AZ governor being investigated for pay to play

She is a Democrat, also being investigated by a Democrat AG that she helped to elect as SoS.
Was there some other pressure making the AG investigate and can we expect a real investigation or a coverup?
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Was there some other pressure making the AG investigate and can we expect a real investigation or a coverup?
The AG is legally compelled to investigate because of the state senate referral. She committed only to opening an investigation. The Maricopa County attorney also got a copy of the referral, but I don't know if her office has any capacity to pursue.

The facts, so far, look bad. This one company gets a 50% rate increase in an industry where even modest rate requests have been denied by state government. Child Services has declined license renewals (essentially putting a number of group homes out of business) and says they are moving away from the group home model.
The AG is legally compelled to investigate because of the state senate referral. She committed only to opening an investigation. The Maricopa County attorney also got a copy of the referral, but I don't know if her office has any capacity to pursue.

The facts, so far, look bad. This one company gets a 50% rate increase in an industry where even modest rate requests have been denied by state government. Child Services has declined license renewals (essentially putting a number of group homes out of business) and says they are moving away from the group home model.
So ... coverup imminent?
Or, a whitewash in cahoots with the media to claim it's no big deal?
So ... coverup imminent?
Or, a whitewash in cahoots with the media to claim it's no big deal?
Open an investigation on paper and wait for the moment to pass.
If forced, say that we investigated and found no prosecutable violation of state law, and complain that the AG's office has no subpoena power.
If really forced, settle out of court for return of the direct donation ($100K) and/or blame it on a subordinate and fire them.

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