Loomer and MTG

The main point becomes lost about the Ohio town that nearly doubled their population by receiving Haitian migrants,...their exists evidence of multiple 911 calls of American individuals reporting the capture and cleaning of duck and geese at public parks in town by Haitian migrants,...Haiti was a french colony and duck is a delicacy in french cuisine,..and free duck floating in a public place is hard to resist for Haitian migrants living in squalid,..

If I was a Haitian migrant, I would be tempted to catch an easy duck in a park,..and if I am an American that goes to the park every day to feed ducks, I would not like to see their heads chopped off in park benches,..

Their exists a cultural clash that happens when 20 million migrants are encouraged to come into a country,...

But ABC presidential debate moderator (and fact checker)David Muir talked to the city manager of that small Ohio town and reported no evidence of anything beguiling or unsavory happening from the 20 k population of Haitian migrants,..the hatians are all angels, and create less crime than the devilish native population of Americans in said Ohio small city
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Here's what infuriating. Trump either did or should have known this. Then he should have explained it like I did and then dropped the mic.
There were so many opportunities to explain her lies which he missed. If he had nailed her(or the moderators) on just a couple of facts he blows her away in that debate.
He was to busy on the defensive. He got side tracked by the 3 commies he was debating. He should have stayed on the offensive and stuck to the facts. He would have kicked their buts.

In case you missed important things while arguing about a rigged debate this week, "Biden" said ok for Ukraine to use long range missiles

against Russia. Talk about fiddling while WW3 is starting. Another blogger I heard said the pentagon was against giving the comedian Zelensky the ok to use these missiles, but the neocon's are still in charge it seems.

I liked this writers use of the term "Collective Biden". It has that socialist/Marxist ring to it that strikes the perfect tone.
So it's OK for Russia to fire Iran made missiles into Ukraine but US missiles into Russia ain't?
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In case you missed important things while arguing about a rigged debate this week, "Biden" said ok for Ukraine to use long range missiles

We can hope, but meanwhile the ding dong is rattling sabers too.
Putin mentioned Poland 13 times in his interview with Tucker. Putin spoke about Russians living in Poland. Neville Chamberlain and Hitler come to mind here.
