Democrats :

“If we could just jail Trump, get rid of MAGA, end the electoral college, stack the Supreme Court, censor speech we don’t agree with or simply dont like, ban voter ID, and lock up the opposition party, we could save democracy”
Is that a direct quote as quotation marks imply? Who said it? If you are just characterizing the positions you feel Democrats are taking...

How about...If we could,

-hold a former national leader accountable for his illegal and unethical actions,
-wane the influence of the mindless personality cult,
-allow for the majority vote to win the election,
-balance the power between the judicial and legislative branches,
-allow companies to regulate the manner in which their platforms are used,
-prevent segments of the population from being hindered in the excercising of their right to vote,
-hold elected officials accountbale for their illiegal actions,

...then we could save democracy...but those dad'gum Republicans keep getting in our way.

I don't agree with all the Democrats positions and policies, but I do believe they are good sincere people who deserve to be represented fairly in the public discourse.

I don't agree with all the Democrats positions and policies, but I do believe they are good sincere people who deserve to be represented fairly in the public discourse.
You really believe there are politicians on either side that are good sincere people? Maybe some local town politicians yes. But big city mayors and above? Good sincere people?
You really believe there are politicians on either side that are good sincere people? Maybe some local town politicians yes. But big city mayors and above? Good sincere people?

I do.

On both sides.

I also believe that I can walk through my town square and encounter lots of good people, and get this, some are Democrats.
Is that a direct quote as quotation marks imply? Who said it? If you are just characterizing the positions you feel Democrats are taking...

How about...If we could,

-hold a former national leader accountable for his illegal and unethical actions,
-wane the influence of the mindless personality cult,
-allow for the majority vote to win the election,
-balance the power between the judicial and legislative branches,
-allow companies to regulate the manner in which their platforms are used,
-prevent segments of the population from being hindered in the excercising of their right to vote,
-hold elected officials accountbale for their illiegal actions,

...then we could save democracy...but those dad'gum Republicans keep getting in our way.

I don't agree with all the Democrats positions and policies, but I do believe they are good sincere people who deserve to be represented fairly in the public discourse.

Great. How about this for a fair representation of Kamala Harris. Though not a direct quote....this is the gist of her message

"I wasn't in charge of the border. But while I was in charge of the border, I accomplished so much. While we still have problems there, when I'm elected President, I'm going to fix what I already fixed successfully".
Is that a direct quote as quotation marks imply? Who said it? If you are just characterizing the positions you feel Democrats are taking...

How about...If we could,

-hold a former national leader accountable for his illegal and unethical actions,
-wane the influence of the mindless personality cult,
-allow for the majority vote to win the election,
-balance the power between the judicial and legislative branches,
-allow companies to regulate the manner in which their platforms are used,
-prevent segments of the population from being hindered in the excercising of their right to vote,
-hold elected officials accountbale for their illiegal actions,

...then we could save democracy...but those dad'gum Republicans keep getting in our way.

I don't agree with all the Democrats positions and policies, but I do believe they are good sincere people who deserve to be represented fairly in the public discourse.

LMAO, holy shit, you could not prove my point further.

For the majority of the vote to win the election”. ???

Just come out and say bend the rule of law set forth in our constitution to favor your party of choice. My God, I don’t even know why I respond to such baseless and biased responses. In fact, each of your points puts your hypocrisy on full display But thank you for proving my point.
LMAO, holy shit, you could not prove my point further.

For the majority of the vote to win the election”. ???

Just come out and say bend the rule of law set forth in our constitution to favor your party of choice. My God, I don’t even know why I respond to such baseless and biased responses. In fact, each of your points puts your hypocrisy on full display But thank you for proving my point.
You are not bending the law if you change the law...which one has a right to do in a democratic society.

The electoral college has changed drastically over the course of history. Would you prefer we enact it as implemented at the founding?

It did have its advantages. It emphasized the republic over the ignorant masses. Trump would have never been able to rise to power within the confines of the original electoral college.

You think we have a swamp think we need an outsider to shake things up...the electoral college as founded would leave us with a definite swamp of Oligarchs determing our Presidential elections...So it had to evolve and maybe we are the better for it, maybe we are not...but why villify a significant portion of our population who want it to evolve further and reflect a purely democratic process.
I do.

On both sides.

I also believe that I can walk through my town square and encounter lots of good people, and get this, some are Democrats.
I have friends and family who are both. Good people who are politicians though? Anyone who gets to a position of the much power... Trump, Biden, Pelosi, McCarthy, Schumer, Mcconnell etc etc. They are just different degrees of bad and worse
You are not bending the law if you change the law...which one has a right to do in a democratic society.

The electoral college has changed drastically over the course of history. Would you prefer we enact it as implemented at the founding?

It did have its advantages. It emphasized the republic over the ignorant masses. Trump would have never been able to rise to power within the confines of the original electoral college.

You think we have a swamp think we need an outsider to shake things up...the electoral college as founded would leave us with a definite swamp of Oligarchs determing our Presidential elections...So it had to evolve and maybe we are the better for it, maybe we are not...but why villify a significant portion of our population who want it to evolve further and reflect a purely democratic process.

I can’t debate with someone that doesn’t possess reading skills enough to discern what my quotation marks meant. Everything you said directly proved my post in that democrats simply want what they want, rule of law be damned.

Oh you want trump held accountable for hastily revised laws with such a narrow set of guidelines, they were written for one person in history but you’re perfectly fine with letting Hillary go even after destroying subpoena evidence, and letting Joe off the hook because of his age. It doesn’t stop there.

I could do this for each of your points but the reality is this, democrats as a whole possess no principles. You see they are for the rule of law when it applies to anyone opposing their point of

They are opposed to the electoral college when it is a challenge to THEIR candidate. If it were to help their candidate, they would hail it as a genius inclusion into our long and storied constitutional framework.

I could easily go on but let’s stop to keep this post at a manageable length. And yes the rep side does this to a degree too. For example, most reps are anti-abortion because they consider the baby an innocent soul, which it is but the same people are
Perfectly fine with bombing innocent babies, children and preg. mothers of hamas.

But the democrats flagrant and open use of lies to subjugate the entirety of the country is on such full display, only the dumbest of the dumb and weakest of the weak could possibly fall for it.
Is that a direct quote as quotation marks imply? Who said it? If you are just characterizing the positions you feel Democrats are taking...

How about...If we could,

-hold a former national leader accountable for his illegal and unethical actions,
-wane the influence of the mindless personality cult,
-allow for the majority vote to win the election,
-balance the power between the judicial and legislative branches,
-allow companies to regulate the manner in which their platforms are used,
-prevent segments of the population from being hindered in the excercising of their right to vote,
-hold elected officials accountbale for their illiegal actions,

...then we could save democracy...but those dad'gum Republicans keep getting in our way.

I don't agree with all the Democrats positions and policies, but I do believe they are good sincere people who deserve to be represented fairly in the public discourse.
Maybe but big government is not the answer for this country. We need big government just to leave us the hell alone.
Is that a direct quote as quotation marks imply? Who said it? If you are just characterizing the positions you feel Democrats are taking...

How about...If we could,

-hold a former national leader accountable for his illegal and unethical actions,
-wane the influence of the mindless personality cult,
-allow for the majority vote to win the election,
-balance the power between the judicial and legislative branches,
-allow companies to regulate the manner in which their platforms are used,
-prevent segments of the population from being hindered in the excercising of their right to vote,
-hold elected officials accountbale for their illiegal actions,

...then we could save democracy...but those dad'gum Republicans keep getting in our way.

I don't agree with all the Democrats positions and policies, but I do believe they are good sincere people who deserve to be represented fairly in the public discourse.
Wane the influence of the mindless cult? Does that mean ridding all of the MSM? They do not think on their own at all and only parrot what they are told. That is who that sounds like to me.

Majority vote? I guess you are not for checks and balances. Mob rule huh? That makes the open border make sense. Yeah save the Democracy by bending the rules.

The reason the balance is out of kilter between the judicial and legislative branches is because the legislative branch will not legislate. They want it to go to SCOTUS so they can avoid making difficult decisions and get reelected.
I agree is Biden and the Democrats would let the private companies run their business as they see fit.
Make sure everyone has an ID so they can vote. Makes sense to me.
Hold them accountable I agree. For their illegal actions. Especially the true nomads up ones.
“I don't agree with all the Democrats positions and policies, but I do believe they are good sincere people who deserve to be represented fairly in the public discourse.”

What does this mean? Are you saying they currently are not represented fairly?
You are not bending the law if you change the law...which one has a right to do in a democratic society.

The electoral college has changed drastically over the course of history. Would you prefer we enact it as implemented at the founding?

It did have its advantages. It emphasized the republic over the ignorant masses. Trump would have never been able to rise to power within the confines of the original electoral college.

You think we have a swamp think we need an outsider to shake things up...the electoral college as founded would leave us with a definite swamp of Oligarchs determing our Presidential elections...So it had to evolve and maybe we are the better for it, maybe we are not...but why villify a significant portion of our population who want it to evolve further and reflect a purely democratic process.
So you’re saying we should change the electoral college to make it easier for Dems to win?
Is that a direct quote as quotation marks imply? Who said it? If you are just characterizing the positions you feel Democrats are taking...

How about...If we could,

-hold a former national leader accountable for his illegal and unethical actions,
-wane the influence of the mindless personality cult,
-allow for the majority vote to win the election,
-balance the power between the judicial and legislative branches,
-allow companies to regulate the manner in which their platforms are used,
-prevent segments of the population from being hindered in the excercising of their right to vote,
-hold elected officials accountbale for their illiegal actions,

...then we could save democracy...but those dad'gum Republicans keep getting in our way.

I don't agree with all the Democrats positions and policies, but I do believe they are good sincere people who deserve to be represented fairly in the public discourse.

“-allow for the majority vote to win the election”…

You serious Clark?! Someone needs a History lesson on the importance of the Electoral College.

You are not bending the law if you change the law...which one has a right to do in a democratic society.

The electoral college has changed drastically over the course of history. Would you prefer we enact it as implemented at the founding?

It did have its advantages. It emphasized the republic over the ignorant masses. Trump would have never been able to rise to power within the confines of the original electoral college.

You think we have a swamp think we need an outsider to shake things up...the electoral college as founded would leave us with a definite swamp of Oligarchs determing our Presidential elections...So it had to evolve and maybe we are the better for it, maybe we are not...but why villify a significant portion of our population who want it to evolve further and reflect a purely democratic process.

“Vilify a significant portion of our population who want it to evolve further ….”

Right after saying…..

“It emphasized the republic over the ignorant masses”

LMAO. You sound like a cavalier, elitist, haughty prick. The disdain you have for others and their thoughts is shocking. I know you like to hear yourself talk and think you know what is best for everyone, preaching like a prideful phd college professor. You are what’s wrong with your party.
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Everything you said directly proved my post in that democrats simply want what they want, rule of law be damned.

Oh you want trump held accountable for hastily revised laws with such a narrow set of guidelines, they were written for one person in history but you’re perfectly fine with letting Hillary go even after destroying subpoena evidence, and letting Joe off the hook because of his age. It doesn’t stop there.

I could do this for each of your points but the reality is this, democrats as a whole possess no principles. You see they are for the rule of law when it applies to anyone opposing their point of

They are opposed to the electoral college when it is a challenge to THEIR candidate. If it were to help their candidate, they would hail it as a genius inclusion into our long and storied constitutional framework.

I could easily go on but let’s stop to keep this post at a manageable length. And yes the rep side does this to a degree too. For example, most reps are anti-abortion because they consider the baby an innocent soul, which it is but the same people are
Perfectly fine with bombing innocent babies, children and preg. mothers of hamas.

But the democrats flagrant and open use of lies to subjugate the entirety of the country is on such full display, only the dumbest of the dumb and weakest of the weak could possibly fall for it.
Somewhere, I hope Merrick Garland is reading this BS and laughing his ass off. The party of Mitch McConnell sitting here saying the democrats do whatever they want, rule of law be damned, is ADORABLE.
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Democracy for Demorats died a few weeks ago. They ran the freight train on Joe and y’all full well know it but for some odd reason y’all just can’t seem to figure that out. The Obama’s are evil people!!
Everytime I hear the word “Democracy. Decency, Dignity, and all those D’s out of a Dem leaders mouth I laugh, then want to puke!