I honestly think there is some truth to the statement, "liberalism is a disease".
We've all seen the looney, irrational stuff on TV, from the left. But some of the things, people have told me, personally, in recent days, are unbelievable.
I KNOW liberals who won't let their kids see their conservative grandparents. They are afraid they will expose the kids to their political views.....THEIR GRANDCHILDREN. They honestly believe the grandparents would plot and scheme, to influence their grandkids with their views. If they do allow a visit, the grandparents have to promise not to discuss their political views with the kids. That's sick imo.
I know liberals who invent arguments, with family members, during casual conversation. "Boy it's warm today" is met with a personal attack, for supporting those who created global warming.
I know liberals who freak out, when they are exposed to differing opinions. It throws them into a meltdown, to even HEAR something that challenges their beliefs.
I know liberals who think anyone who does not agree with them is the enemy. Doesn't matter who they are, or the nature of the relationship. If they find out you have conservative opinions, you are the enemy and will be immediately canceled. Contact severed. Blocked on social media, etc.
When you HATE all things conservative, you have a problem.
When you can't even hear a conservative position, you have a problem.
When any casual conversation turns into an attack on conservatives, you have a problem
When you are so afraid of conservative ideas, you won't let your kids see their grandparents, you have a problem.
And they say Trump supporters are cult like.