Biden Family Crime Syndicate….


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Feb 5, 2003
N of shithole
Please tell me there aren’t more than a handful of morons here who voted for these bumbling idiots selling access to the White House who left paper trails Clouseau could follow. These are three of the biggest dumbassed traitor crooks I have ever seen.

And now they think we’re stupid enough to believe they’re using our money to buy these invaders smart phones so THEY CAN KEEP TRACK OF THEM. Well, shit, I reckon anybody gullible enough to have voted for the Vegetable Mafia might just believe that. They’ve put forth such amazing effort to keep track of the first 20 million they welcomed in.

And one more thing, if you believe because you parrot their talking points you will get a seat at the table, I want to see the look on your faces when they ram it up your wazoos. 500 hyperinflated dollars for a skinny chicken with bird aids. You vote for the Great Reset, you get bent over a sink and Resetted.
I don't think CBS and other dem propaganda outlets are altruistic. This may be a path to oust Pedo Joe and the crack whore VP and install Hillary or Moochelle.
Please tell me there aren’t more than a handful of morons here who voted for these bumbling idiots selling access to the White House who left paper trails Clouseau could follow. These are three of the biggest dumbassed traitor crooks I have ever seen.

And now they think we’re stupid enough to believe they’re using our money to buy these invaders smart phones so THEY CAN KEEP TRACK OF THEM. Well, shit, I reckon anybody gullible enough to have voted for the Vegetable Mafia might just believe that. They’ve put forth such amazing effort to keep track of the first 20 million they welcomed in.

And one more thing, if you believe because you parrot their talking points you will get a seat at the table, I want to see the look on your faces when they ram it up your wazoos. 500 hyperinflated dollars for a skinny chicken with bird aids. You vote for the Great Reset, you get bent over a sink and Resetted.
Of course there are, the hate was just too strong for Trump……nobody wants a racist/nazi, chauvinistic pig as their Prez….

Most would just rather live in poverty….
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