I agree in that I don't think "subverting democracy" should be a linchpin of the campaign but when you consider:
The dems took action to ensure Bernie wouldn't win their primary and Joe was going to prevail in 2020.
Even though everyone has known Biden was infirm as far back as 2020, they ran what amounted to a closed primary in 24 to ensure a POTUS that would lose his train of thought and wander around aimlessly at official events was unopposed for all intents and purposes.
Then consider all of the undemocratic actions taken from day one of the 16 Trump campaign to subvert the will of the people, I do believe subverting democracy has a place in the Trump campaign strategy. Joe didn't just end up as the winner of the primary in 2024 and WHY he won and had to be replaced is an issue to some degree. Nothing stopped the Dems from allowing Newsome, Whitmer, Shapiro, Moore, Booker or anyone else from running for the nomination if the Dems would have simply done in Sept of 23 what they did in July of 24 other than likely having to invoke the 25th.