? for any left leaning American

Crimeny. It's like talking to a toddler. Think about ( Google, ask your Dad, Phone a Friend) sources and sinks, about how much the atmosphere can handle from normal release and what happens when you add anthropogenic releases. Try this: drink a glass of water. Naturally occurring arsenic in water, right (trust me). Now add some more arsenic? Still thirsty?

Holy shit, so you think the planet is as fragile as the human body. Look, MAN CAN'T CHANGE THE CLIMATE, never has, never will. And you analogy is just dumb. Why is it and you keep failing to answer. That none of the predictions have ever come true? Why are all the reports you depend on vague? What's the optimun temp of the earth? Have the oceans risin? Have the ice caps melted. "You know if we only reduce our economic activity we will save the world, just let us decide whats good for everyone,,,we know best, we're your daddy"

Just stupid, takes a dummy to believe this BS when its all been PROVEN to be a HOAX.
Crimeny. It's like talking to a toddler. Think about ( Google, ask your Dad, Phone a Friend) sources and sinks, about how much the atmosphere can handle from normal release and what happens when you add anthropogenic releases. Try this: drink a glass of water. Naturally occurring arsenic in water, right (trust me). Now add some more arsenic? Still thirsty?
Just look at how the guy talks....Rhodes Scholar written all over him.
Just look at how the guy talks....Rhodes Scholar written all over him.

I've educted you more in a few pages than all the class time you're parents have wasted on you. You're dupe kid, a useful Idiot (look it up) You don't know what you don't know. You're a liberal, being a liberal means you're dumb. Think about it. Why is it, that every solution to this hoax is......Liberal rules and regulations, anti capitalist solutions? Why, have you ever even thought about that? Does it not stike you as strange? No it doesn't...Because you're a useful idiot (really, look it up)
Haha. Dude, one of the dumbest people I've dealt with on this site. You sir have no idea what you are talking about. I'm sure I'm much more successful then you at my "young" age. Don't be jealous boss. May be a liberal, but much more successful than you bro.
Haha. Dude, one of the dumbest people I've dealt with on this site. You sir have no idea what you are talking about. I'm sure I'm much more successful then you at my "young" age. Don't be jealous boss. May be a liberal, but much more successful than you bro.
I'm sure you are're still a useful idiot. I'd normaly say your ignorant, but the fact that you don't know how ignorant you are....makes you an idiot
I'm sure you are're still a useful idiot. I'd normaly say your ignorant, but the fact that you don't know how ignorant you are....makes you an idiot
Listen bud, you started making the personal attacks. It's very obvious this is all you have, arguing with people on something you know nothing about. Hydro consistently provided good information and you just kept coming back with the same arguements. You clearly have a 9th grade education as you speak like a Moron when you type. It makes me happy to know that you don't have an important job where people's well-beings are at risk. Go back to your crappy existence where you live in your bubble of half-truths, thinking you "won" or "proved" something today. Grow up bro. Sad that a younger person has to tell you to do that.
Listen bud, you started making the personal attacks. It's very obvious this is all you have, arguing with people on something you know nothing about. Hydro consistently provided good information and you just kept coming back with the same arguements. You clearly have a 9th grade education as you speak like a Moron when you type. It makes me happy to know that you don't have an important job where people's well-beings are at risk. Go back to your crappy existence where you live in your bubble of half-truths, thinking you "won" or "proved" something today. Grow up bro. Sad that a younger person has to tell you to do that.
Oh sure, cause you haven't made any right?. You know it all, Mr Successful right? Hey let me know when you can afford one of these and spend 18 years racing it all over the world..
The great thing about the new format, is how uber easy it is to ignore y'all's little slap fight
Prediction of what specifically? Global Warming?
BTW. You are probably older, but that certainly doesn't mean you're smarter by any stretch.
Y'all still pulling the global warming card? That's GD funny man. You realize you missed a memo somewhere? Your handlers prefer climate change now. It was once a mini ice age but I'm sure that it all fits into the agenda. Your best bet is to kill yourself before we all catch on fire.
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Oh sure, cause you haven't made any right?. You know it all, Mr Successful right? Hey let me know when you can afford one of these and spend 18 years racing it all over the world..

You weren't taking directly to me but I'll add..I certainly can afford your little gt. Archer's viper (I know it well) is faster...again you've missed the signs but your arrogance and ignorance shines through, even when boasting about your little gt
You weren't taking directly to me but I'll add..I certainly can afford your little gt. Archer's viper (I know it well) is faster...again you've missed the signs but your arrogance and ignorance shines through, even when boasting about your little gt

Its an R. But you knew that huh? So tell me how much one cost from the factory? How many motors come with it, how many sets of wheels? I'm guessing you can't get close. The Viper is faster.....but my guess is you don't know the fastest car doesn't always win, there are a number of factors. But needless to say, the Viper's aren't at the top of the heap
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I always enjoy the 'I have more money tha you' posts; always so on-topic and indicative of a small...sense of self worth.

Man will never impact the Earth's climate; okay, that's settled. The semi-literate race car guy says so.
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Its an R. But you knew that huh? So tell me how much one cost from the factory? How many motors come with it, how many sets of wheels? I'm guessing you can't get close. The Viper is faster.....but my guess is you don't know the fastest car doesn't always win, there are a number of factors. But needless to say, the Viper's aren't at the top of the heap

i've been through a few sets on Archers yellow and black viper myself....maybe I know the owner.... STFU.. think you know now.. have good urn dipshit.. .
I always enjoy the 'I have more money tha you' posts; always so on-topic and indicative of a small...sense of self worth.

Man will never impact the Earth's climate; okay, that's settled. The semi-literate race car guy says so.
So how much has the Earth warmed in the last 18 years or so?
18 years? Odd range but okay. If memory serves something like 0.15C per decade so, conservatively, something like 0.25C.
i've been through a few sets on Archers yellow and black viper myself....maybe I know the owner.... STFU.. think you know now.. have good urn dipshit.. .
Few sets of what? IDGAS about who u know, I asked what one cost, you know, since you know you can afford it. I know you can't drive one.
18 years? Odd range but okay. If memory serves something like 0.15C per decade so, conservatively, something like 0.25C.
No, I wouldn't think you'd have a clue, at least unlike Retech or whatever, you didn't try a lie about it.
Yea it must be, cause you can't seem to come up with an example LOL
And they won't. They talk about overwhelming evidence, but they ignore the fact that "their" scientists have been caught repeatedly in outright fraud, and that they didn't use proper scientific methods to arrive at their theory. It is incredibly presumptuous to assume that 90 years of burning fossil fuels would have a measurable effect on the environment or the climate. This planet has been through a lot more over the millions of years that it's been here, and it's still in one piece. The climate screamers also cannot explain previous dramatic climate events, like the Little Ice Age, which lasted for several hundred years, and was a contributing factor in the Plague, the Hundred Years War, and the American Revolution. There are so many governing factors, and the use of fossil fuel is one very small and insignificant part. How about solar activity? Axis wobble? You name it. Global Warming / Climate Change is nothing more than a wealth transfer scheme, with people like Al Gore standing in line to skim off the top. The small number of scientists involved should be ashamed.
You can show them all the facts in the world proving your argument but they will never open their eyes to the truth. They are blinded by their party beliefs and the other side is hellbent on destroying the earth.
Some of the biggest abusers are the left such as al gore,pelosi, obama, to name a few hypocrites.
If it were about reducing pollution the rest of the world would have the same standards! We apply the rules to ourselves but the rising nations are exempt from these rules, BS! It is all about slowing or killing capitalism.
The biggest abusers are getting wealthy on this scheme gore, pelosi, obama, (will not capitalize these names),that is what i mean by follow the money hydro.
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You can show them all the facts in the world proving your argument but they will never open their eyes to the truth. They are blinded by their party beliefs and the other side is hellbent on destroying the earth.
Some of the biggest abusgovern the ers are the left such as al gore,pelosi, obama, to name a few hypocrites.
If it were about reducing pollution the rest of the world would have the same standards! We apply the rules to ourselves but the rising nations are exempt from these rules, BS! It is all about slowing or killing capitalism.
The biggest abusers are getting wealthy on this scheme gore, pelosi, obama, (will not capitalize these names),that is what i mean by follow the money hydro.
Yup. Gore and his cronies were well on their way to setting up a commodity exchange to govern the trade of carbon credits. It doesn't have anything to do with global temperature. Its all about MONEY. The biggest abusers of carbon emmissions are China and India and they're both still building coal fired electric plants. And while we're on the subject of electricity, what are we left with? Oil? Nope. Coal fired? Oh absolutely not. Nuclear? THREE MILE ISLAND!!!!! Hysteria!!! Wind? To quote Hillary, "Not in my back yard", and what about the birds? So we've got solar. now provides about .80% of our electricity. Can the chat run on candle power? On literally every subject, they create a problem, and then set about demanding expensive and unworkable "solutions".
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Yup. Gore and his cronies were well on their way to setting up a commodity exchange to govern the trade of carbon credits. It doesn't have anything to do with global temperature. Its all about MONEY. The biggest abusers of carbon emmissions are China and India and they're both still building coal fired electric plants. And while we're on the subject of electricity, what are we left with? Oil? Nope. Coal fired? Oh absolutely not. Nuclear? THREE MILE ISLAND!!!!! Hysteria!!! Wind? To quote Hillary, "Not in my back yard", and what about the birds? So we've got solar. now provides about .80% of our electricity. Can the chat run on candle power? On literally every subject, they create a problem, and then set about demanding expensive and unworkable excuses.
Bingo! Right on target.
Huh? Do you listen to yourself?

My guess is he does, unlike you who only listen to your overseers. I mean honestly, if you buy this BS hoax, pla you have some real issues, You hear about the nut jobs boat getting stuck in the ice in the Artic while they were on a missin to prove the ice was melting? You can't make this shit up.
Huh? Do you listen to yourself?

I do. Have you noticed what a great negotiator your president is? He does wonders for enemies of the US.Putin must think negotiating with obama is like playing chess with a pigeon
He knocks all the pieces over, shits all over the board and then struts around like he won the game!
You just keep making statements with cliche's and non-facts. I guess if "my" president is our current one then "your" president Mr. W is unilaterally seen as one of the 5 worst Presidents all-time by historians.
You just keep making statements with cliche's and non-facts. I guess if "my" president is our current one then "your" president Mr. W is unilaterally seen as one of the 5 worst Presidents all-time by historians.
LOL yea and POSOTUS and Jimma Carter are the bottom two. Did you see POSOTUS call rich successfull ppl "lottery winners" He really believes thta, because he's a lazy POS and can't imagine what it take to be successfull
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You just keep making statements with cliche's and non-facts. I guess if "my" president is our current one then "your" president Mr. W is unilaterally seen as one of the 5 worst Presidents all-time by historians.
Cliche? Can you not see the facts or do you choose to ignore them. You have been given numerous facts in this any other threads and choose to ignore. Mr. Bush was far from Mr. Reagan, but he did not sell out the US. I thought Bush (W) was far to liberal in some of his policies and fiscally he was big government which hurt us and obama put that spending into turbo. Bush did a great job of protecting our country from Muslim terrorist, and they knew he would back his claims to bring them to justice or Allah. The world no longer fears the might of the US, we have become weak, just like the military under Carter.Do you see a pattern here?
LOL yea and POSOTUS and Jimma Carter are the bottom two. Did you see POSOTUS call rich successfull ppl "lottery winners" He really believes thta, because he's a lazy POS and can't imagine what it take to be successfull
They (rich ) did not build that company or that successful business, remember big government made the roads,bridges, etc. to make that possible. Arrogant is just beginning to describe this POSOTUS.
I guess he considers himself and most other politicians as hard working, honest folk who earned the wealth they stole from others (the lottery winners).
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Huh? Do you listen to yourself?
Do you? All we ask is that the country is operated under the auspices of the US Constitution. What it lays out works EVERY SINGLE TIME. Unfortunately, it also splits up the power of government, to prevent a dictatorship or monarchy, for obvious reasons. But when power is divided, there's no way to control the unwashed masses and build our little utopia. Thus, the Progressives must undertake to CHANGE and destroy the Constitution. After all, it was written so long ago, it can't possibly have any meaning today, can it?

What does it feel like to have everything you believe in be wrong?
Do you? All we ask is that the country is operated under the auspices of the US Constitution. What it lays out works EVERY SINGLE TIME. Unfortunately, it also splits up the power of government, to prevent a dictatorship or monarchy, for obvious reasons. But when power is divided, there's no way to control the unwashed masses and build our little utopia. Thus, the Progressives must undertake to CHANGE and destroy the Constitution. After all, it was written so long ago, it can't possibly have any meaning today, can it?

What does it feel like to have everything you believe in be wrong?
"Bless his little bleeding heart" he really cares! He is just always on the losing end of a debate.
"Bless his little bleeding heart" he really cares! He is just always on the losing end of a debate.
Every single time. War on Poverty and the Great Society? 40 Trillion dollars later and the situation has gotten worse. Global Warming? LOL, what a scam that has turned out to be. All the Kumbayah and Can't we get along foreign policy? That's worked out GREAT. Everything they do is rotted from the inside out. As I said before, their policies create a problem. Then they set about "fixing" it, always with MY money. Then it gets worse, followed by more money, lather, rinse, repeat. Progressivism is a disease.
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Every single time. War on Poverty and the Great Society? 40 Trillion dollars later and the situation has gotten worse. Global Warming? LOL, what a scam that has turned out to be. All the Kumbayah and Can't we get along foreign policy? That's worked out GREAT. Everything they do is rotted from the outside out. As I said before, their policies create a problem. Then they set about "fixing" it, always with MY money. Then it gets worse, followed by more money, lather, rinse, repeat. Progressivism is a disease.
Spot on! Education is another big one, kids are graduating that can not read, but more of our money will fix that as well. I love seeing Educator car tags on BMW's and the like. Always wanted to reply to the" If you can read this thank a teacher", what if your student can't read that sticker?

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