
He also gave a speech where he rambled for 30 minutes. It reminds me of the kind of people who call you and you can lay the receiver down, pick it up 20 minutes later, and they never know you left.
Every time I see your handle I think of Pee Wee football and the story you told on here years ago.

It was back when CMR had some issues with the OL & false starts. It was a problem back then and being the DGD U are, you wanted suggest a drill/s to CMR to solve it.

Can we hear some more about that??….bout tired of politics.

It was something to the effect of when you played Pee Wee football, your coach made you all run 10 yard sprints and do pushups as punishment drills to cure the false starts, wanted CMR to try it.

Did you ever suggest it to him??….If so, did he try?

Thank U in advance.

Interesting take from head legal guy at CNN

He correctly states the jury did its job as it was directed to , and then lays out why this case is complete dog crap.

Respect for folks who can separate their emotions / agenda from facts and their own expertise. It is what makes them respected experts. Credibility. . You can hate trump and still admit this was a political hit job with zero legal precedent.
