Biden just stepped aside

Sure we can question his vitality. He fell asleep multiple times at his own felony trial and he does not in any way look like a healthy person.

Here he is falling asleep the second night of the convention during both his son’s speech and his VP’s speech, who BTW is not looking like a great pick right now.

This is sad for even you.
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And if he continued to run, he would be the nominee. He is not running.

I don't think you get this one.


Are you missing him yet?

You ain’t what you thank.
Yeah how many years does that take? have to have a green card for at least 5 years I think then start the citizen process but what if you had an "Ellis Island" and people went through and were vetted (no felons) and the process began at that point again give them something to pay taxes......I guess they could claim to be a super model and do les porn and marry a rich white guy then bring over her whole fam.....
SMH. 😂
Yep seen memes of Kamala and weiners, on her knees yet the man they vote for us a male version of that

Take a step back, and consider the real possibility of a Harris presidency. Good Lord.

She is the female equivalent of Barney Fife.

The economic recover after the global crash caused by Covid has nothing to do with Biden?

Energy policy has nothing to do with Biden?

If you believe that, then you believe the president has little impact anything of importance, or are we in another version of the “deficits don’t matter when the GOP is in power” logical fallacy?

And you don’t care about Russian aggression. That doesn’t mean the rest of the country is completely ignorant of the history of aggressive authoritarians in Europe and how that has worked out in the past.

The isolationists in the US thought two oceans would protect us from global conflict before WW2, and they were wrong then just as you are wrong now. The world is smaller and more connected than it’s ever been.

Trump wants to force the equivalent of what Chamberlain allowed with Hitler and Czechoslovakia. It didn’t work then and won’t work now.

The reason the western world has enjoyed such economic prosperity since WW2 is because our strength has prevented another global conflict. Republicans used to be the standard bearers of this concept, but Trump and the MAGA GOP like Putin and the other prominent global authoritarians more then they like our own president.

Well, be prepared to have to defend that position from now until November and we will see what the voters decide.
The economy was already coming back after before Biden took office. What policies did he put in place to create the economic recovery? How about his energy policies as well? What was it he did to spur the energy sector? The Russians never would have attacked if Trump were president so you can save the “Putin loving” crap cause it’s all bs. Please tell us which wars in the last 35 years that we actually won or made the country we were fighting any better or safer. Which of these wars did we get into for just reasons? All we have one is killed American soldiers and made companies like Blackrock richer. I think things were far better under Trump and will be again.
Imagine being energized and excited about this guy. Desperate times indeed.

You love the out of context lies these days. It would be great to see some facts. They took a picture when he blinked. He had cameras on him the entire convention. Glad you got to be a part of an insurrection will. You are on the team now. Team coup. Now trump is the sleepy one. The party of make believe of cogent and non cogent.
The economy was already coming back after before Biden took office. What policies did he put in place to create the economic recovery? How about his energy policies as well? What was it he did to spur the energy sector? The Russians never would have attacked if Trump were president so you can save the “Putin loving” crap cause it’s all bs. Please tell us which wars in the last 35 years that we actually won or made the country we were fighting any better or safer. Which of these wars did we get into for just reasons? All we have one is killed American soldiers and made companies like Blackrock richer. I think things were far better under Trump and will be again.
They like to totally gloss over this fact. October of 2020 the recovery was documented. It had started to happen. Then someone decided to go even crazier with the credit card.
Then celebrate. Stop talking lawsuits and complaining about democracy ruined. It's a win!!!! Trump should go ahead and claim victory early.....for the second time.

Cue Kool

They got exposed as desperate hypocrites, but I believe there are too many leftist nut cases for it to make a huge difference in the next election. We can only hope the undecided voters can see through their BS.
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The economy was already coming back after before Biden took office. What policies did he put in place to create the economic recovery? How about his energy policies as well? What was it he did to spur the energy sector? The Russians never would have attacked if Trump were president so you can save the “Putin loving” crap cause it’s all bs. Please tell us which wars in the last 35 years that we actually won or made the country we were fighting any better or safer. Which of these wars did we get into for just reasons? All we have one is killed American soldiers and made companies like Blackrock richer. I think things were far better under Trump and will be again.
Every single economic indicator was trending up when Trump took office. He then juiced an already strong economy by passing massive tax cuts that ballooned the deficit. He then left office with the first net job loss since Hoover.

I see your logic here. Trump gets credit for everything good that happened during his administration and no responsibility for anything bad. Apply the opposite approach to Biden. At least be consistent about what a POTUS can impact or not impact.

And you are wrong about Putin. Look at both his history and his rhetoric. He had his man in office undermining NATO for him, so no need to press on Ukraine.
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They like to totally gloss over this fact. October of 2020 the recovery was documented. It had started to happen. Then someone decided to go even crazier with the credit card.
And y'all ignore the fact that the US has experienced a better economic recovery than every other economic peer, with better growth and less inflation.

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And y'all ignore the fact that the US has experienced a better economic recovery than every other economic peer, with better growth and less inflation.

Everything is just sunshine and rainbows right will. I can’t believe you actually believe yourself. SMH.

Give us some examples how all the money Brandon pumped into the economy has been spent 8 charging stations but only 5 work. You think that was great don’t you.

You live in a liberal bubble of dim talking points.

Elitist don’t give a rip about common folks and how they are suffering. Elitist point to some dim talking point as proof their disastrous policies are actually good. Go out and talk to some folks that live in the real world will. Not the imagined liberal utopia you live in.

I’m convinced that the only things you believe are fed to you by far left wing sources. You are even getting more and more frantic by the day with your wild proclamations and “spin” to cover for your crap party and candidates.
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And y'all ignore the fact that the US has experienced a better economic recovery than every other economic peer, with better growth and less inflation.

He finally fixed what he broke in the first place. Too bad people are still left behind due to his gross negligence. You are you going to post next that the border is secure now.
They got exposed as desperate hypocrites, but I believe there are too many leftist nut cases for it to make a huge difference in the next election. We can only hope the undecided voters can see through their BS.
Hope? Hope is for losers. We know. MAGA party, baby.

He finally fixed what he broke in the first place. Too bad people are still left behind due to his gross negligence. You are you going to post next that the border is secure now.
How exactly did he “fix” what he “broke”?

Also, we live in a global economy and we are outperforming our peers. Does that mean anything?
And y'all ignore the fact that the US has experienced a better economic recovery than every other economic peer, with better growth and less inflation.

We do not ignore it at all. It is expected. We are the world’s leader in most categories and we should lead and set the tone. Our strength and leadership is slipping and this is very troublesome.
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How exactly did he “fix” what he “broke”?

Also, we live in a global economy and we are outperforming our peers. Does that mean anything?
We should lead. The economy was beginning to recover. Inflation wasn’t out of control. Then we hit the credit card some more and it exploded. The buck stops with the man in charge. He ignored the problem for three years. Same with the border. Said our economy is great. While the middle class shrank and the poor got poorer. Polling at the border and the economy kicked him in the nuts, so he had to do something. This is why he has been thrown under the bus. He and Kamala aren’t pro active. They just react to polls. Had Biden listened he is likely still the candidate. No matter how f’ed his brain is, and no matter how many times any ten year old could have told you he was f’ed.

Do you want her dealing with Putin or xi. You guys sidelined her because she polled wòrse than any vp in our history. She was a trainwreck. Did nothing and a year ago pelosi refused to say she would be on the ticket with Biden. She was so bad. Now she is walking on water.
Every single economic indicator was trending up when Trump took office. He then juiced an already strong economy by passing massive tax cuts that ballooned the deficit. He then left office with the first net job loss since Hoover.

I see your logic here. Trump gets credit for everything good that happened during his administration and no responsibility for anything bad. Apply the opposite approach to Biden. At least be consistent about what a POTUS can impact or not impact.

And you are wrong about Putin. Look at both his history and his rhetoric. He had his man in office undermining NATO for him, so no need to press on Ukraine.
Tax revenues were up after his tax cuts so not sure where you are getting that from. Employment rates for blacks, his panics and women were at highs. His job numbers were great until Covid and all of the Dems shut down their economies. Not sure anyone would have done better.

Please answer my question. What policies did sleepy Joe put in place that spurred on the economy?

As for Putin. he was held in check under Trump. No matter what Trump said or did in public he kept Putin at bay. Your boy has us in multiple wars, giving away hundreds of billions to a country that is dirtier than Russia. Ukraine is a disaster, Russia and China are allies and we (sleepy Joe) is an embarrassment to the world.

Last, you never really answered me before. Are you the slightest bit angry the media, the dems and our intelligence agencies have all been lying to you for years about sleepy Joe?
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Everything is just sunshine and rainbows right will. I can’t believe you actually believe yourself. SMH.

Give us some examples how all the money Brandon pumped into the economy has been spent 8 charging stations but only 5 work. You think that was great don’t you.

You live in a liberal bubble of dim talking points.

Elitist don’t give a rip about common folks and how they are suffering. Elitist point to some dim talking point as proof their disastrous policies are actually good. Go out and talk to some folks that live in the real world will. Not the imagined liberal utopia you live in.

I’m convinced that the only things you believe are fed to you by far left wing sources. You are even getting more and more frantic by the day with your wild proclamations and “spin” to cover for your crap party and candidates.
The problem with the left isn't that they aren't intelligent. The problem is that almost everything they knows is wrong. The Dems control the intelligence agencies, MSM and Hollywood (Pedo World) and distort truths or flat out lie to fit their narrative.
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The economic recover after the global crash caused by Covid has nothing to do with Biden?
covid died the natural death it always was going to die, just like any virus.
Energy policy has nothing to do with Biden?
Energy policy was stifled by joe at the expense of the us citizen. Nothing needed to change from previous admin.
If you believe that, then you believe the president has little impact anything of importance, or are we in another version of the “deficits don’t matter when the GOP is in power” logical fallacy?

move the goalpost as usual, deficits always matter
And you don’t care about Russian aggression. That doesn’t mean the rest of the country is completely ignorant of the history of aggressive authoritarians in Europe and how that has worked out in the past.
Russian aggression in the ukraine has nothing to do with the US, euro problem and should be solved by the euros. US funding of weapons at the expense of Americans is foolishness
The isolationists in the US thought two oceans would protect us from global conflict before WW2, and they were wrong then just as you are wrong now. The world is smaller and more connected than it’s ever been.

Trump wants to force the equivalent of what Chamberlain allowed with Hitler and Czechoslovakia. It didn’t work then and won’t work now.
Nice jump to conclusion, you don’t want to debate me on WW2 because your boy FDR effed that up.
The reason the western world has enjoyed such economic prosperity since WW2 is because our strength has prevented another global conflict. Republicans used to be the standard bearers of this concept, but Trump and the MAGA GOP like Putin and the other prominent global authoritarians more than they like our own president.
absolute drivel. we were the only power left standing and had the manufacturing chops to rebuild the world, of course biden policies have ceded that to china.
Well, be prepared to have to defend that position from now until November and we will see what the voters decide.
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Its hope at best because of how far left the lefties have taken education, combined with how emotional too many white women voters are.
That's just wimpy man. Embrace the orange aura.
We can only hope you take the polls more seriously than you take this place, which you use as your own special troll play ground.
You win campaigns being positive. This negativity is gonna derail the Trump train. What's with all the doom and gloom? You can only be trolled if you let yourself be.
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You win campaigns being positive. This negativity is gonna derail the Trump train. What's with all the doom and gloom? You can only be trolled if you let yourself be.
Hopefully everyone else also recognizes your troll game so they dont get trolled by it.
As a hard working American, all you can do is hope the leftists are defeated and their nonsense doesnt spread far and wide.
Sad. What a terrible life you have there. My apologies. We have been living in this for decades now. The fear of the left. When can we overcome?
Sad. What a terrible life you have there. My apologies. We have been living in this for decades now. The fear of the left. When can we overcome?
My life in pretty good, but unlike previous decades, we are seeing the fruits of their destructive efforts with DEI racism, trans nonsense, open border, and soft on crime policies.
My life in pretty good, but unlike previous decades, we are seeing the fruits of their destructive efforts with DEI racism, trans nonsense, open border, and soft on crime policies.
Nonsense. No way your life is good living in such a country. How do you keep such a positive outlook in such perilous times?
Nonsense. No way your life is good living in such a country. How do you keep such a positive outlook in such perilous times?
You are the frog in the pot and the water is getting hotter very quickly. Some of us have already jumped out and can see what is going on. Sad part is most moderate democrats are adding bath salts and sipping on Chardonnay.
You are the frog in the pot and the water is getting hotter very quickly. Some of us have already jumped out and can see what is going on. Sad part is most moderate democrats are adding bath salts and sipping on Chardonnay.
Prayers. A man that clearly sees what's going on. At what point will the secession happen?
Prayers. A man that clearly sees what's going on. At what point will the secession happen?
More like implosion. Our country will crumble from within. The majority of people are self consumed and will not act in the best interest of their own future or our countries future. We are no longer a country of Americans but we becoming a country splintered by special interest groups. We are catering to the fringe groups at the expense of the overall good.
The problem with the left isn't that they aren't intelligent. The problem is that almost everything they knows is wrong. The Dems control the intelligence agencies, MSM and Hollywood (Pedo World) and distort truths or flat out lie to fit their narrative.
American apocalypse! Kiss your loved-ones and say your prayers!

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American apocalypse! Kiss your loved-ones and say your prayers!

American apocalypse! Kiss your loved-ones and say your prayers!

Our government is spending 2 trillion more each year than we are taking in. Do you think that has anything to do with the numbers you our bragging about? The world is moving away from the dollar because of our wreckless spending. How long can we sustain this? You like to joke but this is serious and millions of Americans are struggling to feed their families while watching illegals come across our border and receive room and board and a monthly stipend. You are exactly the person I was referring to. Almost everything you know is just wrong. `
Our government is spending 2 trillion more each year than we are taking in. Do you think that has anything to do with the numbers you our bragging about? The world is moving away from the dollar because of our wreckless spending. How long can we sustain this? You like to joke but this is serious and millions of Americans are struggling to feed their families while watching illegals come across our border and receive room and board and a monthly stipend. You are exactly the person I was referring to. Almost everything you know is just wrong. `
So, your position is that Trump is a deficit hawk and can be expected to aggressively address deficit spending? Which of his proposed policies do you see bringing down the deficit? Tariffs? Deportations? More tax cuts? Is this based on his stance towards decifits (pre-covid) in his first term?

Both parties have a huge problem with deficits, they just have different ideas about the spending.

I bet you didn't know that the three presidents who increased the deficit the most as a percentage of what they inherited were Roosevelt, Wilson and Reagan. The first two were wartime presidents.
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So, your position is that Trump is a deficit hawk and can be expected to aggressively address deficit spending? Which of his proposed policies do you see bringing down the deficit? Tariffs? Deportations? More tax cuts? Is this based on his stance towards decifits (pre-covid) in his first term?

Both parties have a huge problem with deficits, they just have different ideas about the spending.

I bet you didn't know that the three presidents who increased the deficit the most as a percentage of what they inherited were Roosevelt, Wilson and Reagan. The first two were wartime presidents.
Neither side truly wants to address the deficits adequately. It is political suicide in today’s political system. Trump would be in a decent position to address this since he does not need to consider reelection. The parties on the other hand do not want to touch the deficit problem because it would take 10 to 20 years for there to be any noticeable positive benefits. Most people would focus on the negative effects and pin those on the party who made the changes.

Reagan also had very rough economic situation he inherited and the Cold War.
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More like implosion. Our country will crumble from within. The majority of people are self consumed and will not act in the best interest of their own future or our countries future. We are no longer a country of Americans but we becoming a country splintered by special interest groups. We are catering to the fringe groups at the expense of the overall good.

So, your position is that Trump is a deficit hawk and can be expected to aggressively address deficit spending? Which of his proposed policies do you see bringing down the deficit? Tariffs? Deportations? More tax cuts? Is this based on his stance towards decifits (pre-covid) in his first term?

Both parties have a huge problem with deficits, they just have different ideas about the spending.

I bet you didn't know that the three presidents who increased the deficit the most as a percentage of what they inherited were Roosevelt, Wilson and Reagan. The first two were wartime presidents.
If Trump goes in, no more talk of deficits from the right. This is how it always works.
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If Trump goes in, no more talk of deficits from the right. This is how it always works.
I will talk about the deficits. We need term limits and eliminate the pension for Senate and house. No one should be a career politician. It promotes putting one’s self over the good of those you represent.