Are we allowed to egg Pelosi’s house?

Sorry, just assumed you chose that name because it reflected your overall demeanor as a human, my apologies for not thinking you went to a rival school and then chose to pay money to a UGA website.
The more you post the dumber you appear. Did you never learn the concept of “stop digging“ when you’re already in a hole? You’ve been brainwashed, kid. Your Marxist, anti-Semitic views are going lead you to a very bad ending. I hope you wake up.
I support both antifa and BLM and have been in protests with them and voting rights and access to voting is probably one of the top 3 things discussed at the protests.

Trump does not have the power, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to

You are worthless. Do they discuss voting rights when they/you are destroying properties. I'm completely ashamed we have an Antifa supporter on this board.
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Voter ID sounds super obvious right, you need an ID to vote, we need to know who you are so that there isn't fraud. Well turns out that voter ID laws end up reducing voter turnout by 2-3%, which is at least 3MM people based upon how many voted in the last presidential election. So it's taking away their ability to vote. And there have only been about 1200 instances of voter fraud since 1948. So you're taking away 3MM people's ability to vote for a statistically tiny amount of fraud. And of those instances of fraud, the people go to jail.

Now, you're probably saying "but it's so easy to get an ID"...Over 21 million U.S. citizens do not have government-issued photo identification. That’s because ID cards aren’t always accessible for everyone. The ID itself can be costly, and even when IDs are free, applicants must incur other expenses to obtain the underlying documents that are needed to get an ID. This can be a significant burden on people in lower-income communities. Further, the travel required is an obstacle for people with disabilities, the elderly, and people living in rural areas.

That's like saying you support KKK because you like to wear hoodies.
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One more thing about BLM @JB Sterling ...
BLM makes it clear that they are against the nuclear family, which ironically, is arguably the biggest issue facing black Americans today... to the tune of 75% of black children being in homes without a father. This is a huge problem for the black community, as stated by President Obama and the head of the NAACP. The statistics about boys without a father in the home are frightening.

This seems to be a big part of BLM that blind followers are missing. I've gotten a few "where did you hear that's" lolol
You still have to be a citizen and an eligible voter to be on the vote rolls. So do you think that there are a large amount of undocumented people that know who is registered to vote, then figure out that that person won't be voting, then goes and votes in their place??? I'm just trying to understand how you people think voter fraud happens. The only instance of voter fraud of any significance in the last election was perpetrated by republicans in North Carolina and lead to a special election needing to be held.

I think you are living in fantasy land if you think registered voters aren't allowed to vote....So does this only happen in Atlanta? If not then why the need to protest in the most liberal led cities in the country? So they suppress voting for president but don't suppress voting for Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Looney Lefties? Yeeeeaaaah suuuuurre
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Fascism is right-wing and involves you think the people fighting for increased access to voting are the authoritarians or maybe the person who wants to stay in office for life and wants to delay an election and is sending in Federal officers to stop protests...hmmmm

Now if you said marxism or socialism then that would be more appropriate
You can’t be this obviously stupid, can you?

Attempting to light a federal courthouse on fire (with people inside) is now “fighting for voting rights”? I would label that straight terrorism but damn liberals have lost all ability to reason.

The word fascist actually does work for the current liberals in many ways. They attempt to limit any speech they disagree with (see you for example calling anyone you disagree with a racist). I would agree Marxist would be closer but once you are on the extreme right or left they look the exact same in all practicality. The extreme left simply represents the party now while the extreme right has no power and tiny numbers.
Haha, you genuinely make me laugh. The presidential nominee for democrats is the most centrist person possible, and Trump is basically a right-wing internet troll. How you people can't see that Trump wants to become a dictator blows my mind. I'm wondering what it would take...if he started killing citizens?

How am I limiting speech by calling someone what they are? They are still allowed to speak, and I'm just using my right to free speech. You guys are all calling me a fascist/communist/marxist/dumb ass/'s it any different?
The Overton Window shift to the left in this country is so dramatic that you really think Biden is centrist. As Biden would say, come on man that’s malarkey!
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Haha, you genuinely make me laugh. The presidential nominee for democrats is the most centrist person possible, and Trump is basically a right-wing internet troll. How you people can't see that Trump wants to become a dictator blows my mind. I'm wondering what it would take...if he started killing citizens?

How am I limiting speech by calling someone what they are? They are still allowed to speak, and I'm just using my right to free speech. You guys are all calling me a fascist/communist/marxist/dumb ass/'s it any different?

Speaking of IDs. Why must you have an ID to buy a beer, buy a smoke, drive a car, attend school, rent a car, order utilities, and on and on and on.

But for the single most important, most democratic ability you have...the right to vote, you want to let anyone and everyone vote. Truly, makes absolutely no sense to me.

I will ask this again, as I have before, do you truly think MLK wanted the country to be destroyed when he started his march? There should be NO people in this country who want our country destroyed, defamed and trashed. If you do, you have no clue of history and how we, after 250 years, are the greatest country known on this planet. The single most important liberty you have to change this country is to VOTE. And that should be protected and should be done by Americans. Not by people who we have no clue where are they are from, what their names are....that is one reason why the Founders put in the constitution the rule of the census. Mainly for voting purposes.
You think people burning flags and Bibles are fighting for increased access to voting? You have gone off of the rails...
I'm a little suspicious over the burning of the bible only because the sole video of it is from a russian news agency. As for burning of the flag, that's a right we have in this country. I do not do it, but I don't condemn those who do it. And I'm sure you're thinking "if you don't like this country then leave"...but that's just not a reality for most people. It's quite difficult to leave a country and move to a new one.
Of course you are suspicious. Forget the Bible then. So you believe people throwing frozen bottles and shining lasers at police are fighting for access to voting? The people screaming defund police and abolish whiteness are worried about their ability to vote? Jesus...
First off, the census counts all people, regardless of whether they are legal or illegal.

And secondly, how are these illegal people voting? Describe the process for me.

And finally, I think this quote by MLK pretty much sums up how he would view today's protests:

"Certain conditions continue to exist in our society, which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the black poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention"
Yes... MLK Jr. would still condemn violent "protests." He would still want people to be judged by their character. He would be ecstatic that we had elected a black President. He would be happy how much our country had changed for the better. He would be disappointed in the behavior of the Democrats still trying to enslave the black community by replacing black fathers with welfare checks. He would be horrified by the Democrats' support for Planned Parenthood.
Explain how they are fascists please....I'm thinking you don't really know what that means
Shutting down free speech, and demanding a full totalitarian government that imposes their rules on society with no input from the victims. Amazing you even bothered to ask that question.
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Show me a source for the video that isn't a Russian organization and maybe I won't be suspicious, it looks very staged to me.

And yes, I think those people are worried about voting access among other things: racial injustice, economic inequality, access to healthcare, protection of their private information
LOL at "voting access". "racial injustice". "economic inequality". "access to healthcare"
LOL at "voting access". "racial injustice". "economic inequality". "access to healthcare"
These anarchists don't give a tinkers f*ck about any of that stuff. They want to abolish capitalism and replace it with some form of socialism. This is a mostly angry white movement at this point...
Show me a source for the video that isn't a Russian organization and maybe I won't be suspicious, it looks very staged to me.

And yes, I think those people are worried about voting access among other things: racial injustice, economic inequality, access to healthcare, protection of their private information
NY Post and Washington Examiner have the video and article on it (in front of the Portland Federal Courthouse). This is not a group of Russians who flew over for a photo op. These anarchists don't believe in God anyway so burning a Bible means nothing to them. I don't go to church either but I don't condone mocking the religion of others...
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I'm not anti-Semitic or a Marxist. I am against fascism and white supremacy, and I want greater equality for all races. Pretty simple.

You are an anti American unlearned fool. There is no reason a person can't vote in this country. Just show up with your id and vote. You have to have id for lots of things. You are obviously a young person that has no clue about real life. The organizations and obviously the party you support are nothing but raciest lying pieces of crap that should be destroyed from the face of the planet. You are what you say you are against. Voting is for citizens which should be restricted to TAX paying citizens... That would eliminate fools like you.
Sorry for giving numbers, I know those can be confusing.

And since you know so much about me how old am I, what do I do for work, where am I from?

The hatred you spew on this board is not wanted and is despised by most Dawgs ...why don't you todder on off to an antifa meeting or your " safe place " !!
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You surround yourself with Marxists and anti-Semites. Guess what that makes you? Your kind are outdated. We kicked your asses in the 1940s, and it looks like we need to do it again in 2020.
Dam straight AC!
Sorry for giving numbers, I know those can be confusing.

And since you know so much about me how old am I, what do I do for work, where am I from?
You are a racist and I hope you don't have any children. Sad, sad, bitter racist you are. If you had it your way you would get white people out of this country.
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I support both antifa and BLM and have been in protests with them and voting rights and access to voting is probably one of the top 3 things discussed at the protests.

Trump does not have the power, but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to
You know the old saying about being quiet and to be thought a fool or speak and remove all doubt. You just removed all doubt
I'm not anti-Semitic or a Marxist. I am against fascism and white supremacy, and I want greater equality for all races. Pretty simple.

it Is simple.
ignore is a great option for those with little time.
while you struggle to understand my nonsense...
dream of a cliff; tip of a Windy Cliff...
that's pug behind you Bro!
Yes, the hatred I opposed to all the nice things said about me.

But you're right, I will be gone. Enjoy your echo chamber boys. Off to collect my George Soros check, burn some bibles, and lay with my polyamorous girlfriend who has hairy armpits.
You got owned son, don't come around here no more, like the great Tom Petty said.
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