
Reports like this from hardcore liberals are starting to be commonplace. Some folks still will call them like they see them. Cuomo has also called Biden’s immigration policies dangerous and irresponsible. While still absolutely hating Trump. It is the way I feel about the hush money case. Common sense people realize what it is. It did nothing but piss people off. It has quickly made it into Democrat ads, which in itself was the only purpose. It is a truly embarrassing moment for the country, and quite frankly will begin to lead to much worse imo.
I was disappointed when News Nation hired him, but he has been much less radical since leaving CNN. Not sure if he’s changed his positions or if CNN mandated him to be far left.
I was disappointed when News Nation hired him, but he has been much less radical since leaving CNN. Not sure if he’s changed his positions or if CNN mandated him to be far left.
That is his brother Chris (from CNN) who got the Vaccine and has had health issues from it. He has totally flipped on his position on vaccines for sure.
The older cuomo is no longer apart of the machine,..and his younger brother is no longer a syndicate for the democrat party on cnn, he can speak his mind,...if he still had a dog in the fight, then we would get the democrat party line from him about trump being a dictator and all the rude tweets about Dana Bash looking like a horse in the face

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