This Admin never learns

They must be patrolling queer bars to find employees.
No these guys are bing snuck in their bedroom while the wife is gone.

Dem party really got highjack by perverts.

Then the gay movement got highjacked by the trannies. A lot of the gay community is upset about that.

But dems aren’t having to go outside their circle to find these people. Birds if a feather flack together.

What stops illegals

Well, I realize that it certainly makes no sense to talk to some of the people here because they are not capable of responding knowledgeable to most posts. Or even responding to the subject of the post. I see you are good for about one post a month based on your history, so don't waste it.
You are amazingly fantastically super smart. If only we could all be as "knowledgeable" as you. Its right there before you and you still can't see it. Your tds and dds have caused you to go blind. Just keep on talking and embarrassing yourself. Go on back and watch msnbc some more so you can regale us with more of your knowledgeableness.... LMBO
