Nico lost8inarowa is not special

Honestly I hoped Tudersee would keep it respectable tonight but I knew they had no shot at winning. After watching that game tonight it showed me that they are no where Near they need to be to be a contender. Dawg brethren we are blessed and we are still alive with the least take talented team we’ve had in 6 years and yet here we are. I have been around for the Dooley, Goff, Richt and now Kirby era and if you don’t appreciate what is going on with the UGA football program the past 5 years you wouldn’t understand. I’m so proud to be a Dawg!! To hell with ND!!! It’s time to ****in EAT!!

I believe if I were advising Liz Channey I would ask for a Biden pardon.........

I certainly think she acted UNETHICALLY and with EXTREME PREJIDUCE on the J6 committee, it appears now she may have acted illegally as well. I suspect the new FBI director will be gunning for her. She might need to call in a favor from Dementia Joe and get herself a stay out of litigation / perhaps jail card just in case........

Well it took the Kirby coaching tree

To get the ACC a bowl win.

Danny Kannell tweeted b4 the 8 OTs against Tech that it was fair to ask what UGA's record would be in the ACC. It didn't go well for him.

Tech is 0-2 with a loss to Vandy
Clemson is 0-3

SEC is 10-3 vs ACC this year. Louisville beat KY, Miami beat UF, and powerhouse Cal beat Auburn.

ACC is 11-15 this year to date vs other conferences, with UNC losing badly to UConn.
