? for any left leaning American

" I know you are but what am i" that's it? That's all the smartest guy in the room can come up with? LOL Priceless, and I know you'd be buying drinks..... Cause you wouldn't want me polishing my shoes on the seat of your pants ;)

He is one weird guy, he keeps files on ppls posts, he tells anyone he's the most highly educated guy here, yet he can't defense his positions without childish behavior......That said, I'm quilty too,,,,I enjoy pissing him off :D
Unbelievable. He's probably turning us all in to the Justice Dept. Waaaaaaah, they're over there making fun of the Progressive Ideology and they're using FACTS. Make them stop!
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Evolve is not a perfect word here but best I could do at the moment. Same concept I posted about earlier: living up to the standard we set, the very one you referred too, the promise we made as a country. We've been good about giving it lip service and, like evolutionary change, there have been spurts of progressing toward the ideal, all with huge resistance from the same forces we see today. People cling to the old paradigm, either because they are benifitting greatly from it or it fits some preconceived notion of a divine order (eg Manifest Destiny).
WTF? LOL do you even know what you said? Holy hell LMAO
He is stating truth which always trumps fabricated slogans and lies to change the paradigm.
Global warming-proven to be false and data cooked up!
Income disparity- well hell yes, If one works hard watches his spending will accumulate savings, one that does not work, but is provided by big brother will be a slave to the system.
Conservatives pollute the earth-BS we all live here on the same planet, If we were serious about cleaning up all the other rising nations would be held to the same standards as the US.
Just 3 off the top of my head and all liberal mantra that are created to destroy capitalism.
You're a big meany. If somebody started with nothing and applied himself, and worked long hours and showed some initiative, and got RICH, well that's just not fair. We need to seize that money as quickly as possible so we can buy votes with it. And global warming is REAL. Al Gore said so from his private jet.
All you are doing is quoting Fox News talking points. Probably because you can't form any thoughts of your own. riotch is at least providing factual info. Why I pointed out how stupid you look. Just because people don't agree with you doesn't mean you are right pal. This forum is not for political arguments. You've taken it too far and in the meantime embarrassed yourself. Grow up bud.

drewzer, how do you know he's quoting fox news and how do you know he is wrong. by the way, this chat has seen many ,many political discussions . don't know where you have been .
Evolve is not a perfect word here but best I could do at the moment. Same concept I posted about earlier: living up to the standard we set, the very one you referred too, the promise we made as a country. We've been good about giving it lip service and, like evolutionary change, there have been spurts of progressing toward the ideal, all with huge resistance from the same forces we see today. People cling to the old paradigm, either because they are benifitting greatly from it or it fits some preconceived notion of a divine order (eg Manifest Destiny).
What the hell does that even mean? If we follow the Constitution, everything else works out. When we deviate from it, that's when the problems start.
He is stating truth which always trumps fabricated slogans and lies to change the paradigm.
Global warming-proven to be false and data cooked up!
Income disparity- well hell yes, If one works hard watches his spending will accumulate savings, one that does not work, but is provided by big brother will be a slave to the system.
Conservatives pollute the earth-BS we all live here on the same planet, If we were serious about cleaning up all the other rising nations would be held to the same standards as the US.
Just 3 off the top of my head and all liberal mantra that are created to destroy capitalism.
Global warming, absolute fact from some of the most forefront scientists in the field. Actually irrefutable facts based of lots of real data. Your dead wrong there bud.
My only point in income disparity is that some are born with a leg up. Not going to knock hard work and dedication and actually this one subject I don't differ with you much on. My only point is that kids need our help in certain situations as they were born into those circumstances. When you still have the same problems at 25, hey it's on you.
Nobody said only conservatives were polluting the earth, but why would you be upset that Obama is actually doing something to help by making MPG in a vehicle better and emissions cut back? That I can't understand.
You are at least making sense with your dialogue. Sorry, Rolo is not. Hence why I repeat he is embarrassing himself.
drewzer, how do you know he's quoting fox news and how do you know he is wrong. by the way, this chat has seen many ,many political discussions . don't know where you have been .
As you can see been here since 06'. And usually they nuke these threads because of people like Rolo. I watch Fox News as I feelnits important to see both sides. Their perspective is clearly slanted to their agenda, which is fine if you totally believe in what they say, but to say all media networks are wrong and only one is correct is nonsense. Real life dictates that.
Wow. before you even broach climate change, can you tells us a little about your scientific background, specifically research and modeling? Second, if you really believe 'working hard and saving' will get most people beyond working poverty today you're either stupider than you sound, blisteringly naive, or have been in a coma for awhile. As for polluting the planet, you're right, we're all to blame. One group, however, is trying to do something about it ( see point one) and the other is willingly to parrot the 'intentional destruction of capitalism' nonsense favored by, among others, Big Energy.
Global warming, absolute fact from some of the most forefront scientists in the field. Actually irrefutable facts based of lots of real data. Your dead wrong there bud.
My only point in income disparity is that some are born with a leg up. Not going to knock hard work and dedication and actually this one subject I don't differ with you much on. My only point is that kids need our help in certain situations as they were born into those circumstances. When you still have the same problems at 25, hey it's on you.
Nobody said only conservatives were polluting the earth, but why would you be upset that Obama is actually doing something to help by making MPG in a vehicle better and emissions cut back? That I can't understand.
You are at least making sense with your dialogue. Sorry, Rolo is not. Hence why I repeat he is embarrassing himself.

Well there you go. Global warming is an absolute fact?? LMAO. What dupe. it hasn't warmed in 17+ yrs. go google the global warming, Climate change, global disruption bs and see if they've ever one been right about anything they've ever predicted...just once. Show me a report thats not for of "possible. could be. might be. if, etc. Its nothing but a HOAX designed by leftist to force their stupid agenda on others......while they fly around in private jets and live in mansions made from money they get from governments and stupid ppl that believe their the most impotant things on the planet.

The problem with you is, there is all kinds of evidence to show what liars and cheats these guys are, but you're either to lazy or too stupid to find and believe them.......Do you remember global cooling?? LOL
Do I need to dumb it down for you? Rhetorical question.

No not at all, the issue was it was too dumbed down in the first place...LOL You remind me of Michael Eric Dyson, that guy can talk for hours and never say anything the remotely sounds like a thought
Wow. before you even broach climate change, can you tells us a little about your scientific background, specifically research and modeling? Second, if you really believe 'working hard and saving' will get most people beyond working poverty today you're either stupider than you sound, blisteringly naive, or have been in a coma for awhile. As for polluting the planet, you're right, we're all to blame. One group, however, is trying to do something about it ( see point one) and the other is willingly to parrot the 'intentional destruction of capitalism' nonsense favored by, among others, Big Energy.

Modeling??? LMAO, that's the issue now isn't it. The models have never EVER, EVER got anything right, ZIP, ZERO, NADDA. Know why? Cause the data is imput buy lefitst moonbats who make their living off Gov Grants, and they had damn better come up with some scary shit inorder to make the dupes fall in line and give up more and more of their freedoms. This shit is so stupid on its fact I'm just amazed that anyone with a partial brain cell still buys it. After all the fraud that's been exposed with this guys, the Hockey stick BS, the emails, the stupid predictions......all along while these very moonbats fly around in private jets, drive SUVs live in Huge housed....and their minions bang away on the PC or Mac defending them while sitting in their AC basements .

If you honestly believe in this HOAX. You're just a dummy. I mean an no holds barred can't be this stupid with one head living in a fantasy world moronic imbecile
So....none. No background in research, no understanding of models, nothing. Gotcha.
Well there you go. Global warming is an absolute fact?? LMAO. What dupe. it hasn't warmed in 17+ yrs. go google the global warming, Climate change, global disruption bs and see if they've ever one been right about anything they've ever predicted...just once. Show me a report thats not for of "possible. could be. might be. if, etc. Its nothing but a HOAX designed by leftist to force their stupid agenda on others......while they fly around in private jets and live in mansions made from money they get from governments and stupid ppl that believe their the most impotant things on the planet.

The problem with you is, there is all kinds of evidence to show what liars and cheats these guys are, but you're either to lazy or too stupid to find and believe them.......Do you remember global cooling?? LOL
Fox talking points and exaggerated generalities. Once again, thank you for proving my point. Get your dictionary out for "exaggerated" and "generalities" though. Clearly you'll need it.
Fox talking points and exaggerated generalities. Once again, thank you for proving my point. Get your dictionary out for "exaggerated" and "generalities" though. Clearly you'll need it.
Truth hurts, I'm waiting on an example of any prediction that's come true, or any report ever without sone sort of qualifier? , but my guess is ur a snot nose not old enough to understand the hoax
Truth hurts, I'm waiting on an example of any prediction that's come true, or any report ever without sone sort of qualifier? , but my guess is ur a snot nose not old enough to understand the hoax
Good one.....hahaha.
Prediction of what specifically? Global Warming?
BTW. You are probably older, but that certainly doesn't mean you're smarter by any stretch.
Do I need to dumb it down for you? Rhetorical question.
You are to ignorant to determine the facts from your parties lies. It has been proven that the Global warming scare was fabricated to force more government controls on a society already bleeding from to much regulation. Now they tell me what type of light bulbs i am allowed to buy! By the way if you break the new bulbs you have mercury that is emitted into the air. Look at the recommended clean up after breaking one of these new bulbs> Yeah, sounds like real progress to me! You should really try reading non-fiction some time, you may learn something. You will really open up that narrow mind you are now using. Good luck with that.
You are to ignorant to determine the facts from your parties lies. It has been proven that the Global warming scare was fabricated to force more government controls on a society already bleeding from to much regulation. Now they tell me what type of light bulbs i am allowed to buy! By the way if you break the new bulbs you have mercury that is emitted into the air. Look at the recommended clean up after breaking one of these new bulbs> Yeah, sounds like real progress to me! You should really try reading non-fiction some time, you may learn something. You will really open up that narrow mind you are now using. Good luck with that.
You probably believe in Bigfoot too.....Wow.
I have a feeling that our right-wing friend is under the impression that the models involve putting in high and low temps, flipping a switch and getting a printout of a trend. In reality it takes years to even determine the proper inputs, their relationships, ad infinitum, and then to calibrate the model based on observable outcomes. Critics, those with an agenda especially, will look at the difference between predictions and observables as a failure; those like our friend here or, more to the point the deniers he prefers to listen to, will interpret this as proof of intentional deceit. Scientist see this as data for further calibration. As for situations for which output and observables were within the range of expected error (look it up), in 2013 large-scale drought and incidence of tropical cyclones come to mind. To make a long story slightly less long, those with a bone to pick are either ignorant of the process or confident that those who NEED to believe that all is well and we can just proceed as usual ( as God himself intends), are.
I have a feeling that our right-wing friend is under the impression that the models involve putting in high and low temps, flipping a switch and getting a printout of a trend. In reality it takes years to even determine the proper inputs, their relationships, ad infinitum, and then to calibrate the model based on observable outcomes. Critics, those with an agenda especially, will look at the difference between predictions and observables as a failure; those like our friend here or, more to the point the deniers he prefers to listen to, will interpret this as proof of intentional deceit. Scientist see this as data for further calibration. As for situations for which output and observables were within the range of expected error (look it up), in 2013 large-scale drought and incidence of tropical cyclones come to mind. To make a long story slightly less long, those with a bone to pick are either ignorant of the process or confident that those who NEED to believe that all is well and we can just proceed as usual ( as God himself intends), are.

Then why have the scientist admitted to skewing the data? I t was all another man made deli ma so big brother could swoop in and save the day after allocating billions of dollars and regulating business even further.
It is not hard to understand if you really are open minded to see the truth. Follow the trail of big Dollars, that is where you will find the truth (who stands to gain from this)? Also why do we now call it climate change?It is because the libs realized the majority of educated voters realize the sham that was presented to them.
Might want to spell check observable s above. Just one more thing you are wrong on.
Enjoy the rest of your day, I hope I have not bruised your fragile little ego.
Prediction of what specifically? Global Warming?
BTW. You are probably older, but that certainly doesn't mean you're smarter by any stretch.

Maybe, maybe not. But I'm much, much wiser...which only comes with age. ...
Clearly you arent. As I've proven many times today.

How have you proven anything? See that's what's wrong with you snot noses that grew up where everyone gets a trophy. You can't provide anything I challenged you to provide, I've given you links to the loony tune BS from these moonbats, and you've proven your point? LMAO.
I have a feeling that our right-wing friend is under the impression that the models involve putting in high and low temps, flipping a switch and getting a printout of a trend. In reality it takes years to even determine the proper inputs, their relationships, ad infinitum, and then to calibrate the model based on observable outcomes. Critics, those with an agenda especially, will look at the difference between predictions and observables as a failure; those like our friend here or, more to the point the deniers he prefers to listen to, will interpret this as proof of intentional deceit. Scientist see this as data for further calibration. As for situations for which output and observables were within the range of expected error (look it up), in 2013 large-scale drought and incidence of tropical cyclones come to mind. To make a long story slightly less long, those with a bone to pick are either ignorant of the process or confident that those who NEED to believe that all is well and we can just proceed as usual ( as God himself intends), are.

Yea never been any drought or cyclones until man started driving SUVs. Compelling BS er stuff there pal. You're problem is in your own post. The CALIBRATE the models with their on phony data....Like the Hockey stick for example....or the email where they discuss having to change the date cause they aren't getting the results they need. So I'll ask yet agaion, where are the results? predictions over and over never come true? Reports never absolute. Yet you still buy the BS.....Its more about controlling the dumbmasses , its not about science, its about politics, or maybe religion, but not science by any stretch
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Follow the money? Seriously, research grants versus Big Energy funding? Who looks to profit!!?

The climate change v, global warming meme: the change in commonly used phrase was a result of a couple of things. One was that as the models got more sophisticated it became clear that the affects were more complicated, with overall warming trends but corespondent and respondent cooling elsewhere, and the overall picture being an alteration of the planet's climate. And, an attempt to reduce (failed so far) the occurrence of knuckleheads saying there is no warming because it's snowing in East Bumble, Michigan.

The idea that dumping loads of carbon into the atmosphere would alter the climate is not new; one of the reasons we have an acceptable climate at all is because all that carbon was sequestered. Really old and accepted science. It only became a political issue when Big Energy realized that in the computer age the affects moving forward could be predicted to a level of accuracy that would convince naturally skeptical scientists (and all good scientists are huge skeptics; show me or don't waste my time). It's a similar situation in renewables; energy companies will to their last breath using any means necessary to convince the ignorant (not in the pejorative sense) that we can't function without fossil fuels.

Lastly, spelling?! Part of your argument is my spelling of one word? Ever rant on an iPhone?
Rolo, ever calibrated a sophisticated model? Ever calibrated a simple one? Built a model airplane even? Get back to me when you speak from at least a modicum of experience.
Oh, and Rolo, PREDICTIONS of droughts, etc; severity, duration, other polysyllabic words.
Follow the money? Seriously, research grants versus Big Energy funding? Who looks to profit!!?

The climate change v, global warming meme: the change in commonly used phrase was a result of a couple of things. One was that as the models got more sophisticated it became clear that the affects were more complicated, with overall warming trends but corespondent and respondent cooling elsewhere, and the overall picture being an alteration of the planet's climate. And, an attempt to reduce (failed so far) the occurrence of knuckleheads saying there is no warming because it's snowing in East Bumble, Michigan.

The idea that dumping loads of carbon into the atmosphere would alter the climate is not new; one of the reasons we have an acceptable climate at all is because all that carbon was sequestered. Really old and accepted science. It only became a political issue when Big Energy realized that in the computer age the affects moving forward could be predicted to a level of accuracy that would convince naturally skeptical scientists (and all good scientists are huge skeptics; show me or don't waste my time). It's a similar situation in renewables; energy companies will to their last breath using any means necessary to convince the ignorant (not in the pejorative sense) that we can't function without fossil fuels.

Lastly, spelling?! Part of your argument is my spelling of one word? Ever rant on an iPhone?
You seem so critical of the non-libs just continuing the banter. The wording was changed because the left needed a new angle to attack from, they were found out for what they are frauds selling snake oil.
66 I'd reply but I have no idea what that post means. Well, the last part was clear; paranoid and ignorant, but clear.
Rolo, ever calibrated a sophisticated model? Ever calibrated a simple one? Built a model airplane even? Get back to me when you speak from at least a modicum of experience.

Pal, its all BS. There is tons of evidence and REAL CLIMATE scientist who have been exposing this HOAX to the point where only the Gov paid quacks and moonbats like you buy it. Think about it. C02 is bad for us. As if the worlds temp has never changed before? I mean its mind numbingly STUPID. Its CHILDISH. Tell me something Mr Science, whats the optimun temp of the Earth? ...Have the Sea's risen? Oh that's right POSOTUS halted the risinging tides...LMAO @ U
Oh, and Rolo, PREDICTIONS of droughts, etc; severity, duration, other polysyllabic words.
Oh and yea, never been dought as sever until SUVs, Gotta save the world right? I bet you believe the California drought is because of Climate change huh?
66 I'd reply but I have no idea what that post means. Well, the last part was clear; paranoid and ignorant, but clear.

His post means, the moonbats need to keep changing the title, Global Cooling...OOPS... Global Warming....OOPS Climate Disruption....OOPS....Climate Change....YEA THAT'S THE ONE...cause the climate ALWAYS CHANGES yea we got it now boys YAAAAA HOOOO!! LOL
Crimeny. It's like talking to a toddler. Think about ( Google, ask your Dad, Phone a Friend) sources and sinks, about how much the atmosphere can handle from normal release and what happens when you add anthropogenic releases. Try this: drink a glass of water. Naturally occurring arsenic in water, right (trust me). Now add some more arsenic? Still thirsty?