Crimeny. It's like talking to a toddler. Think about ( Google, ask your Dad, Phone a Friend) sources and sinks, about how much the atmosphere can handle from normal release and what happens when you add anthropogenic releases. Try this: drink a glass of water. Naturally occurring arsenic in water, right (trust me). Now add some more arsenic? Still thirsty?
Holy shit, so you think the planet is as fragile as the human body. Look, MAN CAN'T CHANGE THE CLIMATE, never has, never will. And you analogy is just dumb. Why is it and you keep failing to answer. That none of the predictions have ever come true? Why are all the reports you depend on vague? What's the optimun temp of the earth? Have the oceans risin? Have the ice caps melted. "You know if we only reduce our economic activity we will save the world, just let us decide whats good for everyone,,,we know best, we're your daddy"
Just stupid, takes a dummy to believe this BS when its all been PROVEN to be a HOAX.