Can anyone tell me what trump has done in the last ten years that makes you believe he's a republica


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008

I asked that question on Facebook and got attack no one has said anything he has done that makes you think he a republican. Can anyone tell me anything?
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I asked that question on Facebook and got attack no one has said anything he has done that makes you think he a republican. Can anyone tell me anything?

He's certainly not a traditional politician except in the salesman category. He's definitely a city boy with city friends and foes. His claim to fame is negotiating skills, which typically means you want to start out on offense. And he manages to be offensive much of the time he's "on the field." It's all a game to him, but that's not much different than it is to most other "career politicians" (aka experienced establishment types). All we have to do is note their predictable props and their repetitive acts/dialogue. Some dare to call Rubio a robot. They all operate much in the same fashion as a talking doll with pull strings. And a paltry few of us have ever touched those strings. It's a circus with lots of clowns in various funny hats, and we (with the current standards in place) will never leave the stands. We just pay for it all and watch.

I asked that question on Facebook and got attack no one has said anything he has done that makes you think he a republican. Can anyone tell me anything?

Haven't you heard, his Conservative positions have "evolved" over the years. We're not to question it and apparently the media as well. Any other GOP candidate would be crucified, makes me sick to my stomach to think he might be our candidate.
Haven't you heard, his Conservative positions have "evolved" over the years. We're not to question it and apparently the media as well. Any other GOP candidate would be crucified, makes me sick to my stomach to think he might be our candidate.

i'll take him over hitlery or comrade bernie !
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He said he COMPLETELY supports our law enforcement officers. If that doesn't sound like a Republican,
then you haven't been watching the Democrats on your telly.
I am amazed you of all people OCD with all your law enforcement background haven't been wearing his
label everywhere you go. But I guess it's just fun to troll the board.
He said he COMPLETELY supports our law enforcement officers. If that doesn't sound like a Republican,
then you haven't been watching the Democrats on your telly.
I am amazed you of all people OCD with all your law enforcement background haven't been wearing his
label everywhere you go. But I guess it's just fun to troll the board.

After winning Nevada Trump also said, "We won with the educated, we won with the uneducated. I love the uneducated". Pretty much sums up his supporters. He loves whoever is popular at the time.
He must have you scared Sh!tless. Your attempt at reverse psychology is way too obvious. Please don throw me in dat der Brar patch!

Trump is a double agent, working for our side. He's going to take control of your party and destroy it so completely that even the racist rubes won't be left to start over. Watch and see!
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That will be dandy. The GOP is all hollow promises. As long as he
transforms America to where we don't have a generous welfare system AND open borders at the same time (which is an obvious failed business model
and even YOU can admit that). And as a person who dealt with going bankrupt
he'll not panic when he takes over a bankrupt nation that he inherits.
20 trillion in debt, indeed. Write that one off on someone else. The Reps
gave that fool in the White House blank check after blank check and he went WILD. Just like Carter, someone is gonna have to come in and be the adult in the room sooner or later and rein in the 'free shit for nothing train'.
Trump is a double agent, working for our side. He's going to take control of your party and destroy it so completely that even the racist rubes won't be left to start over. Watch and see!
Ok with me if the Republican Party is blown up. McConnell Paul Ryan Boehner etc etc make me sick and failed miserably. The establishment has sucked with the candidates they back for President too. The GOP want a safe candidate like McCain or Romney that won't upset the empires they built for themselves.Voters are pissed.
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Hey Lil Pug. Serious question. Are you a Sodomite? You don't have to answer if your embarrassed of course, but you seem to be a touch on the deviant side.

I asked that question on Facebook and got attack no one has said anything he has done that makes you think he a republican. Can anyone tell me anything?
Who cares what he is other than he is not a profession politician. Both republican and Demos have done nothing to fix the problems that are ruining our great country
Ok with me if the Republican Party is blown up. McConnell Paul Ryan Boehner etc etc make me sick and failed miserably. The establishment has sucked with the candidates they back for President too. Voters are pissed.

possibly time for a third party !
He said he COMPLETELY supports our law enforcement officers. If that doesn't sound like a Republican,
then you haven't been watching the Democrats on your telly.
I am amazed you of all people OCD with all your law enforcement background haven't been wearing his
label everywhere you go. But I guess it's just fun to troll the board.

Very good point . Law enforcement has a pretty good bullshit meter and the meter isn't all the way max but the neddle moved .
possibly time for a third party !
Agreed. Republican establishment love to play the game and talk tough but in the end they will always dance with dems. Pubs say the right thing in front of the camera, but do something else behind closed doors. The tea party had the right idea. Rubio was a tea party fav until he turned to the dark side. He's a "made" man now.

Trump exists because of republican incompetence. I will vote for a candidate that is not associated at all with the establishment. I really believe the GOP establishment goons would be ok with Hillary over Trump or Cruz. Too many big money donors and power brokers (including Fox News) stand to lose if amnesty goes through.
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