart.
Had they let the concrete cure on it's own, it still wouldn't be fully cured even to this day. They pumped in water from the Colorado river through tubes to cool the concrete.
It is estimated that Alaska has over 100,000 glaciers with 644 officially named.
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while outrageous - its 100% factual AND provable.

check out picture # 31 of his Zillow listing

I think those are pelts. I see GT, Tenn and SC among others that I can't make out. I think there is a towel for each coach that he's caused to be fired.
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Christopher Columbus never got close to North America, yet is credited with its "discovery".
I'd venture that many here know that, but outside of cyberspace? It still surprises people. So much so, that they want to argue.
Did not know this. I know he landed in Hispaniola first, but thought he made later trips to USA. Interesting.

Leif Erikson doesn’t get enough credit.
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Hundreds of years ago, bathing was a luxury and people might only get a hot bath once a year. The man of the house would bath first. Then any older sons. Then the women and then the children. After all of those people went, the babies were last. By the time the babies were done the water was murky from all of the people bathing. So people had to remind each other to not throw the baby out with the bath water, and that is how that phrase came to be.

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