If you want to be educated about Fulton County Justice...


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 3, 2019
Young thug trial.

This thing is utterly embarrassing. The judge is affable but seems clueless and takes 3 hours to do 15 minutes worth of substance. The Fanny Willis prosecutors seem to have no clue what they are doing, they have a street punk on the stand this last week who can't remember how many digits he has on his hand. Clearly they are trying to put his answers on the record so that they then can play the numerous police videos they have of him, in which he has admitted that he just lied to the cops to go home and can't remember what he might have said. He can't remember shit and the prosecutors have no clue how to handle it so it goes on and on. The prosecutor slips into screet lingo from time to time to try and get the witness to line up with her questions. Brian Steele is a very fine lawyer but he has not been at this best as I think he is frustrated with this nonsense that he comes across as somewhat shrill which is not like him. He is top notch.

This trial has been estimated to go on for years. Can you imagine being on the jury, or do you wonder what kind of person ended up on this jury?