Bwahaha! FBI raided Orange Man's home

Yes I use strong language with you guys about abortion. Language I would never use with a woman debating what to do with an unwanted pregnancy.
This is a much much better reflection of who you are than most of the stuff you write.
you know, I know you guys will do and say anything no matter how ridiculous to defame a pub and to protect a lying piece of crap dim but all fair minded people see the fools you are making yourselves out to be.
You especially go on and on about us being a country of laws. What she did was also against the law. Further, it was proven she had classified documents but no raid. One last thing. Have they said the raid found Illegal documents? So. We know killary has broken the law a number of times including having classified material on an unsecured personal server yet NO RAID! They let her and her minions destroy emails, “wipe servers” and take hammers to phones that were supposed to be turned over. I see nothing different other than y’all are a bunch of giggling winking little boys when your party is dead guilty yet all y’all have on Trump is the made up Russia crap paid for by by your love interest. You guys don’t have a fair or honest or un biased bone in your bodies. Y’all don’t deserve to live in this country. If your side had anything Trump would be in prison or will be. Y’all been trying for 6 years now with the help of a propaganda media. Yet the man still walks free. Even the dim Ag of NY has been trying for 2 yrs. If the same effort were put toward Brandon hunter and killary they would all 3 be in prison.

Hopefully this will get the sorry unioarty pubs angry and they will start acting like your nazi party.
if pubs don't win out in Nov and in 2 yrs I won't live to see it recover. What your party is doing is going to be the end of this great country. China will walk in one day and you will have to eat orange duck and live octopus every meal. Plus the nasty immoral things that are being pushed on us all and the children.

Listen marmot, I have traveled overseas numerous times. I have travelled this country a whole lot, I have been to the cesspools called NYC, Chicago, SanFran, and LA. What dims push causes moral decay, it causes laziness, it causes government dependency. It is terrible for the nation.

I don't know how you think I have a limited purview. I have been around. I have more "purview" than you kid. I did things in my youth I am not proud of. I learned from mistakes. I worked in gov for half my work life. I know a whole lot about how things work and how politics work. You could call me the Ron Swanson of gov workers. I don't like politicians. I have seen them at work and all the sleazy things they do. Both sides. But the most sleazy are dims. And again dims are the ones that kill babies etc. I know you don't give a flying flip about the innocent baby as long as you can gain points with the pussy hat wearers.

You can keep your head in the sand and think you are the smartest guy in the room, but, if pubs don't win and stop the ball from rolling down the hill, you will live long enough to wish you had wised up.
What exactly does “ i wont live to see it recover” mean? do you expect to stroke out in such an event, or go out in a blaze of glory? I think i know what you were hinting at, just want to see if you are man enough to go there.
if pubs don't win out in Nov and in 2 yrs I won't live to see it recover.
You think you're telling us something new here. I've heard this all my life. It's like Jesus is coming back tomorrow and armageddon will start. It's tired. It's worn out. But it still seems new to you all.