150 years ago this day...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Oct 28, 2008
Tuesday, 14 March 1865

Major General Jacob D. Cox’s Union troops occupied Kinston, North Carolina, in their advance inland from the sea towards Goldsboro and his junction with Major General William T. Sherman’s army. Meanwhile, Major General John M. Schofield’s Federals rebuild the bridges over the Neuse River after three days of work.

General Robert E. Lee informed President Jefferson Davis that General Joseph E. Johnston was uniting forces at Raleigh, and although he was outnumbered in "tone," Johnston planned to "...strike the enemy in detail." Lee stated, "The greatest calamity that can befall us is the destruction of our armies. If they can be maintained, we may recover our reverses, but if lost we have no resource."

The Confederate envoy to Great Britain, James Mason, conferred with British Prime Minister Lord Palmerston about whether Britain would recognize the Confederacy as an independent nation. Mason then wrote to Confederate Secretary of State Judah P. Benjamin that "...the most ample concessions on our part in the matter referred to (emancipation) would have produced no change in the course determined by the British government." The Confederates offered emancipation in exchange for recognition, but it was too late in the war for Britain to accept.

President Abraham Lincoln held his weekly cabinet meeting from his bed. Some claimed Lincoln suffered from influenza, but others simply blamed fatigue.

Major General Philip H, Sheridan’s Federals skirmish at the South Anna Bridge in Virginia, as his cavalry move towards Petersburg, Virginia.

A skirmish ensues near Dalton, Georgia, where the Yankees are surprised to capture a Rebel belonging to General Robert E. Lee's Virginian Army.

A Federal reconnaissance moves from Fayetteville on the Goldsboro road to Black River, North Carolina, and skirmishes with partisans.

A Federal reconnaissance travels from Fayetteville on the Raleigh road to Silver Run Creek, North Carolina, and skirmishes.

The limits of the District of Oregon are extended to include the entire State of Oregon.

A skirmish flares up at Woodstock, Virginia.

Federals scout from New Creek to Moorefield, West Virginia, in search of any Confederates still in the area.

Federals also scout from Philippi to Carricks's Ford, West Virginia, in search of any Confederate forces remaining in the area.

This post was edited on 3/14 7:54 AM by BadLeroyDawg
Thanks Tee. Am still seeing ongoing problems

posting here regardless of the browser used. Any idea when or if the kinks finally get worked out?