Clay Higgins and Ohio Haitians


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
Thoughts? Is this what the GOP means when they say we need to reduce the hateful rhetoric?

That’s deflection. Any comment on the blatant and ugly racism from a sitting US Congressman?
What Higgins said is absolutely not racist and most of it backed up by eye witnesses. You have heard that city officials traveled to Haiti and are getting kickbacks for every Haitian they bring in. They are destroying their community and the citizens are pissed.
What Higgins said is absolutely not racist and most of it backed up by eye witnesses. You have heard that city officials traveled to Haiti and are getting kickbacks for every Haitian they bring in. They are destroying their community and the citizens are pissed.
Only a racist would claim that that tweet isn’t racist. They are here legally, they are valued as good workers by local factory owners and they aren’t eating anyone’s pets.

The lightly veiled threat of what will happen if they don’t flee the country by January 20th is old school, KKK style intimidation. It’s disgusting and reprehensible, as is Clay Higgins and anyone who supports what he said.
Only a racist would claim that that tweet isn’t racist. They are here legally, they are valued as good workers by local factory owners and they aren’t eating anyone’s pets.

The lightly veiled threat of what will happen if they don’t flee the country by January 20th is old school, KKK style intimidation. It’s disgusting and reprehensible, as is Clay Higgins and anyone who supports what he said.
Sign me up , Ill help them get on the plane on Jan 20th. GTFOH.
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So why, exactly, do you and @Savannah_Dawg feel they need to GTFOH? Any detail on what's behind your view would be appreciated.
Because the citizens of that small town say they are destroying their community. But hey if they vote blue screw the citizens right Will?

PS: Hey Will how did all those Haitians get cars right off the bat when they arrived? They are wrecking them at a record pace. It's almost like you Democrats agree to lavish all these immigrants with tons of cash, clothing, luxury hotels. cell phones/ cars long as they vote blue. Very evil scheme
So why, exactly, do you and @Savannah_Dawg feel they need to GTFOH? Any detail on what's behind your view would be appreciated.
Because Im sick of all the immigrants. Its really that simple.

I also feel like dumping 20,000 Haitians that cant speak the language , know nothing about our culture and dont seem to care into a small town in Ohio is so disrespectful to the citizens there that it makes my blood boil. Who did this?

Chicago has spent $500 million since 2021 on immigrants. The citizens are damn near rioting at City Council meetings. New York is destroyed. Why are we paying for this? And they come here and commit crimes and disrespect us, we are all targets to them.

Imagine how great Chicago would be if we spent $500 million on US citizens ? Housing, mental health care , drug addiction centers, parks and sports. But no, we give it to people that hate us. F these people . I hope Trump rounds them up as fast as humanly possible. If youre illegal and get arrested for a felony, you get detained by ICE and deported immediately. I would help for free.
What’s your ethnic background and where did your people come from?
these places called England and Scotland. Been here since 1607.
Only a racist would claim that that tweet isn’t racist. They are here legally, they are valued as good workers by local factory owners and they aren’t eating anyone’s pets.

The lightly veiled threat of what will happen if they don’t flee the country by January 20th is old school, KKK style intimidation. It’s disgusting and reprehensible, as is Clay Higgins and anyone who supports what he said.
The only disgusting and reprehensible occurrence here is the federal government flying in foreign invaders.
I have inlaws that werent born here. Should they "go back" because they werent born here?
Expounding further....what if I told you they took citizenship tests, became citizens and they generally vote republican. Should they still go back?
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Expounding further....what if I told you they took citizenship tests, became citizens and they generally vote republican. Should they still go back?
I'm not a send them all back person but I do think anyone that came here illegally should be screened and have a high bar to remain. If your relatives came here legally, assimilated and are contributed to the country by LIVING the American dream and eventually became citizens, I don't think anyone has a problem with them. Otoh, if your relatives crossed the border illegally, immediately became a drag on our society by overwhelming our social services, have no desire to assimilate and are satisfied living OFF of the American dream, I'd help them pack today.
I'm not a send them all back person but I do think anyone that came here illegally should be screened and have a high bar to remain. If your relatives came here legally, assimilated and are contributed to the country by LIVING the American dream and eventually became citizens, I don't think anyone has a problem with them. Otoh, if your relatives crossed the border illegally, immediately became a drag on our society by overwhelming our social services, have no desire to assimilate and are satisfied living OFF of the American dream, I'd help them pack today.
That's a reasonable position. The vast majority of Haitians in Springfield are here legally, working under TPS visas, so in your scenario they would not fall under the category of GTFOOH.
That's a reasonable position. The vast majority of Haitians in Springfield are here legally, working under TPS visas, so in your scenario they would not fall under the category of GTFOOH.
Legally lol. Our left wing loon government flew them in on our dime and dumped them in Ohio. Did anyone at all ask the residents if this was ok? My guess is no. I’m convinced that Liberals hate Americans.
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I'm not a send them all back person but I do think anyone that came here illegally should be screened and have a high bar to remain. If your relatives came here legally, assimilated and are contributed to the country by LIVING the American dream and eventually became citizens, I don't think anyone has a problem with them. Otoh, if your relatives crossed the border illegally, immediately became a drag on our society by overwhelming our social services, have no desire to assimilate and are satisfied living OFF of the American dream, I'd help them pack today.
They are the former; have reached c-suite level positions and made a good living for themselves. But one person above said "all immigrants" so it's a little frustrating to me when someone takes that nonsensical position.
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lol , use the race card when you don’t have an argument. Don’t feel bad you’re not the only one that does this here .
LOL, accuse others of only using the race card when they confront my blatant racism.

I'm you believe those Haitians are fearfully and wonderfully made in the glorious image of God?

Do you believe they are as smart as you? As wise? As moral? Or do you feel that maybe your a little bit better?
They are the former; have reached c-suite level positions and made a good living for themselves. But one person above said "all immigrants" so it's a little frustrating to me when someone takes that nonsensical position.
And I think that is the biggest issue with our fed gov operators and politics in general. Immigration is one of many issues where there is a huge amount of agreement but we've allowed our pols on both sides to stake out unreasonable positions and divide and conquer instead of actually enacting solutions that would enjoy around 80% approval.

Iows, even though you and I probably don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues, I'd be willing to bet we could come up with a fair, effective and constructive immigration policy within a month if we entered a meeting in good faith with the goal of resolving the issue. It's almost criminal that we've kicked this can down the road since the Reagan admin and are in a worse spot now than we were then.
And I think that is the biggest issue with our fed gov operators and politics in general. Immigration is one of many issues where there is a huge amount of agreement but we've allowed our pols on both sides to stake out unreasonable positions and divide and conquer instead of actually enacting solutions that would enjoy around 80% approval.

Iows, even though you and I probably don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues, I'd be willing to bet we could come up with a fair, effective and constructive immigration policy within a month if we entered a meeting in good faith with the goal of resolving the issue. It's almost criminal that we've kicked this can down the road since the Reagan admin and are in a worse spot now than we were then.
I think we just became best friends....

And the issues we don't agree's probably just the execution not the issue itself.
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Thoughts? Is this what the GOP means when they say we need to reduce the hateful rhetoric?

My thought is that I don't know the whole truth about the Ohio / Hatian thing, but this is what I suspect:

1) The folks there are super frustrated with how the Biden program funneling Hatians to their community as affected the community, and especially the handouts they are given relative to the citizens who had already been living there struggling with inflation, as the rest of the country has.

2) The smug making fun of Trump / Vance over the eating pets thing is fun for the left. And they also way over-estimate the effectiveness of it on anyone who isn't already wired to hate those guys. In fact, I think the continued focus on stuff like this actually gaslights folks who are rightly concerned about illegal immigration in general, and especially concerned about the economy / inflation.

Did I roll my eyes and utter a "WTF Trump?!:" when he yelled they are eating our pets in the debate? Yes.

Are the democrats totally overplaying what they think is a good hand on this issue? Yes. There is a 2016 dynamic to the smugness of this campaign towards Trump and regular Americans. And in 2016 we weren't dealing with inflation. These "jabs" you guys are landing with stuff like this might be landing in the wrong spot.

Americans are pissed about things that matter. And making fun of the stuff that Trump / Vance say about pets does not matter to regular Americans.....but the underlying issue they are highlighting does. Kind of doing their job for them. Nice work.
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LOL, accuse others of only using the race card when they confront my blatant racism.

I'm you believe those Haitians are fearfully and wonderfully made in the glorious image of God?

Do you believe they are as smart as you? As wise? As moral? Or do you feel that maybe your a little bit better?
What does God have to do w this? I dont care what color you are , if youre here illegally and especially committing crimes then GTFOH.

Sounds like you have some stuff you need to work out dude.
They are the former; have reached c-suite level positions and made a good living for themselves. But one person above said "all immigrants" so it's a little frustrating to me when someone takes that nonsensical position.
Sir, are you seriously this obtuse? Nobody here cares about legal aliens. ALL of the arguments here have been about illegal aliens. Congratulations to your in laws , they are living the American Dream.

What bothers me , and probably bothers a lot of others seeking citizenship is that the folks coming in now are getting put at the front of the line while folks like your in laws had to do years worth of waiting and anguish to become citizens . That is patently unfair.
Sir, are you seriously this obtuse? Nobody here cares about legal aliens. ALL of the arguments here have been about illegal aliens. Congratulations to your in laws , they are living the American Dream.

What bothers me , and probably bothers a lot of others seeking citizenship is that the folks coming in now are getting put at the front of the line while folks like your in laws had to do years worth of waiting and anguish to become citizens . That is patently unfair.
You said "all immigrants". Words matter. Do better.

I'm not being obtuse when I use your words. It's on you to clearly get your point across. Not for me to infer. Hence my reaction.
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What does God have to do w this? I dont care what color you are , if youre here illegally and especially committing crimes then GTFOH.

Sounds like you have some stuff you need to work out dude.
Except they are not here illegally. So, if legality is not the issue, must be racism.

I'm pretty sure if 10,000 Swedish chicks got dumped in your backyard you wouldn't mind a bit...even if illegal.
You said "all immigrants". Words matter. Do better.

I'm not being obtuse when I use your words. It's on you to clearly get your point across. Not for me to infer. Hence my reaction.
You and I have had this same conversation before. I told you the same thing then.

Just so Im clear and there is no confusion for you, from here forward when I mention immigrants , Im referring to illegal aliens.

Do you understand? blink twice if yes. My gd man.
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