Bashing Players

Guys I was as frustrated during the game as any of you but sometimes fans go way too far. We had more injuries than people realize. It has not come out yet but one of our more consistent linemen played the game with a major shoulder injury. He wasn't himself during the game and it showed. He will have surgery soon and will be out 6 months or more. He caught a lot of crap from the fan base but the kid is tough as nails. He had several confirmed death threats. It is easy to sit on the couch and bitch about these boys "sucking" and being "soft" but in reality most average fans have no clue what these kids have been through, are dealing with, and what the coaches know that we, the fans. do not.
If you are low enough or cowardly enough to make call a college kid after a bad game then please go root for another team. I can not express enough distain for you.

As usual, it just takes a couple of Knuckleheads to screw your day up....

I think it should be passed into Law that if you commit any crime that stops, interrupts, cancels or postpones ANY college football game and are convicted its automatic Death penalty. If you are an accomplice, life with no possibility for parole. Seems harsh i know, but there are some things you just dont mess with.

First responders on this forum

Football has felt weird today, and extremely secondary... because in moments like this, it is. However, watching the videos out of New Orleans, one thing that stood out was how the first responders bravely rushed the scene just like they always do. They don't hesitate. If you are a first responder -- police, fire, ems -- You are the best of our society. All of you. Yall do things anonymously day in and day out that protect and save the rest of us. Thank you

If you know a police officer, a paramedic, or a firefighter, maybe take a moment to simply send them a note of gratitude in the weeks ahead to say how much we appreciate what they do. Maybe if you see one in line grabbing some coffee or a quick meal, consider paying for it if you are able.

UPDATE: Ride found from New Orleans to Atlanta

UPDATE: A fellow Dawgventer connected with me, and I will ride home with him on Friday morning. I’m 6-0 seeing the Dawgs in person this year. Here’s to seeing another win in person.

I’m currently in New Orleans solo, and I have a flight back home to Atlanta Thursday night at 7pm CT.

I’d love to be able to attend the full Sugar Bowl and cancel my flight.

Does anyone have extra room in their car where I could ride back with them to Atlanta?

I’d be willing to pay for gas and other expenses.

Send me a text if you would be willing to help out a fellow Dawg.

Laugh as you may…UF has a bigger upside

going into the 2025 season than UGA at THIS point. Seriously, look at what is coming back along with NIL pick ups at this point and our OC, OL coaching issues. UF has a bigger upside at this point imo. Laugh as you may but CKS not using the portal, OC and OL issues, what we will lose in the portal vs what we gain…Sunbelt Billy and UF may have a higher trajectory as this point going in to 2025. NIL and MAYBE CKS loyalty to former teammates may bite us more than we want to admit. Hope I’m wrong and CKS has time to fix it if he accepts the fact that change is needed.

Notre Dame fans. The truth about them….

I was in south bend in 2017.
I have never met nicer, sweeter, more accommodating fans. The trash talk was akin to foreplay prior banging your freshman year girlfriend or your 25 year old
Mistress when you’re 40.

Add to that the beautiful campus and I became a notre dame defender.

Great people. Hard to not like them.

We’re going to commit sodomy on them tomorrow, but it’s not personal
