and the WH? If he's nominated HRC wins in a landslide. I don't know if Trump would win a single state.
Any citizen in this country with a job would be light years better off with Cruz as president.The only reason that Trump exists as a political entity is because of Obamas gross incompetence. He won't even enforce the law of the land and secure our borders. Without have no country. He is not the ideal candidate, but the GOP has a problem with RINO's in the party that aren't much better than the democrats right now. Cruz would be my choice.
hillary is an incompetent,lying two faced sleazy bitch that eats her own kind.and the WH? If he's nominated HRC wins in a landslide. I don't know if Trump would win a single state.
according to who, obama's propaganda machine? There are so many people that have lost their jobs and could not find another the federal government does not include them in the unemployed category, that would show the true size of unemployment. You are insane to believe all the downplaying of economic, national security and lack of good jobs lost in 2008+ since obama's platform destroyed the job market.Obama's economy has produced almost 9 millions jobs with record 5% unemployment and record low gas prices.
Obama's economy has produced almost 9 millions jobs with record 5% unemployment and record low gas prices.[/QUOTE
SHONUFF Are u seriously saying BO has had anything to do with the low gas prices? Why do we have the highest number on welfare and food stamps in history and the lowest labor participation % since the 1970s? Why are wages down since Obama has become pres. Could it be that many of the jobs created are part time?
The only reason that Trump exists as a political entity is because of Obamas gross incompetence. He won't even enforce the law of the land and secure our borders. Without have no country. He is not the ideal candidate, but the GOP has a problem with RINO's in the party that aren't much better than the democrats right now. Cruz would be my choice but would vote Trump if he is the nominee.
and the WH? If he's nominated HRC wins in a landslide. I don't know if Trump would win a single state.
Obamas worst nightmare is low gas prices; He has done everything in his power to fight the oil producers in this country. It goes against his green power initiative that he promotes. The ingenuity of the business world in the USA has thwarted his efforts. This is why Obama hates capitalism.Obama's economy has produced almost 9 millions jobs with record 5% unemployment and record low gas prices.
It's just that people are frustrated that Obama appears to do things to support an ideology and not for the overall benefit of all it's citizens. example: How is bringing in 10,000 Syrians going to benefit the citizens of the US. Why not pump the brakes on that stuff and not make a decision that will kill us later. They have no legal right to be in this country. Japan refused to accept refugees because their leadership said that they wanted to improve the quality of life for it's citizens first. Where's our leadership???Why is Obama to blame for everything with you guys? If someone gets cancer, it's Obama's fault. You're actually blaming Obama for Trump's buffoonery? Trump was a douche long before anyone even knew who Obama was. Trump is to blame for Trump, and the idiots who continue to support him. Can imagine how embarrassing on a worldwide scale Trump would be? The bastard would likely end up causing WWIII, and we would be instituting polices Hitler would deem appropriate.
Obamas worst nightmare is low gas prices; He has done everything in his power to fight the oil producers in this country. It goes against his green power initiative that he promotes. The ingenuity of the business world in the USA has thwarted his efforts. This is why Obama hates capitalism.
It's just that people are frustrated that Obama appears to do things to support an ideology and not for the overall benefit of all it's citizens. example: How is bringing in 10,000 Syrians going to benefit the citizens of the US. Why not pump the brakes on that stuff and not make a decision that will kill us later. They have no legal right to be in this country. Japan refused to accept refugees because their leadership said that they wanted to improve the quality of life for it's citizens first. Where's our leadership???
I still hear Obama or other libs blaming Bush almost as a weekly occurrence btw
"9M jobs", you are as dumb as a stump to make that statement; and gas prices are higher today than the day BHO took office. You are a democrat's wet dream,Shonuff.Obama's economy has produced almost 9 millions jobs with record 5% unemployment and record low gas prices.
A vote for Trump is not a vote for Trump, it's a vote against the Rupublican party and those idiots don't get it. What have they done to stop the dems and Obama since they were voted in...absolutely nothing.
There is no political difference between dems and repubs. They just want you to think there is a difference. They work their people. Repubs work their people. Then they both get what they both want.... More control and power.
People are tired of it, so they vote for Trump. The anti establishment guy! But Trump is for Trump. We are screwed either way.