Wondering how Chat Dem's are feeling about having one man choosing who's your candidate? Your primary vote means NOTHING

And you don’t see this as a problem with your party? I’m assuming it was Bernie that won the primary and didn’t get the nomination?
Not a problem for me. Yall keep trying though. A party’s nominating process is never controlled by the government, so your faulty logic in considering this anti-democratic is unconvincing. Unless you want to say that the states that Nikki Haley won ij the primary should have her on the ballot?
Not a problem for me. Yall keep trying though. A party’s nominating process is never controlled by the government, so your faulty logic in considering this anti-democratic is unconvincing. Unless you want to say that the states that Nikki Haley won ij the primary should have her on the ballot?
The dem nominating process of this years election is 100 percent controlled by the government.
I’ve never had my primary choice win the nomination, so at least my choice’s running mate is the nominee.
She was out of the primary before the votes started happening. Not someone I could feel good about. She is the worst candidate we have had in quite some time and that is saying a lot. She will be a puppet for those calling the shots. So we will have more on the same. Policy will change will how the wind is blowing.
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Not a problem for me. Yall keep trying though. A party’s nominating process is never controlled by the government, so your faulty logic in considering this anti-democratic is unconvincing. Unless you want to say that the states that Nikki Haley won ij the primary should have her on the ballot?
Obviously, the Dems can select a candidate in any way they choose. They can change rules, misrepresent the health of any candidate in the race and put anyone on the ballot they want as long as they meet each states requirements. However, if you understand the root of the word democracy, the only conclusion you can reach when a powerful few overrule the will of the voters is it is the antithesis of a democratic process.
Not a problem for me. Yall keep trying though. A party’s nominating process is never controlled by the government, so your faulty logic in considering this anti-democratic is unconvincing. Unless you want to say that the states that Nikki Haley won ij the primary should have her on the ballot?
You are confirming how lost you are
Another lib bites the dust
As I told a family member a couple of weeks ago, Democrats are in this situation because they voted against Trump in 2020 instead of voting for someone they believed in.

Let it sink in that they could have prepared a legitimate candidate starting in 2016, yet they immediately started talking impeachment of Trump before he was sworn in.

They could have pushed for a legitimate VP in 2020; instead they took a candidate who called their nominee a racist during the primary campaign season.

Even after that, they've had 3 years to groom an exciting candidate who could have been thrust into this race. Obama was the last rising star of the Democratic party. No one has elevated their game as a person people could get behind since him.

That's how far gone the Democratic party is today. This is what happens when an agenda is pushed down from the Ivory Tower instead of rising politicians bringing something substantial to the table.

Before the whatabouts kick in, the GOP isn't any better so don't waste your breathe. Never Trumpers on the Right have lost.

I'm not here to tell you Trump is the greatest ever. But he is a person bringing his own vision to the table and a lot of Americans respect that even if they don't like him.
If he is too incompetent to run, they are complicit and he shouldn’t be president. If they did this because there is no path for him to win, it is a coup. It is simple. Democracy argument is over.

They gave him the easy way or the hard way. Pretty sure the hard way was the vp invoking the 25th. Lots of motivation there. Man they threw uncle Joe under six buses.
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Obama decides for all of you. Talk about a threat to democracy. I thought y'all were all in on that.......
It's just who they are. Hope and change helped get Biden in 4 years ago and then they retired Bernie the commie, who got a few houses for the trouble. They bought off Clyburn of SC to endorse Biden for the black vote and that was that.
Not a problem for me. Yall keep trying though. A party’s nominating process is never controlled by the government, so your faulty logic in considering this anti-democratic is unconvincing. Unless you want to say that the states that Nikki Haley won ij the primary should have her on the ballot?
It literally IS CONTROLED by the government! Do you think Santa Claus chooses them?
Not a problem for me. Yall keep trying though. A party’s nominating process is never controlled by the government, so your faulty logic in considering this anti-democratic is unconvincing. Unless you want to say that the states that Nikki Haley won ij the primary should have her on the ballot?
The logic aint faulty, but it is typical of a lib to go into illogical spin control like this.
Has he endorsed anyone yet? Last I saw he hadn’t
By all accounts the whole thing was orchestrated by Pelosi and Obama. Doing it privately is what made it effective. I personally have no problem with it, but it absolutely flies in the face of “protecting democracy”. Don’t blame them a bit. Joe was a sure loser. Kamala is a probable loser. Gotta have at least a chance.
The nominations have nothing to do with the government. The Democrats could decide tomorrow to base their nominee on a game of tic tac toe and there’s nothing stopping them.
The nomination process is a vital part of democracy, and the left just crapped all over it. Hopefully such blatant hypocrisy was noticed by all undecided voters.
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The nomination process is a vital part of democracy, and the left just crapped all over it. Hopefully such blatant hypocrisy was noticed by all undecided voters.
I agree that it’s a vital part, just saying that it isn’t actually related to the government itself
Obama decides for all of you. Talk about a threat to democracy. I thought y'all were all in on that.......
Oh man I've really missed this complain about Biden finally listening to the Dem party and asking him to step down.

It's going to be the Prosecutor Vs. The Felon at the next debate...if Trump has the balls to show up that is. 😅
Not a problem for me. Yall keep trying though. A party’s nominating process is never controlled by the government, so your faulty logic in considering this anti-democratic is unconvincing. Unless you want to say that the states that Nikki Haley won ij the primary should have her on the ballot?
This is so silly I cant tell if youre being serious or just something else.
Oh man I've really missed this complain about Biden finally listening to the Dem party and asking him to step down.

It's going to be the Prosecutor Vs. The Felon at the next debate...if Trump has the balls to show up that is. 😅
He didnt listen, he got knifed in the back and dragged out the back door. Do you guys listen to yourselves at all?
The last 24 hours has been really fun to watch. I'm here for it.
So are we. All you goofballs telling us that Kamala is the best candidate ever , even though we all know she couldnt run an HOA is absolutely hilarious.

Or how about the one where you Dems CONSTANTLY tell us how great and sharp Joe B is only to put him out to pasture thinking nobody will notice.

Truly good stuff. This is what happens when your only policy is Orange Man Bad.
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If he was too incompetent to run, he should be removed as president. If there was no way to win and he was forced out, it is a coup. It is just that simple. No other explanations work.

Nancy said we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Her words. The vp must invoke the 25th amendment. Sounds like the right threat to me. It is a wonder why he hasn’t run to the nearest camera to tell someone. Or even used his own signature. The party that pretended for four years is now pretending they didn’t thow his political car is under a bus. Long live democracy. Protect our freedoms! Whatever. That slogan doesnt work anymore.
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So are we. All you goofballs telling us that Kamala is the best candidate ever , even though we all know she couldnt run an HOA is absolutely hilarious.

Or how about the one where you Dems CONSTANTLY tell us how great and sharp Joe B is only to put him out to pasture thinking nobody will notice.

Truly good stuff. This is what happens when your only policy is Orange Man Bad.
This from a guy supporting a guy who has squandered daddy’s inheritance with one bankruptcy after another and lied through his teeth about his wealth and financial prowess. Sure.
  • Haha
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The teeth gnashing and knicker-twisting that is happening in trump world is something to behold. They can't STAND that Biden is no longer the nominee.

It's like they are totally unprepared for this. They had to have seen this as a possibility in the last 30 days.
The teeth gnashing and knicker-twisting that is happening in trump world is something to behold. They can't STAND that Biden is no longer the nominee.

It's like they are totally unprepared for this. They had to have seen this as a possibility in the last 30 days.
We were gaslighted by you lying Democrats for 4 plus years about this clown. Kamala is even easier to beat. She has more skeletons in her closet than Jeffrey Dalmer.
We were gaslighted by you lying Democrats for 4 plus years about this clown. Kamala is even easier to beat. She has more skeletons in her closet than Jeffrey Dalmer.
I havent gaslighted anyone. My position has always been that joe should've been a 1 term president from the beginning. Good news though....we only have 6 more months of Joe Biden. Then he is gone.

But watching people's heads spin off their shoulders in the last 2 days really has been fun. Now rumors are there's buyers remorse for Vance. His positions aren't polling well in swing states. His rally yesterday was Jeb Bush awkward. He has the charisma of a shoe box.
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I havent gaslighted anyone. My position has always been that joe should've been a 1 term president from the beginning. Good news though....we only have 6 more months of Joe Biden. Then he is gone.

But watching people's heads spin off their shoulders in the last 2 days really has been fun. Now rumors are there's buyers remorse for Vance. His positions aren't polling well in swing states. His rally yesterday was Jeb Bush awkward. He has the charisma of a shoe box.
So it doesn’t bother you the lies the Democratic Party has perpetuated over the last 3 years. How they point fingers and then do the same crap but call it something else.
They cling to the premise that the ends justify the means and do not really give a crap about, truth, norms and principles unless the other side is doing it.

Wow is all I can say. I think both parties are spiraling in a downward track and I do not like it and I can call it out.

The Democrats have gone so far off path to appease the woke agenda that they have allowed Trump to be the moderate candidate. He does not have to toe the extreme right line because even a moderate stance looks awesome to the crap that the DNC is ushering out there. This is the moderate democrats fault for having no backbone on some of these extreme issues and trying to appease every fringe group under the sun.