Biden just stepped aside

Mayorkas did what he does again. This administration has never fired a soul. And they hire to fill quotas and it shows with job performance. This is what that looks like at the highest level. It is sad to say but true. It doesn’t work.

The fact that they threatened anyone who would try to run against kamala to me is amazing. Those guys know who to circle the wagons. It actually may have been fun to see an open convention. That would have been a sight.
Those Democrats. Let's get 'em.
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Nope. Two different narratives of beliefs that start from such a fundamentally different place of what is actually true, there is no real reason to talk about....well....anything really. I'm sure if the Democrats preferred pulp in their orange juice, some of you would go to drinking no pulp.

You promise??? Well, that settles it.
I am sure you enjoy pulp. So that really settles it. I know this is a kick in the nuts. They took fredo fishing on Sunday. Will is just laughing at my posts. Which lets me know I hit the mark dead on. You really should try pulp free orange juice. You will never go back.
Just to further prove what I said yesterday, Kamala has worse favorability ratings than either Biden or Trump. And this is while she is relatively unknown. Politics constantly shows us the more voters learn about someone the less they like them so her high point is already well under water… Good luck, Dems!

I am sure you enjoy pulp. So that really settles it. I know this is a kick in the nuts. They took fredo fishing on Sunday. Will is just laughing at my posts. Which lets me know I hit the mark dead on. You really should try pulp free orange juice. You will never go back.
I loved Bob Newhart. One of my favorite episodes of his second TV series. And on here, many times I've felt Dick Loudon's pain.

As for orange juice, just as with these politics that you all believe are life and death at every turn every election year, I don't really have a preference when it comes to pulp or no pulp. Do prefer not from concentrate.
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Just to further prove what I said yesterday, Kamala has worse favorability ratings than either Biden or Trump. And this is while she is relatively unknown. Politics constantly shows us the more voters learn about someone the less they like them so her high point is already well under water… Good luck, Dems!

Yeah, so stop crying. Rejoice.
bruh they both spend our $$$ its how u want it spent........Id rather "wall" money spent on how to process them and get people papers so again they can pay school taxes and into SS....the bad news some services will cost more when the cheap labor is gone.....
They can still come the legal way. Quit acting like it is all or nothing.
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Nope. Two different narratives of beliefs that start from such a fundamentally different place of what is actually true, there is no real reason to talk about....well....anything really. I'm sure if the Democrats preferred pulp in their orange juice, some of you would go to drinking no pulp.

You promise??? Well, that settles it.
james gandolfini pulp GIF
Who said I am crying? I couldn't be happier. Joe was by far the stronger candidate (dementia and all). Kamala is going to be complete deadweight in the rustbelt and sunbelt.
Well, some on here and the House speaker seem very upset.
They can still come the legal way. Quit acting like it is all or nothing.
Yeah how many years does that take? have to have a green card for at least 5 years I think then start the citizen process but what if you had an "Ellis Island" and people went through and were vetted (no felons) and the process began at that point again give them something to pay taxes......I guess they could claim to be a super model and do les porn and marry a rich white guy then bring over her whole fam.....
I loved Bob Newhart. One of my favorite episodes of his second TV series. And on here, many times I've felt Dick Loudon's pain.

As for orange juice, just as with these politics that you all believe are life and death at every turn every election year, I don't really have a preference when it comes to pulp or no pulp. Do prefer not from concentrate.
Can’t say I didn’t like Bob as well. He was a great one!
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Just to further prove what I said yesterday, Kamala has worse favorability ratings than either Biden or Trump. And this is while she is relatively unknown. Politics constantly shows us the more voters learn about someone the less they like them so her high point is already well under water… Good luck, Dems!

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I disagree with the "subverting democracy" talking point of the Republicans and wish they would stop. They had to replace Joe.

My issue is with the Democrats LYING to the American people about Biden's condition for the past couple of years. The gaslighting. Denials. Absolute assurances that he's sharp as a tack.

Biden was nominated based on a lie. People were told he is FINE. The videos of him wandering off, and getting lost were "cheap fakes" etc.

So it's a strain to say replacing Joe subverts the will of the people. I'd say deceiving them about his condition, for years, is the real issue.

Excellent perspective as I have said exactly the same thing.

I am more pissed off that the Democrats were either 1) incompetent due to not having a smooth transition for President Biden after his victory over President Trump. Even if President Biden was in better shape and he is pretty bad, from what I can tell. They should have had a plan in place an 81 year old man or

2) they were incompetent (and even more sinister) complacent, on hiding the President condition to the American people with parts of the media.

Either one, it blows my mind as a supporter and I can't wrap my mind around those 2 points.

I lost my grandma to dementia, so I saw first hand that disease.

Perhaps, his mental and physcial capacity only recently accelerated (like the last 6 months or so) to the point it's getting more than just "old age" when thinking about 4 more years and this allowed the Democrats to pull off the political play of the century . By getting the Republicans to agree to an early debate and letting the whole world see where he is looking like currently, they created a wave of "step aside Joe" and replaced him??
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Democrats are currently at a cash disadvantage so they are already playing from behind. I would expect Kamala or any candidate to increase their fundraising.

Unfortunately for them (and you), that doesn’t change the fundamentals that Kamala is deeply unpopular and is easily a weaker candidate than Biden (especially in the rust belt). Even Dem pollsters show her losing handily:

Democrats are currently at a cash disadvantage so they are already playing from behind. I would expect Kamala or any candidate to increase their fundraising.

Unfortunately for them (and you), that doesn’t change the fundamentals that Kamala is deeply unpopular and is easily a weaker candidate than Biden (especially in the rust belt). Even Dem pollsters show her losing handily:

Polling today is meaningless. Harris has been the likely candidate for twenty-four hours and the election is about four months out. Let's see what happens over the coming weeks and months.

Of course, if you are correct, you and the rest of the GOP should be super excited that Joe stepped down. Strangely, heightened confidence is not what Trump and republicans are projecting right now.
Polling today is meaningless. Harris has been the likely candidate for twenty-four hours and the election is about four months out. Let's see what happens over the coming weeks and months.

Of course, if you are correct, you and the rest of the GOP should be super excited that Joe stepped down. Strangely, heightened confidence is not what Trump and republicans are projecting right now.
Lol. Trump literally said yesterday that Kamala would be easier to beat. Any Republican focused on November knows that yesterday was great news. People are getting caught up in the hypocrisy of it (which is valid) but as far as the actual election it’s great news for Trump and all down ballot Republicans.
So are you suggesting that the Dems have the market cornered on wealthy elites having too much influence?

No I’m not suggesting that either. I’m simply pointing out,
Imagine being energized and excited about this guy. Desperate times indeed.

funny. I posted someone would use that at some point. Little context. I saw it live. This was 10:00pm on the first night of convention. Less than 60 hours after he took a bullet. Imagine he was a little sleep deprived. Dont think anyone can honestly question his vitality.
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Removing the democratically chosen Biden was a move made out of pure fear, but I don’t think that is what you meant.
Then celebrate. Stop talking lawsuits and complaining about democracy ruined. It's a win!!!! Trump should go ahead and claim victory early.....for the second time.

Cue Kool

Ummm will, we know that is the talking point provided to you, but having ads already out isn’t quiet flat footed.

Do you not even check your spin any more or are you so far down the hole you don’t even mind spreading obvious “disinformation”. Lol. Keep trying will It’s amusing. 😂
So true
Then celebrate. Stop talking lawsuits and complaining about democracy ruined. It's a win!!!! Trump should go ahead and claim victory early.....for the second time.

Cue Kool


So just because Trump is still going to win it’s cool that everyone was lied to about his mental state for 3 years including his new endorsed nominee?

This makes zero sense
So just because Trump is still going to win it’s cool that everyone was lied to about his mental state for 3 years including his new endorsed nominee?

This makes zero sense
Why can't you be happy? Are you ever gonna be happy? You guys would request Taps at a wedding reception.
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Shapiro is the betting favorite for VP, but some movement for Kelly and Beshear in the last few hours

really curious to see who she goes with

and I also wonder if Trump would've picked a different VP to go against Harris? what's the prevailing opinion on here about that?
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No I’m not suggesting that either. I’m simply pointing out,

funny. I posted someone would use that at some point. Little context. I saw it live. This was 10:00pm on the first night of convention. Less than 60 hours after he took a bullet. Imagine he was a little sleep deprived. Dont think anyone can honestly question his vitality.
Sure we can question his vitality. He fell asleep multiple times at his own felony trial and he does not in any way look like a healthy person.

Here he is falling asleep the second night of the convention during both his son’s speech and his VP’s speech, who BTW is not looking like a great pick right now.

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Desperation is usually welcomed. It's not threatened with lawsuits.

Kind of like lawfare, repeated lying and misinformational talking points, (he’s hitler, threat to democracy, raciest etc). Usurping elections because of bad polling.

If he is unable to run why is he still able to run the country? Because libs/dims do not care about laws, honesty, fairness, or democracy. It’s all about power and money to the left.

Keep your head in the sand though. If the rest of us can’t stop the destruction of our republic you’ll just get flat without seeing it coming. Probably less painful when you have no clue like you.
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The people now expressing concern about democracy support a candidate who tried to disenfranchise the 81m people who voted for Biden in 2020. You couldn’t ask for more telling evidence of what MAGA is all about.
Hey will, I don’t give a flip which idiot your party runs. My hope is that after 4 years of the current idiot surely the country won’t vote to put the boarder czar into office.

Most of us are simply pointing out that the no 1 anti Trump talking point is that he is a threat to democracy. You are one of the loudest screamers! Funny, now when your boy is looking like he can’t win you and most dims are more than happy to ignore the vote of the people. Cause will, if the man is too feeble to run and too feeble to stand trial, why haven’t yall taken him out of office. You and I know why. This is a coup by the dim party because they saw after the debate he couldn’t win. Yalll just pooped all over the democracy you so self righteously claim you are protecting by voting to put anti American idiots in the White House.

So why don’t you give us a break, we hear the lies and spin and talking points of the left. Most on here aren’t as gullible and uninformed as some are. You are just preaching to a handful of other leftist. Y’all all on the same page your overlords have put you on.
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And there ya go. He was a threat to our security, but you don't want him removed from the ticket. Like I said, logic fails. You're not doing a good job of covering yourself here.
I don’t think you understand logic. Logic would be if he is too feeble to run, too feeble to stand trial, he is too feeble to remain president. This is therefore clearly a case of the dim party messing with elections, ignoring legally cast votes and performing a coup on the people’s choice in order to in their opinion, get a better candidate that might win.

You can ignore it, which is your preferred tactic when it comes to facts, figures and logic, but you can’t sure can’t question someone else’s logic.

Funny how you TDSERS and dims say one thing one day then the opposite the next. Either he won the vote of the people and should be the candidate or he should be taken out of office and off the ticket too.

I think you have the ability to see this is all about polling and keeping power because the very same peoples that claimed Biden was as sharp as ever, amazing etc, raising millions for him are now the ones pooping on the people’s votes and running him off the ticket.

All after their lies about him were exposed and people saw for themselves and the polls showed he was going to lose.
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